Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 15:35:16 -0300 From: madodel at Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: RexxMail -- new management? ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eComStation News Service ++ From: "Marcus de Geus" [RexxMail is an object-oriented WPS e-mail client, written in REXX, which uses the standard WPS user interface. It features an extensive range of functions and options with full command-line access.] Guys, I am sorry to have to announce that I shall be ceasing development of my OS/2-eCS programs, including RexxMail. After a dozen years of stalwart service, the time has come for my OS/2-eCS work environment to make way for a next generation operating system. Having played with an iBook for the last couple of months, I have decided that the Apple platform now offers a viable alternative to the WPS, for my purposes at least. I shall therefore be making the transition from OS/2-eCS to the Apple platform sometime in the future. However, since it will probably take me some time to migrate all my stuff, I may be using my present work platform for a while yet. So, for those of you using RexxMail or any of my other REXX apps, the message is: DON'T PANIC! Sounds familiar, eh? Seriously though, there is no reason to lose your cool. I will still be offering support for some time to come, and your questions will still be answered, or at least receive a reply. As soon as I can find the time, I intend to wrap up my RexxMail code and development environment into a ZIP archive for someone else to take over. The RexxMail code consists of (a lot of) plain text files containing the component REXX routines/procedures for the RexxMail program, the REXX code for the installation program, the plain text sources for the Reference Guide and Tutorial, and HTML web site templates. There is also a full set of icons and related graphics files as well as some external binaries. The development environment includes REXX programs for updating, checking and "compiling" the main program and installation program code into single CMD files, for updating and compiling the Reference Guide and Tutorial INF documentation files, and for creating a ZIPped distribution file as well as the HTTP code for an updated set of RexxMail web pages. All the REXX code is fully documented (line by line) and designed to be easy to read, so anyone with a modicum of REXX knowledge should be able to get things up and running in a minimum of time. Instructions will be included. If anyone would like to volunteer for the job, please apply to me at my normal at ddress, see below. If I receive no response to this call for new management, I will post the ZIP archive to Hobbes so anybody interested can download it for their own use. Before then I hope to release a final (by me, anyway) version of RexxMail with a few bug fixes that should see RexxMail users through until someone else picks up where I left off -- or not, as the case may be. The relevant announcements will be posted through this channel, as always. I would like to thank all of you who took the time to download and try my programs, and perhaps even use them on a regular basis, and in particular those of you who went to the trouble of sending me bug reports and requests for features, even words of thanks and praise. It's been great fun! Last but not least, thanks to the efforts of the OS/2 and eCS development community, I will always be able to boast that in my twenty years of working on PCs I never used a Microsoft Windows system! Best regards, Marcus de Geus -- marcusDESPAM at -- Warpstock 2005 - Hershey, Pennsylvania, Oct. 6-9 Warpstock Europe 2005 - Dresden, Germany, Nov. 18-20 [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it.] -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news at here end Or, visit If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to submit at or go to . Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to feedback at