Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 01:52:28 +0100 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: eCo Software applications, utilities and drivers [2010/01] ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: egDESPAM at eCo Software is the largest group of professional developers and designers on eComStation market. === 0. ACPI-sub-system === a) ACPI driver. Current version: ACPI 3.14 (BETAZONE) The development of ACPI sub-system goes by plan defined in 2006-2008. The professional developers are participating in the project now. b) PowerNow driver for AMD processors: Development should continue in new season. Test version is not ready for public testing. === 1. Disk utilities === DVD/CD Toys utilities - easy to install, easy to burn disks. DVD Toys is a set of utilities to burn CD and DVD disks (Blu-Ray, HD-DVD) Try new version of cdrtools 2.01.01a59 (DVD Toys homepage -> Downloads), Whatsnew: supports UDF. === 2. Utilities === Virtual Keyboard/2 for eComStation - onscreen keyboard for touchscreens + useful to input umlauts and special characters. USB Dock - fixed small bugs, more records in the database of devices. // BETAZONE === 3. eComStation Desktop === a) Animated mouse pointers are ready for SMP computers now. Wait for official release of amptr (contact the author of the program and inform him if you are interested in this update). Homepage of amptr -- b) eSchemes - - new builds - eSchemes was refreshed several times, current version: 1.51 (new version 1.52 doesn't work), All bugs are known, trying to fix one by one. All depends on the developer. The latest version requires the latest eCo Software runtime. c) SunnyIcons - you need large transparent icons if using modern monitors (15" or larger). Whatsnew: Small fixes to improve reliability of SunnyIcons. Support of SMP computers, more cute icons! === 4. Video drivers === a) Send us the IDs of modern adapters tested with Panorama VESA (Official name of adapter, VendorID:ProductID) b) If you have troubles with Panorama VESA + Widescreen activator (example: picture is scaled and text strings are unreadable; flash of lines, flashing, etc), then contact us. c) Widescreen activator: The development continues but we should remind: Widescreen activator, v0.80,Robert Lalla updated the driver several months ago, new version includes custom resolution for ATI/AMD Atom-Bios, with user specified values in CONFIG.SYS. * Intel graphics: Experimental support for 1366*768 resolution (untested, so far no feedback received from tester) * ATI/AMD graphics: support for new style of ATOM bios (tested by Gabriele Gamba) === 5. eComStation 2.0 Essentials === We are collecting the utilities which should be installed to every eComStation PC, send us more suggestions -- === 6. JFS filesystem === A) New BootJFS 2009/07 (BETAZONE) fixing problems with flash disk eject; more detailed messages; fast long format; etc. B) Please inform us what to improve in JFS.IFS? Do you have bug-reports? (point to or === 7. Warpstock Europe 2009 conference === * RUS: Report from the conference (photos) -- * slides: Perspectives of eComStation in 2010 -- === 8. eCo Software support service === a) The database of supported hardware contains more than 1800 reports now -- b) New site related to network drivers was opened - Genmac wrapper (unofficial site) -- c) eComStation Frequently Asked Questions Book was presented at Warpstock Europe 2008 in Duesseldorf. This is the only source of information how to install and use eComStation for new users. d) Multilanguage world of eCS -- === 9. Additional information === * Welcome to eCo Software homepage -- * eCo Software runtimes -- * Full pricelist of eCo Software products -- * BETAZONE -- How to download ACPI, Panorama, eSchemes? -- * Previous eCo Software newsletter -- -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at or send an email to "submit at" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end ]