Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2002 22:05:07 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: ZTreeBold Beta v1.94a Now Available! From: "Steven Levine" Hi, Kim Henkel asked me to pass this along... A new beta of ZTreeBold - v1.94a - is now available! Finally ZTreeBold has been brought up to date with the multitude of enhancements that have gone into ZTreeWin over the past 10 months! I am hoping to avoid such a lag in updates in future, but you can rest assured that as long as there are ZTreeBold users like yourself out there that rely on the product, I am committed to supporting it. There are a LOT of changes here this time. I would strongly suggest you start by reviewing the WHATSNEW.TXT file. One of the most significant improvements here is the support of more than 80 columns. Try Alt-F7 in a windowed session, and you'll never go back ;-) You will undoubtedly stumble upon references to Windows-specific items that don't apply here. I will of course be looking to rectify these before the next full release. Here's just some of the enhancements in v1.94a: ----------------------------------------------- Added - /AUTO - use current console size Added - /B command line option to disable Beeps Added - /COLS:MAX - start with window set to maximum width Added - /COLS:nn[:nn:nn] - Supported toggles for Alt-F8 screen width Added - /MAX - command line switch - maximize window om startup Added - /NOMAX - command line switch - prevent Alt-F7 zoom video Added - /ROWS:MAX - start with window set to maximum height Added - /ROWS:nn[:nn:nn] - Supported toggles for Alt-F9 screen height Added - Alt-Attribute - DW - F4 Apply to logged subdirectories (y/n) Added - Alt-F10 - CO-1S - Swap Log and Ctrl-Log key assignments Added - Alt-F10 - CO-1S Refresh directory when file window opened Added - Alt-F10 - CO-2A/2B - AUTO setting for current console size Added - Alt-F10 - CO-2E - Kilobytes displayed as multiples of (1000/1024) Added - Alt-F10 - CO-2R - Access to empty file windows Added - Alt-F10 - CO-3L - F3 in File window retains cursor position Added - Alt-F10 - CO-5D - Display archive list output (View/Alt-View/Autoview) Added - Alt-F10 - CO-5U - File Compare - Ignore 2 second timestamp difference Added - Alt-F10 - CO-5V - File Compare - Ignore 1 hour timestamp difference Added - Alt-F10 - Support for space key to toggle current option Added - Alt-F12 - Instant replay of last used F12 macro Added - Alt-F5 (with stored paths) - Ctrl-Enter - open FW of tagged files only Added - Alt-F5 - F12/Alt-F12 support Added - Alt-F5 - Spell Search to archive directory Added - Alt-F7 - Video mode zoom to maximize window size Added - Alt-F8 - Video mode increase column width (by 20 cols) Added - Alt-Release-Disk - Shift+drive to release multiple drives Added - Alt-Sort - nuMber - sort by numeric value, ignoring any leading 0s Added - Alt-Tag (FW) - UP = 'U', DOWN = 'D' Added - Available Disk Space - [N]ext media option for switching removable media Added - Batch parameters - %j1 - %j8 in F8 split mode relate to other pane's current file Added - Batch parameters - %ja %jd %js - relate to other pane's current file Added - Ctrl-Copy/Move - Tab Change case of each target file Added - Ctrl-F12 - Toggle logging all keystrokes to ZSAVE.ZTM Added - Ctrl-F5 - defaults first matching archiver if extension supplied Added - Ctrl-file functions- replaced 'All' with file count in menus Added - Delete directory - Confirmation for RO/S/H when CO-2I not set Added - Directory stats - display directory Files count when > 25 lines Added - DW - Alt-Home to reset height of Small FW (for Scrolling highlight bar only) Added - DW - Alt-Up/Down to change height of Small FW (for Scrolling highlight bar only) Added - DW - Double click in left border of branch to collapse (F6) Added - F11 Bookmark history - Support for Del key Added - F12 - support for NUM5 key Added - F12 - support for keys SH_NUM1 - SH_NUM9 Added - F2 select directory - F11 Bookmark history list selection Added - F2 select directory - Spell Search functionality (both modes) Added - F2 select directory - Treespec support Added - F7 Autoview - Alt-Left/Right to change width of view window Added - F7 AutoView - Alt-F7/F8/F9 video mode commands Added - F9 Menu - #ZTSET prompt now supports environment variable substitution Added - FW - Backspace - switches to FW of parent directory (if permitted) Added - File window - Ctrl-F3 - auto-refresh file list Added - Filespec - support for <> and inverted