Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2011 19:37:07 +0100 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] General: A new review on Blue Nexus: Entrepreneur for OS/2! ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: craig.miller71DESPAM at Entrepreneur for OS/2 is a real time multiplayer or single player strategy game in which you must build a global corporate empire while competing against ruthless opponents. Create new technologies, manufacture them faster than your opponents, and try to make sure your marketing can fend off the nasty rumors your competitors may spread. The version on BlueNexus combines Entrepreneur with the most up-to-date patch (version 1.5) and the expansion pack that adds new maps and markets! Does Entrepreneur for OS/2 do a good job of keeping you excited about economics? That is a question you will have to learn for yourself, click on the link below to find out! -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at or send an email to "submit at" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end ]