Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 07:54:45 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] Updates to the Notebook/2 Site From: "drmartinusde" I want to inform you about recent updates to the Notebook/2 site. I have to catch up with a lot of various input I received over the past months, but it has become increasingly difficult. I'll redesign the submission form in a short while to get better and more useful info. There is an increasing number of people asking for help regarding hardware replacement or Windows. I don't understand that, since the site seems to me very clear in its content and limitations. Anyway, here is what I did: I uploaded info on the IBM Thinkpad R30, a Pentium III 1000 MHz machine. It runs with eCS, but there is no sound support. With this page, I try a new layout, and the programming technique has changed. Check it out and let me know your feelings about it. I uploaded info on the Dell Inspiron 4100, a Pentium III 1000 MHz machine. It has the same problems like the Thinkpad R30, but better video support. I uploaded an extensive installation guide for the IBM Thinkpad 560X. It's available through the list of installation guides or from the IBM Thinkpad 560Z page. I notice that we need something like SDD for audio chipsets. It seems to become increasingly difficult to get sound support on the recent machines. Earlier, i.e. before SDD, it was the opposite. Is there anyone who can create such an universal driver, which would support at least rudimentary functions? It doesn't need to be able to support games. Cheers! -- --------------------------------------------- Dr. Martinus The Notebook/2 site at -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to