forms (-=, -> etc) for date and size specs Added - Filter indicator (-) to top-left corner to indicate a filespec is in effect Added - Global FW - F3/Alt-F3 support (refreshes drive of current file) Added - History lists - F3 to write in-memory command history back to ZTBOLD.HST Added - History window - +/| to append current item to input field Added - sHortcut - warning when replacing existing file Added - Log - Volumes (Command history) - * Log all tagged drives Added - Make Directory - support multi-level directory creation (eg. dir1\dir2\dir3) Added - New Date - F4 (ALL) option to set all timestamps to same value Added - Print/Directory functions - included available drive space Added - Print/Gather - allow creation of non-existent target paths for new file Added - Rename - provide confirmation prompt according to Alt-F10 CO 2L Added - Rename directory - confirmation prompt when configured by Alt-F10 CO-4D Added - Rename Find & Replace operators: N,E,B,X,I,C,U,L,W & | to chain rules Added - Replace existing file - Alt-JFC command support Added - Stats - Display Name Length value Added - Stats - Display information for /MAX setting Added - Target directory input - TAB paths - toggle between default paths Added - Treespec - Ctrl-Up/Down to scroll directory tree Added - View - Alt-F7/F8/F9 video mode commands Added - View - Alt-menu added for Alt-Edit and Alt-F3 Added - View - Charset option made sticky between sessions Added - View - Ctrl-F12 to start/stop macro recording Added - View - F12 macro access Added - View - HEX Edit - Display current byte in hex, oem, ascii, decimal Added - eXecute - Tab key defaults current filename Added - eXecute - support PATHEXT environment variable for executable types Added - ZCOLOR.INI - STATS: - set attribute of Matching/Tagged file labels Change- /KBR now *enables* keystroke logging to ZKEYS.LOG Change- Alt-Batch - now creates ZTMPnnn\ZTB_ABAT.BAT to support !! Change- Alt-Copy/Move - normal file window - support for Full/Relative/Current Change- Alt-F10 - Options G - Video mode now supports rows x cols Change- Alt-F10 - Page layout completely revised Change- Alt-Graft - Allow new target directory to be created for graft Change- Alt-JFC - calls JFC command as specified in CO-1F Change- Alt-KByte - Added Interactive menu to select options including new Count display Change- Alt-KByte - Changed suffix symbols - see F1 help (available now from Alt-K) Change- Alt-Mirror - process branches collapsed by F5/F6 Change- Clipboard - prevent Ctrl-C/Shift-Ins from copying empty line to clipboard Change- Ctrl-F4/B/S/G - tag indicator moved to top-left corner Change- Ctrl-F12 - flushes ZSAVE.ZTM upon start Change- DW - '+' on logged directory relogs (loses tags) Change- DW - Backspace - jump to parent directory and finally root Change- Delete - Display file attributes/timestamp etc on menu Change- Display 4 character file extensions when wide enough Change- F2 Browse - now maintains 'current' directory per drive Change- F2 function renamed 'Browse' Change- F8 split - (120+ cols) retain time display in 1 column mode Change- Log/Ctrl-Log - menus now more descriptive of function Change- Stats - Distinguish File Statistics in Global mode Change- Stats window - Global file view - hide slack space Change- View - Alt-F3 Auto-reload replaces Ctrl-F3 Change- View - Ctrl-F3 replaces Alt-F3 for Auto-Reload ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please visit: to download your copy. This version should be installed over v1.80 (or later). For anyone not yet at v1.80, please upgrade to v1.80 first. See: ------ Your input is important! If you have opinions about current or possible future functionality, I encourage you to start a discussion on the ZTree User Forum. While this is predominantly frequented by ZTreeWin users, for platform-neutral developments, your opinions are of great value! Please visit: ------ * "FREE UPGRADES forever" was a bold plan, but becoming a costly business decision. If you feel you gotten your money's worth already, please consider a making a 'donation' - it would be very much appreciated, and help guarantee the longevity of this project ;-) ------ -- Sincerely, Kim Henkel //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Kim G. Henkel Email: // ZEDTEK, Inc. www: // Florida, USA. // PGP Public Key: ZTreeWin v1.49 now available // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- End of forwarded message ----------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to