Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:20:40 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] IBM explains the recent withdraw of Warp4/WSeB From: On 10 December 2002, IBM United States Announcement Letter 902-274 announced the withdrawal from marketing on both Passport Advantage and Software Choice of selected IBM OS/2 Warp 4 and OS/2 Warp Server for e-business shrinkwrap part numbers. This withdrawal was made possible by the recent removal of the 10 point minimum initial purchase criteria for Passport Advantage subscriptions, enabling single and low volume orders by business partners and individual customers. This announcement also withdraws obsolete OS/2 part numbers for OS/2 Warp 4 for which End Of Service expired on 31 January 2001. IBM OS/2 Warp 4 and OS/2 Warp Server for e-business with Software Maintenance will continue to be available through Passport Advantage. New Passport Advantage customers should register online at and can use the following table to help select the appropriate OS/2 Warp 4 and/or OS/2 Warp Server for e-business license(s) and product media package(s) that also include the Convenience Package CD ROMs and the Software Choice features CD ROMs. OS/2 Warp V4: New OS/2 Warp V4 License. Choose either 1 year or 2 year license plus Software Maintenance D5C4JLL OS/2 WARP INSTALL LIC/SW MAINT 1 ANNIV D5C4KLL OS/2 WARP INSTALL LIC/SW MAINT 2 ANNIV Current OS/2 Warp V4 License Holder. Select 1 year Software Maintenance after License. D5C4NLL OS/2 WARP INSTALL SW MAINT AFT LIC 1 ANNIV OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business: New OS/2 Warp Server for e-business License. Choose either 1 year or 2 year license plus Software Maintenance for the server and 1 year or 2 year license plus Software Maintenance for each user connected to the server. D5C4TLL OS/2 WARP SERVER FOR EBUSINESS SVR LIC/SW MAINT 1 ANNIV D5C4ULL OS/2 WARP SERVER FOR EBUSINESS SVR LIC/SW MAINT 2 ANNIV D5C52LL OS/2 WARP SERVER FOR EBUSINESS USER LIC/SW MAINT 1 ANNIV D5C53LL OS/2 WARP SERVER FOR EBUSINESS USER LIC/SW MAINT 2 ANNIV Current OS/2 Warp V4 License Holder. Select 1 year Software Maintenance after License for the server and for each user connected to the server. D5C4XLL OS/2 WARP SERVER FOR EBUSINESS SVR SW MAINT AFT LIC 1 ANNIV D5C55LL OS/2 WARP SERVER FOR EBUSINESS USER SW MAINT AFT LIC 1 ANNIV Once you purchase the Software Maintenance either as part of a new license or after license you should also purchase the appropriate media package. You may find the following table useful in selecting the desired language product media package. OS/2 Warp V4 OS/2 Warp Server for e-business Passport Advantage Media Package by Language Passport Advantage Media Package by Language Language Part Number Language Part Number English 84H6327 English 31L1723 German BC81HDE German BC6V9DE French BC8YKFR French BC6V9FR Italian BC8WQIT Italian BC6V9IT Spanish BC8GHES Spanish BC6V9ES Brazilian Portuguese BC005BP Brazilian Portuguese BC6V9BP Japanese 25L9165 Japanese BC6V9JA Traditional Chinese BC620TC Traditional Chinese BC6V9TC Simplified Chinese BC005SC Simplified Chinese BC6V9SC Dutch BC8FANL Dutch BC6V9NL Danish BC83GDA Danish BC6V9DA Finnish BC8YHFI Finnish BC6V9FI Norwegian BC8YPNO Norwegian BC6V9NO Swedish BC8YSSV Swedish BC6V9SV -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to