Happy New Year to everyone. VOICE begins its 16th year of existence and the VOICE News list has been around since May 7, 1997 as well. Currently there are 530 subscribers to the VOICE News list. That is just 40 fewer then we had 3 years ago, so there continues to be interest in news announcements about OS/2 and eComstation. In addition there are also 141 people subscribed to the http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/os2info which mirrors the list. And beginning this past year we now moderate the news feed for comp.os.os2.announce on Usenet. There were 314 announcements to the list in 2011 so traffic remains low. But I know there are still new developments in OS/2 and eCS but too few people announce them. Just a reminder if you are posting to the VOICE News list, please either use the web form on http://www.os2voice.org/SubmitNews.php, directly via email to mailto://submitDESPAM@DESPAMos2voice.org (remove the DESPAM) or via a News Reader to comp.os.os2.announce. Please don't send it to one of the moderators since we now use a content management system, so unless you use one of those three methods it won't get into the system. Any email sent to the feedback address only goes to the moderators, so if you have a question about a post please make sure you send a copy to the original poster. As always if you are submitting an announcement try to make it as brief as possible, but with basic information like a description of the item and a URL where more information can be found as well as a URL where it can be downloaded if it is software. And please include your name in the text so I know who is sending it. Also if its an update please list what has been changed if you know it. Please also give complete identity of the sender as well as a contact address. We will do our best to obscure that, but readers may need to contact you. A big thanks to all those that have taken the time to submit announcements to the list. I could never do this without you. If you are a developer please don't just upload your work to hobbes or your own web site and forget it. Write a short announcement and send it to VOICE so the OS/2-eComStation community can know what you have done and what the software is capable of doing. I can only hunt down so much information on my own and it would be a really big help if people would send in announcements. It would be great if more folks would send in announcements for new and updated OS/2-eCS related developments. Otherwise I have to hunt things down myself, and unfortunately I miss a lot and I have learned its a bad idea for me to send out announcements on things I don't use and don't understand. So please help by sending posts about new and updated OS/2-eCS software, web sites and events. And if posts stop coming in we will close down the list. Mark