Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 07:04:06 -0500 From: madodel at Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: Java Version 1.4.1_01 From: tam at (Timo Maier) OS/2 Kit for Java The InnoTek OS/2 Platform Enablement Kit for Sun Java 2 Standard Edition Version 1.4.1_01 ("OS/2 Kit for Java") is a software package designed to address the needs of enterprises still running the IBM OS/2 platform while requiring access to the latest Java technology from Sun Microsystems. The OS/2 Kit for Java consists of an integrated toolset to allow deploying the original Sun Java 2 Standard Edition, Runtime Environment 1.4.1_01 or the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.4.1_01 on the OS/2 platform. This also includes future versions of the Sun Java platfrom, once supported by the OS/2 Kit for Java. InnoTek licenses the OS/2 Kit for Java both to individual end users and enterprises. The OS/2 Kit for Java includes licensed material from Sun Microsystems which is licensed to the end user under the conditions of the original Sun licensing agreement. InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java therefore is a distribution of the original Sun Java Standard Edition combined with InnoTek components to enable the use of the latest Java technology on the OS/2 platform. The license fee for enterprise customers is charged only for the InnoTek components - the original Sun Java distribution is provided free of charge. InnoTek OS/2 Kit for Java is available for free personal use. Personal use requires an individual download and installation. Commercial or enterprise use requires a per seat license from InnoTek. Also, support is not available for the free personal license. For licensing inquiries, please contact InnoTek at java at Note: InnoTek currently does not accept single orders for quantities smaller than 500 licenses. InnoTek provides comprehensive support offerings for its OS/2 Kit for Java. Apart from free online support which is provided on a best effort basis, enterprise class support options are available. InnoTek enterprise support provides the following services to corporate users: * Defect support InnoTek guarantees identical behavior of the OS/2 Kit for Java compared to the original Windows Java environment. If a customer encounters a problem which cannot reproduced on a Windows system, InnoTek will provide a solution which may either involve a code fix or a workaround for an OS/2 platform problem. * Competitive Performance InnoTek guarantees excellent performance for your Java applications when using the OS/2 Kit for Java. Unless limited due to an OS/2 architecture or implementation deficiency, InnoTek delivers performance comparable to the original Windows environment. * Technology Updates As part of the standard product support, InnoTek provides updates to the latest Java technology as it becomes available from Sun Microsystems in a timely manner. As a rule of thumb, InnoTek aims at providing an updated OS/2 Kit for Java no later than 20 working days after a new Java platform release by Sun Microsystem. Upon customer request, InnoTek also provides OS/2 Kit for Java releases for beta or prerelease versions of the Sun Java platform so customers can evaluate tommorow's Java technology from the very beginning. * Deployment Service InnoTek provides support for deploying the OS/2 Kit for Java in your corporate OS/2 environment. The base product provides support for unattended installation using the CID mechanisms. For specific environments, InnoTek will provide custom installation methods. For free support on a best effort basis by the InnoTek end user community, please refer to the InnoTek Online Support Forums. For more information on InnoTek enterprise support options for the OS/2 Kit for Java, please contact InnoTek at java at Program URL: JRE: SDK: -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to submit at Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to feedback at