Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 21:37:37 +0100 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 20110221 ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: madodelDESPAM at There is a new version of ODIN on the Netlabs FTP server. ODIN is the Open Source project to provide a win32 API for OS/2 and eComStation. Originally to allow OS/2 users to run Windows 32 bit applications. Now used to port windows applications to OS/2 and eComStation. The Odin runtime is a requirement for the newest developed versions of JAVA and Flash 10 for OS/2 and eCS. ODIN website: Download: Debug version: Odin mailing list archive: To support future Netlabs development consider making a donation Changelog 0.6.21577 (2001-02-21) ---------------------- Dmitry A. Kuminov: - iphlpapi: Fixed a crash when building the adapter/interface/address tables due to a bogus ioctl(SIOSTATRT) implementation in OS/2. - kernel32: Implemented generating the high/low index values (using a CRC32 and a hash function on the fuill file name) and filling up the volume serial number in a structure returned by GetFileInformationByHandle(). - kernel32: Implemented GetVolumePathName() API. - kernel32: Disabled logging exceptions in release builds through RAS since this involves .sym file reading and significantly slows down applications that use exception handlers like traps for implementing application logic. - kernel32: Fixed a bunch of OSLibDos* functions dealing with file names that passed ANSI strings to the OS/2 APIs w/o first converting it to the OEM codepage which caused "file not found" errors in various Win32 APIs like GetFileAttributesEx() on file names Cyrillic, umlauts, etc. - winmm: Accept handles returned by mixerOpen() as IDs in mixerGetDevCaps() (according to MSDN) which fixes sound in applications using these IDs. - dsound: Enumerate the default sound device twice in DirectSoundEnumerate() (according to MSDN) to make applications relying on this work. -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at or send an email to "submit at" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end ]