Return-Path: Received: from mail.2rosenthals dot com (mail.2rosenthals dot com []) by wa dot comkal dot net (Weasel v2.6) for ; 24 Dec 2019 19:19:04 +0800 Received: from [] (port=55538 helo=2rosenthals dot com) by mail.2rosenthals dot com with esmtp (Exim 4.82_1-5b7a7c0-XX) (envelope-from ) id 1ijiDP-0006pj-36 for vnl at os2site dot com; Tue, 24 Dec 2019 06:19:04 -0500 Received: from [] (HELO hawking) by 2rosenthals dot com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.4.10) with ESMTP id 54047; Tue, 24 Dec 2019 06:18:01 -0500 X-CTCH-RefID: str=0001.0A020206.5E01F428.000B,ss=1,re=0.000,recu=0.000,reip=0.000,cl=1,cld=1,fgs=0 Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 17:17:03 -0500 To: news at os2voice dot org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Subject: [VOICENWS] General: [OS2Voice dot org Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice From: Reply-To: news List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Post: (Postings are Moderated) List-Owner: , Message-ID: ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice dot org ++ From: ecsoft2 dot orgDESPAM at DESPAMgmail dot com -------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site https://ecsoft2 dot org. If you find something wrong and you want to report it, or if you want to contribute updating or translating to your language the records, or if just you want to write us, visit our Contact page https://ecsoft2 dot org/contact or drop us an email at ecsoft2 [dot] orggmail [dot] com This is a special edition of the eCSoft/2 newsletter created for OS2 Voice. UPDATED: ======== * Links 2.20 https://ecsoft2 dot org/links A text-mode web browser, which is able to correctly display tables and frames, and to render correctly most pages, even if they include several graphical elements. * Testlog 3.27 https://ecsoft2 dot org/testlog Create a log file that you can submit with your test results when reporting a problem with a driver. * Monitor Threads Utility 0.2 https://ecsoft2 dot org/monitor-threads-utility The purpose of monitorthreads is to help identify which threads are consuming excessive CPU resources so that the issue can be remediated. * Device Manager 1.0.1 https://ecsoft2 dot org/device-manager A detailed and advanced new device manager! eCo Essentials eco-essentials-subscription subsrcription required. * Sysbench 0.95d https://ecsoft2 dot org/sysbench Benchmarking Utility (video, CPU, disk, and memory). * Clamav, ClamAV-GUI (Rexx & QT4) & eCSClamav 0.98.6, ( & 0.4.1) 1.0.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/clamav-clamav-gui-rexx-qt4-ecsclamav Clam AntiVirus is a GPL anti-virus toolkit for UNIX (and OS/2). The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). * Btrieve Commander 20191211 https://ecsoft2 dot org/btrieve-commander This is a Btrieve file viewer / editor. * Major Major 3.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/major-major Major Major is a mailing list manager for OS/2. It lets you create multiple mailing lists on your machine. * Domination (ex jRisk) 1.2.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/domination-ex-jrisk This is a Java version of the famous game "Risk". * Night Vision 5.2 https://ecsoft2 dot org/night-vision Night Vision is a "planetarium" program for OS/2, and will display the heavens from any location on Earth. * Odin Gui https://ecsoft2 dot org/odin-gui This program makes it easy to create Odin odin (win32) objects. * jEdit 5.1.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/jedit A mature programmer's text editor expandable with tons of plugins. * Java Image Editor 2.1.359 https://ecsoft2 dot org/java-image-editor The Java Image Editor is a simple image editor built using Swing. Features include: * Java Gui 1.8.1 https://ecsoft2 dot org/java-gui Frontend for Java, creates program object from different java versions. * JFtp - il browser di rete Java 1.6.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/jftp-java-network-browser JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. * Editor di testo TEA 50.0.4 https://ecsoft2 dot org/tea-text-editor TEA is the Qt-based text editor for UNIX-like systems and Windows. With an ultimate small size TEA provides you hundreds of functions. * TEXTBUCH (Text book) 4.49 https://ecsoft2 dot org/textbuch-text-book TEXTBUCH (text book) is a double entry book keeping program (accounting program) only in german language. * GNU COREUtils 8.31 https://ecsoft2 dot org/gnu-coreutils The GNU coreutils port from UNIX. This package is the union of the GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages. * eCo Software runtime 20190904 https://ecsoft2 dot org/eco-software-runtime Runtime for the *new generation* of applications developed by eCo software. * Odin 0.8.9 https://ecsoft2 dot org/odin Odin is the name of the project and software that allows users to *run Win32* (Windows 95 and Windows NT) *applications in OS/2 Warp operating system natively*, almost -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice dot org [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at http://www.os2voice dot org/SubmitNews.html or send an email to "submit at os2voice dot org" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at os2voice dot org unsubscribe news end ]