Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:11:03 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: JAlbum 2.5 From: "Klaus Staedtler" JAlbum 2.5 has been released JAlbum is a tool to help you getting your photos on the web JAlbum runs on all major operating systems (Windows, Unix, Linux and Mac OS X). On the JAlbum download page you will find installers for your operating system. JAlbum is a 100% Java program and requires the Java Runtime 1.3 to be installed. Release history 2002-10-24 2.5 News: * FTP upload support Added with \"smart upload\" that attempts to only upload changed files. Although this is not the central task of JAlbum, I\'ve added it for convenience Bug fixes: * Printing all variables with a <%= current %> expression within a skin caused an infinite recursive loop * Didn\'t match a skin with it\'s available styles upon loading of a project (introduced in 2.4.1) 2002-10-23 2.4.1 News: * Skins can now contain layout hints if they are intended to be used with a certain image size etc. Layout hints is simply a subset of a JAlbum project file named hints.jap which resides in a skin directory Bug fix: * All EXIF variables were stored as String objects even if another object type would have been more suitable (e.g. Boolean for camera flash setting or Float for aperture value) 2002-10-22 2.4 News: * Simplified scripting of skins with JSP/ASP like <% scriptlet syntax %>, and implicit objects (out, album, application etc) * Even more web-friendly: Does a better job avoiding creation of absolute links (file://C:...) even if original images point to other locations in the file system than the output directory * Tries to skip erronous image files and resume operation instead of halting. Will display an error log in case of errors * New ja:include element to allow simple page inclusion * New ja:ignore element to pass scriptlets to JSP/ASP engines for processing * Improved ja:if element allowing arbitrary expressions to be tested * Style sheet files are now parsed in the same manner as template files * Added new variables \"isoEquivalent\", \"currentRows\", and \"indexImageCount\" * Two new skins, \"Colorful\" and \"Bluepro\" added There are also a number of cool new features that are simply implemented as scripts inside the \"standard\" skin. To have these features on other skins, just copy and paste the scriptlets inside the standard skin: * JAlbum now adds image comments from external text files carrying the same base name as the image files themselves (unless an embedded comment is already found) * Users can now pick desired background and text colors of an album by simply selecting the AskUser.css skin * Put a or file in the image directory and it\'s contents will be included on the index page(s) Bug fixes: * Would stop with an \"ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException\" for images containing an empty EXIF block * Minor fixes to skins Known bugs: * Line numbers are not always reported correctly for scripting errors Sent via online news formular. -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to