Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2006 07:03:07 -0400 From: madodel Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 Base - Ported to OS/2 ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: Chris Graham It gives me great pleasure to announce that I have been reasonably sucessful in getting IBM's WebSphere Application Server V5 to run under OS/2. It is still a work in progress, but at this point in time I have managed to get the server and administration console up and running. I've not tried too much else. I am asking for knowledgeable (ie those of you who already have a good understanding of Java in general and WAS in particular) interested people to contact me if they are interested in helping with this effort. -Chris - chrisgDESPAM at Here is the proof: ************ Start Display Current Environment ************ WebSphere Platform 5.0 [BASE 5.0.0 s0245.03] running with process name main\main\server1 and process id 299 Host Operating System is OS/2, version 20.45 Java version = J2RE 1.3.1 IBM build co131-20041210 (JIT enabled: jitc), Java Compiler = jitc, Java VM name = Classic VM was.install.root = D:\WebSphere\AppServer user.install.root = D:\WebSphere\AppServer Java Home = D:\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre ws.ext.dirs = D:\WebSphere\AppServer\java/lib;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/classes;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/classes;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/lib;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/ext;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/web/help;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/deploytool/itp/plugins/ Classpath = D:\WebSphere\AppServer/properties;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/properties;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/bootstrap.jar;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/j2ee.jar;D:\WebSphere\AppServer/lib/lmproxy.jar Java Library path = D:\WEBSPHERE\APPSERVER\JAVA\JRE\BIN\CLASSIC\..\..\bin;.;D:\Check;D:\Z;;C:\SVA\DLL\AGENT;C:\NETSCAPE\PROGRAM;C:\IBMLAN\NETLIB;C:\MUGLIB\DLL;.;C:\OS2\DLL;C:\IBMGSK50\LIB;C:\IBMGSK40\LIB;C:\IBMGSK\LIB;C:\MPTN\DLL;C:\TCPIP\DLL;C:\IBMCOM\DLL;C:\OS2\MDOS;C:\;C:\OS2\APPS\DLL;C:\JAVA11\DLL;C:\MMOS2\DLL;C:\IBMINST;C:\GU20;C:\OS2STUFF;C:\INETMAIL;C:\FASTBACK\DLL;C:\NETFIN;C:\WarpIn;; ************* End Display Current Environment ************* [3/08/06 21:57:36:220 EST] 9723972 ManagerAdmin I TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is *=all=enabled. [3/08/06 21:57:40:175 EST] 9723972 AdminInitiali A ADMN0015I: AdminService initialized [3/08/06 21:57:52:431 EST] 9723972 Configuration A SECJ0215I: Successfully set JAAS login provider configuration class to [3/08/06 21:57:52:660 EST] 9723972 SecurityDM I SECJ0231I: The Security component's FFDC Diagnostic Module registered successfully: true. [3/08/06 21:57:55:642 EST] 9723972 SecurityCompo I SECJ0309I: Java 2 Security is disabled. [3/08/06 21:57:55:732 EST] 9723972 SecurityCompo I SECJ0212I: WCCM JAAS configuration information successfully pushed to login provider class. [3/08/06 21:57:56:133 EST] 9723972 SecurityCompo I SECJ0240I: Security service initialization completed successfully [3/08/06 21:57:56:175 EST] 9723972 JMSRegistrati A MSGS0601I: WebSphere Embedded Messaging has not been installed [3/08/06 21:58:04:263 EST] 9723972 PmiRmArmWrapp I PMRM0001I: ARM implementation is: none [3/08/06 21:58:17:115 EST] 9723972 JMXSoapAdapte A ADMC0013I: SOAP connector available at port 8880 [3/08/06 21:58:17:207 EST] 9723972 SecurityCompo I SECJ0243I: Security service started successfully [3/08/06 21:58:17:232 EST] 9723972 SecurityCompo I SECJ0210I: Security enabled false [3/08/06 21:58:22:133 EST] 9723972 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default Datasource as DefaultDatasource [3/08/06 21:58:22:650 EST] 9723972 ResourceMgrIm I WSVR0049I: Binding Default_CF as eis/DefaultDatasource_CMP [3/08/06 21:58:26:099 EST] 9723972 CacheServiceI I DYNA0048I: WebSphere Dynamic Cache initialized successfully. [3/08/06 21:58:37:869 EST] 9723972 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: Admin Console [3/08/06 21:58:40:506 EST] 9723972 WebContainer A SRVE0161I: IBM WebSphere Application Server - Web Container. Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2002 [3/08/06 21:58:40:668 EST] 9723972 WebContainer A SRVE0162I: Servlet Specification Level: 2.3 [3/08/06 21:58:40:679 EST] 9723972 WebContainer A SRVE0163I: Supported JSP Specification Level: 1.2 [3/08/06 21:58:41:406 EST] 9723972 WebContainer A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: adminconsole. [3/08/06 21:58:43:177 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: JSP 1.2 Processor: init [3/08/06 21:58:44:265 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: SimpleFileServlet: init [3/08/06 21:58:44:418 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: InvokerServlet: init [3/08/06 21:58:44:590 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: validator: init [3/08/06 21:58:48:189 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: EventInitializer: init [3/08/06 21:58:48:840 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: action: init [3/08/06 21:59:10:847 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: action: Tiles definition factory loaded [3/08/06 21:59:10:931 EST] 9723972 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: