Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 07:11:37 +1030 From: Paul Smedley Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: PM123 version 1.31_RC1 Has Been Released From: Sander Nyman<2sanderDESPAM at> PM123 version 1.31 Release Candidate 1 has been released, and is available at: PM123 is an excellent open source PM based digital audio player for OS/2. It plays MP3s, WAV-files and audio CDs. PM123 supports skins, audio streaming, plugins, visualization and more! Originally developed by Samuel Audet, it is being maintained by Dmitry Steklenev. You can find more information on PM123 here: New since version 1.30: - Improved some remote control commands. - Selected files now can be removed from the playlist and deleted from disk. - Fixed addition of the new playlist to the current playlist. - The information about supported types of files delivered by the decoders is used now by PM123. - All open/save dialogs have correct list of file types. - File names with multiple dots (e.g. "") are now included in the open/save file dialog list. - PM123 PDK is included to main program distribution. - PM123's manual is converted to OS/2 native format. - Help system is implemented. - PM123 accepts directory as commandline parameter. - Player window now can be moved by left click-dragging. - Integrated last source codes of the Generalised Bitmap Module. - The playlist manager now remembers the font and colors dropped on it from the font and color palette. - It's now possible to stop use of the playlist after beginning it's use. - Duplicate items will not be added to the lists of recent files. - Playing of a file does not stop if this file is removed from the playlist and the player is not in a mode of use of this playlist. - The playlist window doesn't close when using alt-f4 to close the ID3 tag editor. - The name of the loaded playlist file is displayed in the title of the playlist window. - Added ID3 tag charset conversion. CDDAPLAY: - The FreeDB online search now can be turned off. - GUI is not freezed while getting the servers-list. - If the CD disk is not found in the FreeDB, this negative hit is cached up at restart of the program. - Settings of the module do not resetting as a result of reinstallation of the program. ANALYZER: - Fixed the minimal value of update frequency and percent of spectrum display. Zero values caused crash of the program. - The spectrum analyzer uses new FFT library and works more accurately. - Added the new display mode with thick bars and using a logarithmic scale of frequencies. MPG123: - The MP3 decoder does not stop at playing some broken files. REALEQ: - New presets are used immediately after loading an equalizer from a file. - If the "zero" has been pressed then the current preset will not be loaded after restart of the program. Regards, Sander Nyman -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news at here end Or, visit If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to submit at or go to . Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to feedback at