Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 22:43:22 +0200 From: VOICE News Service From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] General: admin: Test of new News system ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: madodelDESPAM at The VOICE News list is now part of the OS/2-eComStation News System. This project has been in development for years. Though I will be a moderator of the new system, I have not been involved in developing it. That honor goes to Christian Hennecke. Inter-operation with the VOICE News List was worked on by Joachim Benjamins and Roderick Klein of Mensys. is a community service that is used by several OS/2-eComStation sites including , The Dresden OS/2 User Group and HCC eCS Hopefully soon the VOICE web site will begin to be updated automatically with news from this system. Also several other web sites will soon start using the news system as well as joining in moderation of the system. This is a big advantage to this system so that it doesn't rely on one or two people to get announcements out. I am told that to submit news to the system you can continue to use the submit at address or enter it in the web form at The news submission form on the VOICE web site does not work and will be replaced or directed to the form. The Subject will continue to be prefixed by [VOICENWS] A change you will notice is that posts on the VOICE News List will now be From:sysadmin at and Reply-to should be fixed back to feedback at If you are replying to a post you will have to manually add the original poster so they get a copy.