Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 02:12:22 +0200 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] General: System Builds by ERACC ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: salesDESPAM at Hi All, I have decided to showcase a few of the systems built by ERACC for clients. I am starting with orders placed for eCS systems since 2.0 GA came out. If one is curious about what others are getting to run eCS one can see these here: I am not providing part details such as specific brands and models, other than the CPU used. If one wants to order a system from ERACC then one can get all the details from me once one pays the invoice. Otherwise, not. I made this decision after some eCS users "ordered" from me and asked to get a detailed parts list. These people then never followed up on the orders. I can only suspect they used my part lists for self builds since I saw them on the eCS lists talking about their new self built PCs later. I cannot afford to do research for people like that for "free". As I am not a heartless jerk, I will be posting results of individual parts we use at