Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 18:17:19 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: New WVGUI From: (Timo Maier) PLEASE! Remove VIDEO2.INI first! 05.12.2002 * mp3 audio seek fix 02.12.2002 * sometimes sound dissappears after pause. possible fixed :) * WMA2 decoding moved to native 22.11.2002 * Movie window is not closing when loop enabled * Movie window is not changing size, when loop or movie window enabled 07.11.2002 + new hotkeys for movie window: Q/A - Sync correction +/- Warp Overlay only hotkeys: W/S - Hardware brigtness (Pressed with control will reset to default) E/D - Hardware contrast (Pressed with control will reset to default) T/G - Hardware saturation (Pressed with control will reset to default) Y/H - Hardware hue (Pressed with control will reset to default) 06.11.2002 + single copy running: when wv already running, second wv just exit if second wv have file name as parametr, wv pass it to first copy, which start play it immideately * memory leaks * trap, when media without sound plays after media with sound + postprocess (seems doesnt works, but eats cpu :) ) * WV engine changes: - always latest libavcodec :) - avi sync fix - mpeg2 3DNow -> MMXEXT for motion compensation - WMA 1/2 native audio decoding (ffmpeg) - increase A/V threads stack - audio playback & codecs fixes - sync fixes Program URL: -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to