Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:09:31 +0100 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] Net: OS/2 and eComStation Open Source software catalog Update ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service ++ From: martinDESPAM at When I started to collect OS/2 applications source code I thought that it was not going to be much source code, I was wrong. I found a lot of source code just by surfing hobbes file by file, so it is is taking longer than I expected (but in the end are good news) For the moment there are 481 public repositories of OS/2 and eComStation open source related projects on Git Hub. You can visit them at: I also started to create a more friendly open source list, linking github on the OS2World wiki: Remember. You can fork the repositories and try to "hack" yourself into the code without any worries or breaking anything. Github gives freedom on the source code you can store and in the quantity of forks you can do. If anybody wants administration rights to any repository, or want to help me uploading more source to github or have any other suggestion just write me to martin at This is a list of the source code included on this last update. APP-ANALYSIS-ent APP-ANALYSIS-Fit APP-ANALYSIS-Fudgit APP-ANALYSIS-QtGrace APP-ANALYSIS-Statist APP-ANALYSIS-upclient APP-CALCULATOR-Als_E6B APP-CALCULATOR-ehm APP-CALCULATOR-GNU_bc APP-CALCULATOR-GNU_dc APP-CALCULATOR-GNU_units APP-CALCULATOR-HPCalc APP-CALCULATOR-KeyCalc APP-CALCULATOR-Mortgage_Calculator APP-CALENDAR-Agenda APP-CALENDAR-cal-1 APP-CALENDAR-Calendar APP-CALENDAR-CDAY APP-CALENDAR-GNU-gcal APP-CDRECORD-Audio-Data_CD_Creator APP-CLOCK-aclock APP-CLOCK-Beat APP-CLOCK-MouseClock APP-CLOCK-TimeLine APP-COMM-atp APP-COMM-COMTALK APP-COMM-G_Kermit APP-COMM-os2comm APP-COMM-PKT_MSG_Viewer_2 APP-COMM-Psion_Converter APP-COMM-SoupBox APP-COMM-The_Online_Pub APP-COMM-Tradewars_bubble_finder APP-COMM-Tradewars_Conv_Utilitiy APP-COMM-Tradewars_port_pair_finder APP-COMM-Voice_modem_answer APP-DATABASE-CdFly APP-DATABASE-dbadmin APP-DATABASE-dbf2db2 APP-DATABASE-dbf2mysql APP-DATABASE-dbf2sql APP-DATABASE-DBF_Edit APP-DATABASE-GNU_dbm APP-DATABASE-IMDB_DiffTools APP-DATABASE-ODBC_SDK APP-EDITOR-AEdit APP-EDITOR-Alpha APP-EDITOR-Beav APP-EDITOR-ed APP-EDITOR-EHP APP-EDITOR-Emacs APP-EDITOR-Extended_Editor APP-EDITOR-FAST_Editor_Lite APP-EDITOR-Flatten APP-EDITOR-fte APP-EDITOR-getline APP-EDITOR-gnuserv APP-EDITOR-HexEdit2 APP-EDITOR-JED APP-EDITOR-JOE APP-EDITOR-Kon APP-EDITOR-mEmacs APP-EDITOR-Metamail APP-EDITOR-MICRO_EMACS APP-EDITOR-MMM_Editor APP-EDITOR-nEmacs APP-EDITOR-NVI APP-EDITOR-STEVIE APP-EDITOR-SysEDOS2 APP-EDITOR-Vile APP-EDITOR-Zed APP-EMULATION-AdvanceScan APP-EMULATION-Atari800 APP-EMULATION-BAS2TAP APP-EMULATION-Dosboxloader APP-EMULATION-GENSconv APP-EMULATION-Kegs APP-EMULATION-MAME APP-EMULATION-MAMERun APP-EMULATION-Master_Gear-2 APP-EMULATION-MTools APP-EMULATION-OS2Irl APP-EMULATION-p3D-DIR APP-EMULATION-SDLMAME APP-EMULATOR-Spim APP-EMULATOR-Tape_Utilities APP-EMULATOR-TapTools APP-EMULATOR-XZX2Plus3 APP-EMULATOR-zmakebas APP-EMULATOR-zsnes2 APP-EMULATOR-ZX_SCR_Edit APP-EMULATOR-ZX_SCR_View APP-GRAPHICS-3DMaze APP-GRAPHICS-Animation_Player APP-GRAPHICS-Apple APP-GRAPHICS-BackGrnd APP-GRAPHICS-BMPDiff APP-GRAPHICS-Compface APP-GRAPHICS-cpexif APP-GRAPHICS-CSG_Ray_Tracer APP-GRAPHICS-cvbmp APP-GRAPHICS-cvtico APP-GRAPHICS-DBWRENDR APP-GRAPHICS-DEM2POV APP-GRAPHICS-Dkbtrace APP-GRAPHICS-Dovetail APP-GRAPHICS-Exifren-2 APP-GRAPHICS-fBMP APP-GRAPHICS-fig2dev APP-GRAPHICS-GBMV2 APP-GRAPHICS-gDiagramm APP-GRAPHICS-GifTools APP-GRAPHICS-GIFtoPS2 APP-GRAPHICS-GIFtrans APP-GRAPHICS-GNU_barcode APP-GRAPHICS-GOAT APP-GRAPHICS-HP2XX APP-GRAPHICS-HPGS APP-GRAPHICS-Image APP-GRAPHICS-imShow APP-GRAPHICS-IRIT APP-GRAPHICS-IteCAD APP-GRAPHICS-jpeg2ps APP-GRAPHICS-JPEGER APP-GRAPHICS-kdc_dc2 APP-GRAPHICS-lego APP-GRAPHICS-mtekscan APP-GRAPHICS-netCDF APP-GRAPHICS-Panorama_Tools APP-GRAPHICS-PBMPLUS APP-GRAPHICS-Plotmtv APP-GRAPHICS-PMSheet APP-GRAPHICS-PMStars APP-GRAPHICS-PNGCheck APP-GRAPHICS-Povray APP-GRAPHICS-POV_Frontend APP-GRAPHICS-Present APP-GRAPHICS-PTOT APP-GRAPHICS-PVQuan APP-GRAPHICS-QRT APP-GRAPHICS-Scale APP-GRAPHICS-ScanSort APP-GRAPHICS-Show3D APP-GRAPHICS-Tgif APP-GRAPHICS-Truespectra_Scripts APP-GRAPHICS-TTF2PT1 APP-GRAPHICS-ViewFax Remember that help is always welcome. This is a community effort to help this platform. Please give me your feedback on the OS2World Forum or write directly to me. Regards. Links: * -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at or send an email to "submit at" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at unsubscribe news end ]