Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 04:09:16 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 15.2 released; more mouse/clipboard support ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice dot org ++ From: jvwDESPAM at DESPAMdfsee dot com DFSee version 15.2 has been released. MINOR release, meaning you get it for FREE if you have a 15.x key already. However, it is a rather major update for user-interface in regard to mouse-marking and full clipboard support on all platforms. For example: - Simply use Ctrl-V to paste a (full path and) filename into a the file dialog - Copy contents from a DFSee entryfield with Ctrl-C, paste to another with Ctrl-V - Mark a range of bytes in the HEX-editor, and paste it into another sector - Mark an area in the output-window with Ctrl-C, then paste it into a support email - Mark part of a message window (or use Ctrl+A for ALL), copy it to the clipboard with Ctrl-C, then paste it into an email or text document Note: Keyboard alternative keys like Alt-C/Alt-V and mouse like Ctrl-Click/Alt-Click are available for clipboard support as well, see the help pages for details. (for example: press 3 times, and page-down to item #100) As usual there are also several minor problem fixes and enhancements, like a new option on the GPT command to change the partition name and an improved FINDMFT/FIXBOOT for NTFS recovery. For details, see below. Note: Version 14.8 (or later) users can update directly using the menu: Help-> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get latest STABLE update (Works with the OS/2, Windows, Linux and macOS versions, if WGET is there) DFSee is a very powerful disk-utility with disk partitioning, smart imaging or cloning of partitions or complete disks, filesystem and disk analysis, directory/file browsing with edit/view/copy capabilities including limited UNDELETE. More details at: http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ Download links from the DFSee website: http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/dfsee_windows.msi http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/dfsee_os2_wpi.exe http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ Or from the HOBBES website: or (after processing): Functional changes since 15.1 - BSFIND: Changed '-f' start position default mcs-unit to sectors - Bootsector: Removed (usualy incorrect) BeFS bootcode detection - CC: Clipboard Copy, copy lines from output window to clipboard - CMD: External command output, crude TAB expansion to 8 spaces - CP: Clipboard Paste, copy clipboard text to the output window - CV: Copy selected value to the clipboard as a (Hex) string - DOS: Support the (local) clipboard functions, within DFSee only - FILEDLG: Filename entryfield, allow path-separator '\' or '/' - FILEDLG: Support Drive + rel-path + wildcard like 'H:sub\*.log' - FILEDLG: Support relative-DIR like 'test\' or 'tmp\images\*.imz' - Filenames in commands, allow either '/' or '\' path separators - GPT: 'pid -name:newname' will change the name of a GPT partition - HEXED, DISASM: Fixed DISTORM bugs when compiled for 64-bit (macOS) - HEXED, DISASM: Highlight current instruction code bytes at top - HEXED, DISASM: Mouse doubleclick will 'jump' to that instruction - HEXED, DISASM: Use temporary mouse-drag MARK for clipboard copy - HEXED: Correctly highlight current buffer for odd nr of columns - HEXED: Extra PREV and NEXT buffer (total 9 now) for large screens - HFS: Better HFS superblock detection (no BSFIND false positives) - Linux: Copy-TO-Clipboard goes to both PRIMARY+CLIPBOARD X-selections - MBR: Include version and language for detected Airboot bootmanager - NTFS: FINDMFT command to locate the MFT area (for fixboot) - NTFS: FIXBOOT (non-spare) correct cluster size for FS - NTFS: Menu item: 'Find MFT location, for Fix' doing a FINDMFT - OS/2: Set status title on CMD-window title-Bar and Window-list - PART: Avoid 'no active partition' warning on APM style 1st disk - Switch -lvmsize forces use of LVM disk size + related warnings - Switch -sigint enables Ctrl-C aborting, disabling Copy-to-Clipboard - UI: Ctrl-C handling in Windows respects '-sigint' switch now too - UI: Alt-A in HEXED marks whole current item (sector/cluster/block) - UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for HEXED, ASCII or HEX-pairs - UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for MsgBox (warning/error/about) - UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for TextView (mostly help items) - UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Lists, Buttons, Menu-heading - UI: Ctrl-C/Alt-C Copy-to-Clipboard for Output-window (marked or window) - UI: Ctrl-V/Alt-V in HEXED paste from clipboard with ASCII or HEX-pairs - UI: Ctrl-A MARK-ALL entryfield, msg/help text and output windows - UI: Ctrl-X/Alt-X CUT entryfield marked-area to clipboard, unmark - UI: Cursor for INSERT/REPLACE mode larger, to platform standard - UI: DELETE in entryfield deletes marked-area, one char if no mark - UI: Dedicated desktop footer text when output-window has focus - UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll LEFT/RIGHT if mouse outside window - UI: Drag-MARK: Auto scroll UP/DN when mouse above/below window - UI: Entryfield Ctrl-V/Alt-V PASTE from, Alt-C COPY to clipboard - UI: Fixed Ctrl-C bug causing input-repeat or garbage on OS/2 - UI: HEXED: Display marked-area in ASCII pane and in HEX pane - UI: HEXED: Fixed odd behaviour on Pgup/Dn with large window size - UI: HEXED: Support 'wrapped-line' marking by mouse-dragging - UI: INSERT mode, 'set insert on/off' command sets insert state - UI: INSERT mode, default ON at startup, -insert- switch reverts - UI: Mouse Alt+Click or Ctrl-Click MB2 copies (mark) to clipboard - UI: Mouse Click+Drag MARKS in Help/Msg/Text/Output/HexEdit window - UI: Mouse Ctrl+Click pastes from clipboard in Entryfield + HEXED - UI: Mouse DoubleClick (sometimes Single Click too) UNMARKS - UI: Paste Entryfield/HEXED to mark ONLY if cursor is IN mark - UI: Set OS window title on program exit, try to restore original - UI: Set OS window title to currently open object description - UI: Support multi-line marked area in Output-window and Help - UI: UNIX, insert STARTDRAG msg to get correct mark anchor position - UNIX: Error popup on missing clipboard utils xclip/pbcopy/pbpaste - UNIX: Relocated temporary filename(s) to temp dir '/tmp/....' - macOS: Startup 'su'/'disable SIP' hint on inaccessible bootdisk - macOS: Changed 'Display OS device/disk info' to show ALL disks - macOS: Menu item: 'Show SIP status' (Invisible macOS boot disk) - macOS: Probe /dev/rdiskN devices on startup, to see more disks - macOS: Recognize APFS FS in FileSystemOnly (synthesized) disks - txLib: New ExecRedirectIO function similar to `command` on UNIX Regards, JvW ========================================================================= DFSee Home: http://www.dfsee dot com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - mailto://info at dfsee dot com -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice dot org [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. 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