Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 06:52:31 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] JCalc 0.20 - simple calculator for Java From: "Luc Van Bogaert" Hi, My JCalc calculator version 0.20 for Java is freely available for download at : It works quite well, but as this is one of my first attempts to create something usefull with Java (or any other programming language for that matter) don't expect too much of it ;-) JCalc requires Java 1.3 Regards, -- Luc Van Bogaert -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to