Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 11:55:24 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] Mag: July VOICE Newsletter delayed From: Do to one of our editors moving, the July VOICE Newsletter will be a few days late this month. We hope to have this issue online by Friday July 5th. When its out the issue will contain the following feature articles: - The Editors of VOICE speak out: OS/2's Dysfunctional Development Environment, By: The Editors - BackAgain/2000 Server Edition version 3.0 - A Review, Part 3, By: Walter Metcalf - Keeping Up With the Gates Part 3 - WarpVision and WVGUI -- OS/2 Video for a New Generation, By: Don Eitner - ARtem ComCard wireless network card, By: Darrell Spice, Jr. - Mozilla for OS/2 1.0, By: Mark Dodel - Tools in the harddisk sector - Part 3, By: Eric Baerwaldt At this time we can also use some articles for the August issue as well, so if you have any interest in writing an OS/2-eComStation related product review, editorial or how-to article, now would be a great time. Articles can be in English or German. One article we are currently looking for at the moment is a review of the Canadian Payroll Calculator for OS/2 by Lorne Sunley . Writing articles for the VOICE Newsletter or other OS/2 magazines/sites is a great way to help the OS/2 user community. Guidelines for Submitting Articles to the VOICE Newsletter can be found at or in German at Please send your articles to Mark -- --------------------------------------------------------- From the Desk of: Mark Dodel, Editor, VOICE Newsletter For a VOICE in the future of OS/2 please check out --------------------------------------------------------- -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to