Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 10:53:22 -0400 From: Subject: [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 16.1 released ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice dot org ++ From: jvwDESPAM at DESPAMdfsee dot com DFSee version 16.1 has been released, with some new functionality and fixes. MINOR release, meaning you get it for FREE if you have a 16.x key already. It adds a few refinements for the APFS and HFS+ macOS filesystems, most notably the support for hardlinks, allowing restoring files from TimeMachine backups. Also a long standing BUG in the FileDialogs on the macOS/Linux platform was fixed, where inconcistencies (like a bad symlink) caused files/directories to go missing. Then the FileDialogs as well as the DFSee filesystem BROWSER have a setting to either SHOW or HIDE any hidden files (.filenames, or HIDDEN/SYSTEM attr) this setting can be toggled in the new SET menu, or using the key in the FileDialog or Browser, resulting in an immediate update of the filelist. Finally, all of the SETTINGS for DFSee and the UI, which used to be submenus in the 'Edit' menu, are now located it its own 'Set' main menu, and the TOGGLE options on those menus can be operated with either ENTER or SPACE, keeping the menu item visible, so you get direct visual feedback in the form of a checkmark. Of course, as usual, there are also smaller improvements and bug fixes. DFSee is a very powerful disk-utility with disk partitioning, filesystem and disk analysis, file recovery/UNDELETE and smart imaging or cloning of partitions or complete disks. It will require an upgrade if you currently have a registration for an older version: http://ww.dfsee dot com/dfsee/buynow.php More details at: http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ Direct download links from the DFSee website: http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/dfsee_windows.msi http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/dfsee_os2_wpi.exe http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ http://www.dfsee dot com/dfsee/ Or from the HOBBES website: or (after processing): Note: Version 14.8 (or later) users can update directly using the menu: Help-> Program Updates / Downloads -> Get latest STABLE update (Works with the OS/2, Windows, Linux and macOS versions too, if WGET is there) Functional changes since 16.0 - APFS: Added collision detect/resolve on DIRRECORD filename HASH - APFS: COL command searches filename HASH collisions in a volume - APFS: Fixed crash in 'Browse' when selecting empty subdirectory - APFS, HFS: Added hidden files (DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE - APFS: Show name of first volume as LABEL for a disk or partition - APFS, NTFS, HFS: Display 'D' (FAT) attr indicator in DIR display - BROWSE: key toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items - BROWSE: Added HELP item for the BROWSE startup Dialog and fields - BROWSE: Menu item 'Show hidden Directories/Files' in Edit->DFsee - HFS: Exclude (hard)links if no auto-resolve on recursive recover - HFS: Menu toggle option 'FolderAlias Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR - HFS: Menu toggle option 'Hardlinks Auto Resolve'; Init meta-DIR - HFS: Support DIR-hardlink/Folder-alias, as needed for TimeMachine - HFS: Support hardlinks in Browse, Recover and directory display - HPFS, FAT, EFAT, NTFS: Added hidden/system filtering for BROWSE - HPFS, NTFS, FAT: Consider all DOT filenames as HIDDEN for BROWSE - ISO: Hidden attribute (or DOT filenames) filtering for BROWSE - JFS: Hidden/System attrib (or DOT f-names) filtering for BROWSE - MENU: Moved Settings/Properties from EDIT menu to new 'SET' menu - MENU: Added 'Fdlgs, show hidden Dirs/Files' to the 'SET' menu - PUPPY: Download fixed for macOS; Create from download dir; Close - SET HIDDEN: Set 'filedialogs-show-hidden-files', default is OFF - UI: Auto-insert OFF field length now 74 (all except cmdline) - UI: SPACE, INSERT or '+' on menu-item mimic ENTER (toggle mark) - UI: Automatically re-open same menu on settings/property toggle - UI: FileDialog, .filename considered HIDDEN on ALL platforms - UI: FileDialog, better handling of new typed abs/relative paths - UI: FileDialog: toggles between SHOW and HIDE 'hidden' items - UI UNIX findfiles: .filenames treated as having a HIDDEN attribute - UI UNIX fixed FileDialog bug (missing entries, if dead symlinks) Regards, JvW ========================================================================= DFSee Home: http://www.dfsee dot com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - mailto://info at dfsee dot com -- For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice dot org [Moderator's note: All posts are sent without guarantee to the accuracy of the content. We try to verify details and URLs but this is an entirely volunteer run list, so 100% fact checking and the quality/useability of products announced here is impossible. If you respond to this post please remove the DESPAM from the poster's email addresses. Please do not send requests for information about a specific post to the moderator unless it is an update or I sent it. To submit news to this list please use the submission form at http://www.os2voice dot org/SubmitNews.html or send an email to "submit at os2voice dot org" To unsubscribe yourself from this list, send the following message to majormajor at os2voice dot org unsubscribe news end ]