Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2017 14:07:04 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee branded bootable USB stick, now for sale! ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice dot org ++ From: jvwDESPAM at DESPAMdfsee dot com When creating a DFSPUPPY bootable USB stick yourself is not possible, or you want to have an original 'DFSee' branded stick, now you can! See the DFSPUPPY description, with the new stick shown, at: https://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/media.php#usb As of today, you can order a genuine Fsys-Software / DFSee 16GB USB stick, with the latest DFSPUPPY image installed, as well as DFSee installers for the other platforms right from the webshop. The sticks are high-quality, Toshiba brand, memory sticks, large and fast enough to be able to store al your analysis files and even some images. As with any DFSPUPPY stick, it is easy to keep the stick up-to-date with the 'Software Update / Download' menu selections in 'Help' The sticks come WITHOUT a registration key, and will initialy run in evaluation mode, until you copy an existing (or new) 'dfsee.key' to it. Starting now, you can order the stick for 20 Euro's at the webshop: https://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/buynow.php Or directly from the DFSee page at Mensys: More shops offering the stick may follow later ... Regards, JvW ========================================================================= DFSee Home: http://www.dfsee dot com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - mailto://info at dfsee dot com -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice dot org [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at http://www.os2voice dot org/SubmitNews.html or send an email to "submit at os2voice dot org" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at os2voice dot org unsubscribe news end ]