Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 02:50:30 +0200 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: Java 1.6.0-b22 WSE ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: madodelDESPAM at Java is a very popular sophisticated programming environment. Applications written in the Java language are run inside a virtual machine (Java Virtual Machine, JVM) which provides a nearly identical behavior on all platforms that have a JVM implementation available. This "write once, run anywhere" approach means that developers can support a multitude of platforms while only having to maintain one code base. For users, availability of a current Java for OS/2 and eComStation means access to a huge number of existing applications. For more information about Java, see: Previously, Java had been made available for OS/2 and eComStation by IBM, Golden Code and Innotek. However, new versions with many changes and improvements have been released since then and current applications require a current JVM implementation. The new project will port a current JVM to OS/2 and eComStation. Dmitry Kumenov, who is well-known for his work on the Qt 3 and 4 ports, is the chief developer. For information about the project and its status, please see: Download ------------ OpenJDK 6 JRE JRE package needed to run Java programs. Not recommended for SMP systems (see below). OpenJDK 6 SDK SDK package needed to compile Java programs. Includes a copy of the JRE package. Not recommended for SMP systems (see below). OpenJDK 6 JRE (SMP Friendly) JRE package, same as above but with all executables marked as MPUNSAFE which makes them more or less stable on SMP machines by sticking to a single core (rare hangs are still possible). OpenJDK 6 SDK (SMP Friendly) SDK package, same as above but with all executables marked as MPUNSAFE which makes them more or less stable on SMP machines by sticking to a single core (rare hangs are still possible). Report bugs: -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at or send an email to "submit at" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end ]