Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 15:45:13 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: Bootable 2.12 From: Hajo Baan has released Bootable 2.12 a script to creata bootable Partitions/cd's ... New v2.12 (20/10/2002) * Added NETBIOS and NETBIOS over TCP/IP protocol support (NETBIOS and NETBIOSTCPIP, disabled by default); Note: Only the protocols themselves are supported, PEER functionality, for instance, is not provided. * Added option to clean-out cdrecord image directory (pointed to by WRITERDRIVE) prior to adding bootable files and directories (CDRECORDCLEANDIR, disabled by default); * Added option to support latest IBM Atapi driver which doesn't need IBMIDECD.FLT anymore (LATESTATAPI, disabled by default); * Made many changes to TCP/IP support: o Added ARP.EXE by default, o Added INETWAIT.EXE to the TCP/IP initialisation, o Corrected TCP/IP initialisation when using DHCP, o Now using AFLEAN.SYS and SOCKETS.SYS instead of AFINETK.SYS and SOCKETSK.SYS, o AFOS2.SYS has been removed (was not required for basic TCP/IP), o Improved DHCP support; nameserver can now also be specified by the server dynamically (requires RAMDISK support on a bootAble CD), o DHCP Client Monitor gets added when DHCP is enabled (WPS), o Improved TCP/IP version 4.31 support; the 4.31 DHCP client required some additional DLLs, these will now be added when TCP/IP 4.31 is specified (TCPIP431, default). * Additional DEVICE drivers can now be specified similar to how extra BASEDEV drivers were specified (EXTRADEVICE, EXTRADEVICEFILE.n, EXTRADEVICEOPTIONS.n). * You can now specify multi-level directory structures without having to create the higher level directories first (EXTRADIRECTORY.n), you can now also specify the BOOKSHELF as path (EXTRADIRECTORYADDTOPATH.n); * You can now comment-out lines in the configuration files and ini-file template with ';' as well; * Corrected bug with ASPI support; * Options of CDROM and ASPI support are now respected; * Added sample configuration file for adding EMX runtime (bootAble.emxrt, contributed by Christoph Brendes) * Improved parsing of ini-file templates: using '$$' as variable and '%%' as option delimeters, furthermore all configuration variables and options can now be used; * Removed second setting of displaytype and help-path when WPS support was enabled; * Rewrote installation instructions and merged with obtaining required files section. Url: From: Klaus Staedtler ( Submitted with the form on -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to