Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 17:17:04 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: [OS2Voice dot org Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice dot org ++ From: ecsoft2 dot orgDESPAM at DESPAMgmail dot com -------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site https://ecsoft2 dot org. If you find something wrong and you want to report it, or if you want to contribute updating or translating to your language the records, or if just you want to write us, visit our Contact page https://ecsoft2 dot org/contact or drop us an email at ecsoft2 [dot] orggmail [dot] com This is a special edition of the eCSoft/2 newsletter created for OS2 Voice. NEW: ==== * klUsrMgr (kLIBC User management utility) 1.2.2 https://ecsoft2 dot org/klusrmgr-klibc-user-management-utility The purpose of this utility is to manage kLIBC users and groups. * QSINIT 26072019 https://ecsoft2 dot org/qsinit QSINIT is a replacement of OS2LDR created from scratch. * DFSee, Display File Systems 16.2 https://ecsoft2 dot org/dfsee-display-file-systems File-system display & analysis utility. Shows partition-tables and bootsectors. Shows all HPFS internal disk structures like Superblock, Fnodes, Dirblocks etc. * Agena 2.15.5 https://ecsoft2 dot org/agena Agena is an easy-to-learn procedural programming language suited for everyday usage. UPDATED: ======== * CallDOS https://ecsoft2 dot org/calldos OS/2 CMD.EXE utility to call DOS. * Virtual ASPI driver for OS/2 1.6 https://ecsoft2 dot org/virtual-aspi-driver-os2 Virtual ASPI (VASPI) is a virtual device driver that will allow DOS applications to issue SCSI commands that will be handled by OS2ASPI.DMD. * ASPIROUT 1.1b10 https://ecsoft2 dot org/aspirout ASPI Router is a small device driver that lets you access the SCSI bus from your application. * Adaptec SCSI Host Adapters (7800 & Ultra160/320 family) 3.03 & 1.00 https://ecsoft2 dot org/adaptec-scsi-host-adapters-7800-ultra160-family Driver for SCSI Host Adapters from Adaptec. * ABOVE512 0.01c https://ecsoft2 dot org/above512 ABOVE512.exe marks pure 32bit code and/or data objects of existing LX format DLL modules as 'loading above 512MB'. * Libreria GNU iconv 1.16 https://ecsoft2 dot org/gnu-iconv-library This library provides an iconv() implementation, for systems where the is not one, or whose implementation cannot convert from/to Unicode. * Quick & Easy Finances 1.15 https://ecsoft2 dot org/quick-easy-finances The ultimate in personal financial programs for OS/2. This will make the rest of the financial programs here look like they were developed in the early 1990's. * VideoLAN VLC media player https://ecsoft2 dot org/videolan-vlc-media-player VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player supporting most audio and video formats (H.264, Ogg, DivX, MKV, TS, MPEG-2, mp3, MPEG-4, aac, ...) from files, p * NewView 2.19.6 https://ecsoft2 dot org/newview A replacement for View.exe, the original OS/2 help viewer. * Configure Internet Applications 1.2.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/configure-internet-applications This utility sets default internet application paths in the OS/2 INI file. * FreeRDP Client for OS/2 20190627 https://ecsoft2 dot org/freerdp-client-os2 A FreeRDP port for OS/2, eComStation and ArcaOS. FreeRDP is a client for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), used in a number of Microsoft Windows operation systems. * IMAP4 server for the Weasel mail server 0.1.12 https://ecsoft2 dot org/imap4-server-weasel-mail-server This is an IMAPD server designed to run in conjunction with the Weasel weasel mail server. *Features*: * SpamFilter (The spam filter for OS/2) 1.1.4 https://ecsoft2 dot org/spamfilter-spam-filter-os2 The SpamFilter is a free and Open Source software able to detect and reject e-mail messages containing unwanted advertising. * HPScan 1.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/hpscan HPscan is a basic scanner frontend. HPscan builds the scanimage.exe command line based on the settings and selections made. * 4allCalc (pmCalc) 4.12 https://ecsoft2 dot org/4allcalc-pmcalc A calculator with scientific functions, hex, easy transfer to/from the clipboard (Variable "Z"), detailed error messages, online help. * KeyCalc 1.3 https://ecsoft2 dot org/keycalc KeyCalc is a scientific calculator, supporting: * Almost Swiss Fonts 1.1 https://ecsoft2 dot org/almost-swiss-fonts Almost Swiss is an OS/2 bitmap font inspired by the 8- and 10-point sizes of the system font "Helv". * Almost VIO Fonts 1.1 https://ecsoft2 dot org/almost-vio-fonts Almost Swiss is an OS/2 bitmap font inspired by the 6-point sizes of the system font "System VIO". * DjView & DjVuLibre 4.10.6 & 3.5.27 https://ecsoft2 dot org/djview-djvulibre Standalone viewer for DjVu files. Features include navigating documents, zooming and panning page images, producing and displaying thumbnails. * Links 2.19 https://ecsoft2 dot org/links A text-mode web browser, which is able to correctly display tables and frames, and to render correctly most pages, even if they include several graphical elements. * EPM TEX Front End for VTEX/2 5.4 https://ecsoft2 dot org/epm-tex-front-end-vtex2 The EPM TeX Front End is an additional module for the OS/2 `Enhanced Editor' (EPM). * Device Manager 1.0.1 https://ecsoft2 dot org/device-manager A detailed and advanced new device manager! eCo Essentials eco-essentials-subscription subsrcription required. * eCo Software runtime 20190214 https://ecsoft2 dot org/eco-software-runtime Runtime for the *new generation* of applications developed by eCo software. * Supporto per webcam USB 1.1 https://ecsoft2 dot org/usb-webcam-support-programs-and-drivers USB WebCam device drivers and control programs. * Pixel 1.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/pixel Pixel is a RGB, CMYK and HDR image editing, photo retouching and manipulating program available for many operating systems formerly known as Pixel32. * OS/2 API Trace 2.45.40 https://ecsoft2 dot org/os2-api-trace OS/2 API Trace allows you to trace the 16-bit and 32-bit OS/2 APIs used by any application running on any 32-bit version of OS/2 (2.0 or later) without requiring the application's source code or re * MKWINOS/2 1.0 https://ecsoft2 dot org/mkwinos2 MKWINOS/2 is a program for OS/2 that creates the equivalent of your Windows Program Manager as an OS/2 Desktop folder named "Program Manager Desktop Equivalent". * Calmira 3.31 https://ecsoft2 dot org/calmira Windows 95 style shell for Windows 3.1. * FM/2 Utilities https://ecsoft2 dot org/fm2-utilities Bunch of free utils (including HPFS defrag) text mode only. * ROBOSAVE (ROBOSV) 3.04 https://ecsoft2 dot org/robosave-robosv ROBOSAVE allows you to easily back up your OS/2 2.x Desktop and later restore it to the same system. You can also specify a limited number of files to be saved/resto * Desktop Object Tool 0.4 https://ecsoft2 dot org/desktop-object-tool A simple tool to save the desktop settings (or other folders), usefull for backups. * ObjectReCreator 1.50 https://ecsoft2 dot org/objectrecreator PM utility that allow to recreate lost Desktop objects. * WHOIS client 5.4.3 https://ecsoft2 dot org/whois-client A new whois (RFC 954) client rewritten from scratch. It is derived from and compatible with the usual BSD and RIPE whois(1) programs. -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice dot org [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at http://www.os2voice dot org/SubmitNews.html or send an email to "submit at os2voice dot org" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at os2voice dot org unsubscribe news end ]