Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 17:53:51 +0100 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 Wiki - December Updates ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: martinDESPAM at EDM/2 is the premier site to find OS/2 and eComStation software development information. You can check this news with all the links here: Personal Comments ---------------------- It is had been like one year since I starting to modifying the EDM/2 Wiki. Nobody asked me to do so, I just started it as a Sunday afternoon activity, since I got very bored on my in-laws house while my son was playing with the other kids. At that time I thought that the site already has a lot of content and was not possible to add more. I was complete wrong. I added a lot of OS/2 development related articles and several more links to other contents. When I started I thought I was squeezing a rock, but I was amazed to see how much can be squeezed out of it. Now I realize that there is much more that can be added to the EDM/2 wiki and I have several pending articles/books migrations to the wiki. But I also realized the importance of putting more content under the Creative Commons license of the Wiki. The Creative Commons allows derivative works, and it is opportunity we have to not reinvent the wheel when we try to write something technical about OS/2. Anybody can now grab the content of the wiki and read it, use it and improve it, the credits remains to the authors, but the content now belongs to everyone. Any help is welcome, no matter if you can only read one article and improve its spelling and display, or if you can migrate content to the wiki, or even if you only have your Sunday's afternoon to collaborate. Here are some news about the site. Non-EDM/2 Republished Articles ----------------------------------- There are several OS/2 and eComStation programming articles floating around. When the authors authorize to republish their articles under the Creative Commons license, it can be included on the wiki and the most important thing of all, there are clear rules to create derivative works. The re-published articles on the EDM/2 wiki are: Open Class Library (OCL) FAQ by Stéphane Charette (November 1997) OS/2 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions, Programmer's Edition Version 1.3 by Barry Jaspan (September 6, 1992) System Monitoring in Multitasking Environments by Dave Wallenberg (June 1996) Building Dynamic Web Sites by Chris Wenham Part I (May 2, 1998) Part II (May 16, 1998) Part III (August 16, 1998) Part IV (September 16, 1998) Part V (February 16, 1999) EDM/2 Republished Articles ----------------------------------- Since we are changing to a Wiki format, republishing permission allowing derivative work for the articles has to be requested. There had been good response from part of the Authors that I was able to contact. Several authors (all that I was able to contact) accepted that his articles were republished under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license to me migrated to wiki site. The old EDM/2 articles that were re-published are: An introduction to mSQL by Fernando Lozano (May 1998) mSQL Revisited by Fernando Lozano (June 1998) Accessing Databases using Java and JDBC by Fernando Lozano (July 1998) Java Servlet Programming in OS/2 by Fernando Lozano (August 1998) RAD for the Web by Fernando Lozano (September 1998) Creating GUI Applications Using Java and mSQL by Fernando Lozano (November 1998) Installing and Configuring the Sybase SQL Anywhere Server for OS/2 by Fernando Lozano (November 1998) Introduction to Relational Databases by Fernando Lozano (December 1998) The Help Manager and Online Documentation by Larry Salomon Jr. (October 1993) Using OS/2 as a Platform for a Web Server by Jeff Hasz (February 1997) Building a CD Player by Stephane Bessette Building a CD Player - Part 1 (September 1997) Building a CD Player - Part 2 (October 1997) Building a CD Player - Part 3 (November 1997) Building a CD Player - Part 4 (December 1997) Programming the OS/2 File Dialog in C++ by Stephane Bessette (November 1997) Safe Document Handling by Stephane Bessette (December 1997) OS/2 v4.0 Notebooks by Stephane Bessette (March 1998) Books and Tutorials ----------------------------------- Some tutorials and Books that had been authorized to be republished on the wiki: The V C++ GUI Framework User Guide by Bruce E. Wampler Links ----------------------------------- There is also some non-Creative Commons development related articles/publications that the EDM/2 wiki links to. This month it had been included the following links. The (highly unofficial) FIDONET OS2PROG C++ compiler pros and cons list by Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (9 January 1995) OS/2 Fonts Frequently Asked Questions (inf) by Cliff Cullum )(October 9, 1995) C++ socket classes for OS/2 by Paul Elliott, Gnanasekaran Swaminathan (19 Feb 1997) OS/2 Programming FAQ v3.4 by Andreas Almroth (June 4, 1995) Six Rules of Thumb for Rexx by Raja Thiagarajan (7 Jun 1993) OS/2 Overview - (presentation) by Patrick Caldwell, Matt Kerster, Mike Roe, Mike Storck (Fall 2006) OS/2 Overview - (presentation)by Dario Berini, Derek Cole, Drew Hayes, Leigh Johann, Matt Kesler (Fall 2005) OS/2 Overview - (presentation) By Keith Ancowitz, Brian Henderson, James Mauss, Danielle Miller and Kyle Nevins (Fall 2003) OS/2 Overview - (presentation) By Chris Algire, Jon Depner, Jason Shifflet, Daniel Kvitko, Ryan Slominski (Fall 2003) OS/2 Overview - (presentation) By Chris Ashworth, Cameron Davis, John Weatherley (Fall 2003) OS/2 Overview - (presentation) By Chris Axford, Chris Evans, Elizabeth McGinnis, Erik Swensson (Fall 2002) OS/2 Overview - (presentation) By Matthew Liberati, Stephanie Engel, Kevin Koo, Kyu Oh (Fall 2002) OS/2 Overview - (presentation) By Shawn Ortiz, John McAveney, Andrew Bates, Paul Graf, Kevin Tougher (Fall 2001) The Warp Boot Sequence by BlackSheep Extra updates ----------------------------------- Also lately updated: Tools Standarized the Tools pages on the wiki: Added more tools for OS/2-eCS: kBuild LesTecIO REXXIO MAID‎ Tcl/Tk xLISP newLISP ISE Eiffel SmallEiffel I want to thank all the authors that allowed their articles and documentation to be published on the EDM/2 wiki. Please visit: Help is always welcome, contact me if you want to help me with the wiki. Links: * -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at or send an email to "submit at" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end ]