Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 10:46:13 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: New software releases (sort of) From: I have several mostly completed programming projects that simply won't be released this year due to scheduling and health problems, so I'm going to do something unusual. Now available on Mikes Notebook are some short descriptions of projects, along with links to the source code. If you want to hack around with them, they're yours. I'll answer questions on a 'time available' basis via email. With the exception of W3F, these projects aren't particularly complex - I would classify them as 'quick hacks'. I'm releasing them because I suspect they could be useful to others. 1) The W3F HTML/PHP/MySQL file archive system. I had originally planned to release this project as open source freeware when I completed it, but when I posted a message in the php newsgroup, no one was interested. There's one major function (area delete) unwritten, and a few messed up links in the menu structure, but it works pretty well. (You can see it on catherders). It's not documented. 2)Thumbkin - The image catalog thumbnailer. This is mainly a rexx front end for "Montage", available from hobbes. If you take a look at the photo galleries on catherders, you'll see what it does. This needs to be documented, and it could probably stand to have a user interface... 3) Treesync is a high-speed directory tree synchronizer. I originally wrote it because I move my project files (80K+ files) from my laptop to my desktop and back again on a weekly basis. Prerequisites to using it are: Access to a MySQL server, RexxSQL, and RexxBos. This needs to be documented, and it should be more extensively tested than I have given it to date. Mikes Notebook is located at Mike- ------------------------------------------------------------------- My web page is at Because network administration is like herding cats. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to the amazing (and disgusting) amount of unsolicited email (spam) we have been receiving, site-wide email filters have been installed at Exact details of how this has been configured will not be disclosed (I don't want the darned spammers to figure workarounds), but I will say that mail from .tw and .kr domains is bounced without exception. If this makes PacRim folks unhappy, get those open relays fixed, folks! -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to