Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:29:39 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] eCS Fixtool 1.09.0 and other additions From: eCS Fixtool 1.09.0 has been uploaded to the eComStation software download database. In addition to fixing some problems, it provides a means for upgrading an eCS GA system to the equivalent of the IBM Convenience Package 2. Note that the fixtool is now packaged in 3 files, containing the fixtool executables, ecsutil containing the utilities used by the fixtool, and containing the files used to apply the updates from Serenity Systems. Please read the ecsupdt.txt file for full details. Some highlights are: 1. Supports the installation of IBM Convenience Package Fixpack 2. 2. Provides for updating of IBM Peer to the 8605 level using the UP08605 updates. 3. Provides install support for TCP/IP 4.3. 4. The larger updates, Fixpack 2 and the Peer update, are separated into multiple files to facilitate downloading. 5. Allows the application of Java updates to a running system and substantially reduces the size of the backup file. 6. Updates the IBM supplied E.EXE to prevent writing of an eof character ('1a'x) when saving a file. 7. Modifies, if necessary, Netscape parameters to prevent display of binary files in the browser. 8. Dialog Manager support is now dynamic and the dlgc001?.zip files are no longer required. 9. Includes a version of unzip.exe that handles zip files compressed with the "shrink" method. 10. Backs up any file to be patched and retains the original timestamp on any patched file. 11 Tests for and uses R/W LAN drives for work space, if appropriate. -- Chuck McKinnis IBM Senior Systems Engineer (retired) -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to