Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 07:43:12 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: New WarpVisionGUI From: (Timo Maier) WarpVision GUI This program is a GUI for WarpVision created by Alex Strelnikov. It is not a "launcher" for WarpVision CLI, but includes latest WV CLI features In future, these separate projects will be combined into one Features. - plays video media formats: mpeg1/2,avi, asf - audio codecs support (pcm, mp3, ac3) - HWENDIVE support (color in YUV422) - autodetecting color scheme (not always works correctly) - fullscreen/windowed mode - aspect ratio on/off in windowed mode - skin support - playlist support - plays last played file (from stop place) Changelog: 11.06.2002 + save/load playlist in WinAmp format 10.06.2002 + show time remains when double click on counter/clock 08.06.2002 + added HWVIDEO support ATTENTION!!! if you has no HWVIDEO installed, or do not know, what is it - do not turn it on 06.06.2002 ! hot keys in Movie window now compatible with WarpVision CLI + added Sync Correction - changed behavior of Esc button + now you can add your favorite file extentions + playlist save column width * Esc button just switch from Fullscreen and nothing more ??? Program URL: Direct d/l: -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to