Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2018 05:18:29 -0500 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 14.11 released ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice dot org ++ From: jvwDESPAM at DESPAMdfsee dot com A happy 2018 without too much disk problems to all of you on the list! DFSee version 14.11 has been released. MINOR release, meaning you get it for FREE if you have a 14.x key already. It has a few refinements for browsing, cloning bad-sector disks, detection of removable disks on Linux and using the known Linux disk-name plus some minor bug fixes and enhancements Note: Version 14.8 (or later) users can update directly using the menu: Help-> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get latest STABLE update (Works with the OS/2, Windows, Linux and macOS versions too, if WGET is there) DFSee is a very powerful disk-utility with disk partitioning, smart imaging or cloning of partitions or complete disks, filesystem and disk analysis, directory/file browsing with edit/view/copy capabilities including limited UNDELETE. More details at: http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ Download links from the DFSee website (note: changed from previous releases!) http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/dfsee_windows.msi http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/dfsee_os2_wpi.exe http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ Or from the HOBBES website: or (after processing): Functional changes since 14.10 - ALLOC: Status msg when checking allocation on huge files > 128 MiB - BAD-sectors marked with 0xFE pattern, searchable/shown as type '5' - BROWSE/NTFS: Correct path in description line for multi hard-link - BROWSE/NTFS: Correct recover-path for multiple hard-linked files - BROWSE: to toggle recovery-mode; speed-up for all filesystems - BROWSE: Display file/dir metadata from popup menu (like MFT-record) - BROWSE: In recovery mode, show all files (min size/percentage 0) - BROWSE: Speed up display (on huge files) when not in recovery mode - CDISO: rebuild with cleaned up BOOT.IMG to make DFSDOS.EXE fit again - CLONE/IMAGE/RESTORE etc; better alignment of read/write error msg - CLONE: Correct area-start in arealist when using -skipbads option - CLONE: Generate 'retry-bad-areas' script on disk-2-disk -skipbads - CLONE: auto display bad-sector areas skipped when using -skipbads - CR/SETTYPE: Support 2 or 4 digit HEX value for GPT types, like EF - CR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR when needed (No code, zeroed) - CR: GPT EFI (ESP) default to 128 MiB only when NO size specified - DISKLIST: List available disk numbers plus info on screen/stdout - GPT2MBR/MBR2GPT: Correctly select disknumber specified as param - GPT: Reworded warning when GPT tables present without an MBR guard - IM/IMAGE: Fix name generation XMZ index in multiple-dot filenames - IMAGE/RESTORE dialogs, layout + more verbose text for readability - LINUX: Detect and report 'Removable' property for disk devices - LINUX: Initialize disk-name to device/model info, when available - MBR2GPT/GPT2MBR: -N option creates an EMPTY MBR, No code - Menu: Clone -> Disk, BAD-SECTORS' -skipbads / Area-Retry script - Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0x00 EMPTY sectors - Menu: Edit->Search sectors and output->Search for 0xFE BAD sectors - NTFS: Better multiple hard-link paths shown in MFT-record display - NTFS: Fixed 'u' command after MFT-display (nav.up, LSN parent DIR) - PARTITION select lists, add disk-number for better identification - RECOVER/SAVETO: -A- option skips allocation check (will be faster) - RECOVER: Add 'Recover x from y' file count in status progress info - SPEED: Fixed divide-by-zero crash on buffersize 512 or larger - TXWIN: Avoid special chars in radio/check buttons use '*' and 'x' Regards, JvW ========================================================================= DFSee Home: http://www.dfsee dot com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - mailto://info at dfsee dot com -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice dot org [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at http://www.os2voice dot org/SubmitNews.html or send an email to "submit at os2voice dot org" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at os2voice dot org unsubscribe news end ]