Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2004 15:25:45 -0500 From: "Mark Dodel" Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: CDRWSel updated V2.13.1! This is a MIME encapsulated message. --===_3FF48249_== Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit From: "r.dodin" Hello, *Description* CDRWSel is a GUI to RSJ command line mode command. It allow you to use nice options only available as command line. Most interresting is to attach more than one drive simultaneously. Use it if you have one to n drives, it also allow you to change RSJ daemon parameters (door lock, test mode, data format.. without reboot) I've just put new build from 01/01/2004 on hobbes. _*NEW with CDRWSEL V2.13.1 *_ a/ Program path name accept any valid path name 'with or without blanks' until it isn't used for temp files.(temp files are under set tmp=...) b/ "V1 Window", once a device is selected, remains selected until you decide to change the drive (wasn't the case before !) c/ All *.bmp files are no more needed. Bmps are taken from the DLL now d/ If "Error" occurs at attach, icon changes immediatly + message and returns immediatly to free after answering the message. It is faster and a new selection can be done quickly. e/ You can add up to 6 paths or CD-Rom with tracks (Vpaths option) and they are selectable from "View". New Icon was added for HD or CD-ROM tracks. f/ trkcopy allow you to do a full copy of tracks to a different location. * Datas * Audio * Audio DAO (with speed selection 1x to 12x) * Video g/ If trk2iso is installed, call it with MRB (V1 window) when on a CD_view path h/ You can call PM cdboot from MRB (V1 Window) when CD is attached i/ "Window" and "J-Window" support limited drag and drop color (Status & Finalize have same color). "Bar" doesn't support drag and drop color but background, A and V buttons have same color as under any other window. j/ If config.sys isn't found at cdrwsel start, a message is now displaied instead of a scrash. k/ Eject function for CD-rom available under popup window l/ To find the correct compiled level, check under "view ini" option. Regards, Remy -- Warpstock 2003 - San Francisco, California, October 18-19 See the video and presentations: [Moderator's note: Because of the incredible increase in SPAM lately I will now endeavor to add DESPAM to email addresses in all posts to the News list. Yes I know that the ReplyTo and From addresses are not modified. This action is to protect email addresses that will appear in HTML pages. If you wish to send a response to someone listed in the post be sure to remove the "DESPAM" from any email address in the body of the post.] --===_3FF48249_==-- -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to submit at Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to feedback at