Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 14:44:58 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] RSJ CDWriter v4.01 Update From: Henk Pol and (Timo Maier) New version-update of RSJ v4.01 English: German: French: New to version 4.01 ------------------- Version 4.01 is merely a bug fix release; check the change history on our web site for a full list. The most important fixes are: * Fixed hard error popup when cdboot is started in PM mode (drive x: is not ready...) * Added CD Cover and freedb commands to all of CD View's context menus * CD View's audio parameter dialog and related commands were renamed to "CD View options"; new are two controls to optionally send track numbers and times to CD Cover Print * CD View and CopyWizard now support writing speeds up to 40x * CD View used to "forget" user-edited track titles when a CD was copied in DAO mode. This was fixed; however, recorders do not return a correct TOC after a DAO copy if the CD is not ejected and re-read. So after a DAO copy operation, the CD is ejected and re-read to obtain a correct TOC -- With kind OS/2 regards, Henk ... Friends don't let friends use Windows ... ----------------------------------------------------------- Henk Pol UIN: 7060117 ----------------------------------------------------------- -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to