Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 06:25:49 +0930 From: Paul Smedley Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: Press release about TWAIN USB scanner support on eComStation/OS/2 From: Roderick Klein Solution Technologies, Boca Raton, Florida, United States Mensys B.V. , Haarlem, The Netherlands Paul Smedley, Greenwith, South Australia Solution Technology, Mensys B.V. and Paul Smedley have come to an agreement to work together to provide a solution for legacy OS/2/eComStation applications that use a TWAIN interface to control a flatbed scanner. TWAIN provides a standard interface that applications can use to control a scanner. All scanners currently supported on the OS/2/eComStation platform that have a driver with a TWAIN interface are legacy scanners with a SCSI interface. The result is that applications that ship with a TWAIN interface are not very useful anymore because modern scanners are not supported. Solution Technologies has provided the source code of its OS/2 TWAIN DDK so an interface can be built between SANE and TWAIN. The result will be that applications that access a flatbed scanner via a TWAIN interface will be able to utilize USB scanners with the aid of the open source scanner driver SANE ( Kent Swan from Solution Technology: "This agreement enables Solution Technology to keep supporting its corporate OS/2/eComStation customers with up to date scanner support. The OS/2 kernel provides very good multi tasking and stability, the reason why some our customers prefer to run our scanner solutions on OS/2/eComStation. In conjunction with this agreement and the development Serenity Systems is doing for the eComStation we can provide our customers with a solution to keep their critical business processes going." Paul Smedley from Australia and other developers have over the years been maintaining a port of the open source scanner driver SANE on the OS/2/eComStation platform. When a beta release is ready for release of the TWAIN<->SANE interface it will be included with all SANE builds for OS/2. Custom applications and well known eComStation/OS/2 applications like PMVIEW, Embelish, Star Office for OS/2 etc will be able to use SANE supported USB scanners. Future versions of eComStation will ship with this package and also the TAME software (a program to use in conjunction with SANE). For corporate customers requiring support for their applications, please contact Solution Technology. -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news at here end Or, visit If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to submit at or go to . Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to feedback at