Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 07:22:26 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: Astrolog 1.0 From: "Klaus Staedtler" Magnus Olsson (known for e.g. warpcalc) has released Astrolog 1.0 Astrolog is a classic when it comes to astrology software, not only is it 100 percent open source software, but it is also the most complete, and most flexible astrology calculation program ever made freely available. Thanks to the original author Walter D. Pullen Astrolog is already available on multiple platforms, including DOS, Windows, Mac and Unix. The fact that Astrolog is open source software has also made this independent port to OS/2 possible. Sent via online news formular. -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to