Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:46:53 -0500 From: VOICE News Service Subject: [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs dot org newsletter #231 ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice dot org ++ From: newsDESPAM at DESPAMnetlabs dot org This is the latest edition of the bi-weekly http://netlabs dot org http://netlabs dot org/> newsletter. The newsletter can be read on the web at the following URL: http://wiki dot netlabs dot org/index.php?title=Netlabs_bi_weekly_newsletter4 http://wiki dot netlabs dot org/index.php/Netlabs_bi_weekly_newsletter> News from http://netlabs dot org http://netlabs dot org/>: 17. November - 23. November Java port for eCS (OS/2) On ticket fixed and new one raised See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/java/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/java/timeline> kLIBC Three tickets raised and one reopened See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/libc/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/libc/timeline> Qt Applications for OS/2 One ticket raised and three new applications added See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qtapps/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qtapps/timeline> Qt Version 4 for OS/2 Ticket raised about SSL issue See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qt4/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qt4/timeline> Samba for eCS (OS/2) Mix of updates and fixes See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/samba/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/samba/timeline> Unix Ports and more Range of updates See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/ports/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/ports/timeline> USB Fixes, updates and 11.08 release See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/usb/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/usb/timeline> VX Applications Set of updates See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/vxapps/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/vxapps/timeline> 10. November - 16. November ACPI Subsystem for eComStation Wiki updates See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/acpi/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/acpi/timeline> Java port for eCS (OS/2) Some updates See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/java/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/java/timeline> kLIBC Mix of updates and fixes as well as a new ticket See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/libc/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/libc/timeline> Qt Applications for OS/2 Five applications got updated See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qtapps/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qtapps/timeline> Qt Version 4 for OS/2 A number of updates See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qt4/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/qt4/timeline> RPM and YUM One ticket closed See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/rpm/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/rpm/timeline> Samba for eCS (OS/2) Various tickets closed See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/samba/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/samba/timeline> Unix Ports and more Wiki update and some fixes See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/ports/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/ports/timeline> USB USBMSD work done See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/usb/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/usb/timeline> xATA One update See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/xata/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/xata/timeline> XWLAN Two tickets created See: http://trac dot netlabs dot org/xwlan/timeline http://trac dot netlabs dot org/xwlan/timeline> http://Netlabs dot org http://netlabs dot org/> relies on your support as well. We hire developers to have better progress on projects, for instance. For sure this costs money so any sponsoring is very welcome! You can support http://netlabs dot org http://netlabs dot org/> via http://netlabs dot org http://netlabs dot org/> sponsoring units: http://www.mensys dot net/NETLABS/ http://www.mensys dot net/NETLABS/> Thanks for your support! We can be reached at: mailto://news at netlabs dot org news(at)netlabs dot org> And we are on Twitter now as well! See: http://twitter dot com/#!/netlabsorg Greetings, http://netlabs dot org http://netlabs dot org/> team -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice dot org [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at http://www.os2voice dot org/SubmitNews.html or send an email to "submit at os2voice dot org" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at os2voice dot org unsubscribe news end ]