SecureCleanup: init [3/08/06 21:59:12:191 EST] 9723972 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: Admin Console [3/08/06 21:59:12:925 EST] 9723972 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport http is listening on port 9,080. [3/08/06 21:59:19:316 EST] 9723972 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport https is listening on port 9,443. [3/08/06 21:59:19:351 EST] 9723972 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport http is listening on port 9,090. [3/08/06 21:59:24:465 EST] 9723972 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport https is listening on port 9,043. [3/08/06 21:59:25:935 EST] 9723972 RMIConnectorC A ADMC0026I: RMI Connector available at port 2809 [3/08/06 21:59:28:543 EST] 9723972 WsServer A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business [3/08/06 22:02:12:158 EST] 2e7af966 OSEListenerDi E PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web group / has not been defined [3/08/06 22:02:30:437 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O String Matcher Table: [3/08/06 22:02:30:439 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O ==================================== [3/08/06 22:02:30:439 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O /status --> StatusServlet [3/08/06 22:02:30:439 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O /secure/downloadFile/* --> downloadFile [3/08/06 22:02:30:441 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O /addNodeListener --> AddNodeListener [3/08/06 22:02:30:441 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O *.jsw --> JSP 1.2 Processor [3/08/06 22:02:30:441 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O *.jsv --> JSP 1.2 Processor [3/08/06 22:02:30:443 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O /servlet/* --> InvokerServlet [3/08/06 22:02:30:445 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O *.do --> action [3/08/06 22:02:30:445 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O *.jsp --> JSP 1.2 Processor [3/08/06 22:02:30:445 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O /removeNodeListener --> RemoveNodeListener [3/08/06 22:02:30:447 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O /AppInstallStatusServlet --> AppInstallStatusServlet [3/08/06 22:02:30:447 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O /securecleanup --> SecureCleanup [3/08/06 22:02:30:447 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O / --> SimpleFileServlet [3/08/06 22:02:30:449 EST] 2e7af966 SystemOut O [3/08/06 22:02:38:996 EST] 2e7af966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/logon.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:04:00:777 EST] 2e7af966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/browser_detection.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:07:13:699 EST] 2e7af966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/console.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:07:38:636 EST] 4cf07967 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/navigator.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:07:52:978 EST] 2f9ff966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/banner.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:08:49:556 EST] 21cbf96a WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/status.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:08:49:556 EST] 2e7af966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/content.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:09:11:980 EST] 2f9ff966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/tiles/banner.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:09:11:982 EST] 4cf07967 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/navigatorLayout.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:09:13:242 EST] 1117f969 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/homePageLayout.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:09:16:336 EST] 1112f969 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/statusTrayLayout.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:11:02:541 EST] 2e7af966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/content_accessibility.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:11:02:543 EST] 4cfd7967 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/menuBarLayout.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:13:03:353 EST] 1117f969 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/twoColumnLayout.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:13:20:256 EST] 2e7af966 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: /secure/layouts/slotLayout.jsp: init [3/08/06 22:13:20:256 EST] 1112f969 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: / init [3/08/06 22:13:25:906 EST] 1117f969 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [adminconsole] [/admin] [Servlet.LOG]: / init :-)))))))))))) -- Warpstock 2006 - Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 12-15th, Warpstock Europe - Cologne, Germany, Nov. 17-19th, [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it.] -- To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news at here end Or, visit If you have an announcement you would like posted to the VOICE News list, please send it to submit at or go to . Please include a valid reply address and a real contact name. If you wish to comment on this post, please reply to feedback at