Netacc, ADDSRVIN and Resync (all three pro 12/01/93 PROCEDURES FOR REPLACING NET.ACC, ADDING A SERVER, AND SYNCHRONIZING AN ADDITIONAL SERVER WITH THE DOMAIN CONTROLL ER DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS 1. The additional server fails to start with a NET3062. The sub-service NETLOGON failed to start. Possible causes: a. The additional server password is out of synch with the domain controller. If the error log has a NET3210, do the password resynch, Procedure 3, below. This error may be accompanied by a NET3113, NET3052, NET3056, or SYS0005. b. If the additional server or domain controller exhibits file system corruption (such as documents getting corrupted, errors stating that the DCDB or the NET.ACC may be corrupt, or irregular errors when trying to alter userids, aliases, or access control profiles) the NET.ACC may be corrupt. First, try booting with the OS/2 install disks and running CHKDSK drive: /F If CHKDSK does not resolve the problem, try backing up the NET.ACC and replacing it with a default copy to test. Follow Procedures 1 and 2 which follow. You may need to run Procedure 3, also. 2. Possible explanations of error: a. The internal password between an additional server and the domain controller is out of sync. b. A backup copy of the file NET.ACC was installed on the domain controller and not reinitialized. c. The domain controller went down while the additional server kept running. d. The workstation went down without a complete Shutdown procedure (NET STOP SRV, then Shutdown from the Desktop). SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION 1. This document details three procedures to correct the above errors: a. Procedure 1: Restore a the NET.ACC. b. Procedure 2: Add the server name into the NET.ACC. c. Procedure 3: Synchronize an additional server with the domain controller. 2. One or all of the following procedures may need to be done to resolve the error. DETAILS OF RESOLUTION 1. Procedure 1: To replace the NET.ACC: a. Make a backup copy of the current NET.ACC, leaving old backups intact. 1) For LAN Server Version 1.3: (NOTE: Command continues on two lines.) RENAME d:\IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS\NET.ACC d:\IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS\NET.BAK where d: = the drive where the LAN is installed. 2) For LAN Server Version 2.0 or 3.0: Make a backup copy using the BACKACC command. b. Rename the startup.cmd: RENAME STARTUP.CMD *.OLD c. From the Desktop, shutdown and reboot the workstation. d. If a previous, non-corrupt backup copy of the NET.ACC file exists, do one of the following (1 or 2): 1) For LAN Server Version 1.3: a) Copy the backup NET.ACC into the \IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS subdirectory. b) Skip to PROCEDURE 2. 2) For LAN Server Version 2.0 or 3.0: a) Run the RESTACC command (RESTACC d:\pathname). b) Skip to PROCEDURE 2. e. If a previous, non-corrupt NET.ACC does not exist, then do the following: 1) Select one of the following (a or b): a) For LAN Server Version 1.3, insert the appropriate disk: OS/2 EE 1.30 - Disk #7 OS/2 EE 1.30.1 - Disk #6 OS/2 EE 1.30.2 - Disk #6 into Drive A: and unpack the NET.ACC as follows: UNPACK A:NET.AC@ d:\IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS where d: = the drive where the LAN is installed. b. For LAN Server Version 2.0 and 3.0, run the following command: NOTE: The following command continues on two lines. COPY d:\IBMLAN\INSTALL\NET.ACC d:\IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS\NET.ACC where d: = the drive where LAN is installed. ###########################################################3 2) The above step copies a new NET.ACC which contains one userid (USERID with the password of PASSWORD). After completing the ADDSVRIN procedure (Procedure 2), recreate the users, groups, and access control profiles. 3) Continue with Procedure 2. ############################################################ 2. Procedure 2: To imbed the computer name in the NET.ACC using ADDSVRIN. a. Complete only one of the following steps: 1) For LAN Server Version 1.3, do the following: a) Insert the LAN Server Version 1.3 installation diskette in drive A: b) Type the following at the command prompt: UNPACK A:ADDSVRIN.EX@ C:\ 2) For LAN Server Version 2.0, the ADDSVRIN file is part of the installed LAN product. b. Type the instruction below to run the ADDSVRIN executable from the root directory: ADDSVRIN %1 %2 %3 where: %1 = Indicates the computer name of the server (as listed in the IBMLAN.INI file). %2 = Indicates the type of machine. Enter the number 1 if the server is an additional server. Enter the number 2 if the server is a domain controller. For LAN Server 3.0 only: Enter the number 3 if the server is a backup server. %3 = Indicates the location of the IBMLAN directory (eg: C:\IBMLAN) Example: For a domain controller with a computer name Test1 and the IBMLAN subdirectory is on C:, the instruction would be: ADDSVRIN TEST1 2 C:\IBMLAN c. Start the server: NET START SRV d. Rename startup.old to its original name: RENAME STARTUP.OLD STARTUP.CMD 3. Procedure 3: To synchronize an additional server with the domain controller. (Sets the internal passwords between the servers to the same password.) a. FOR LAN Server Version 1.3: On the domain controller, type the following at the OS/2 command line: NET STOP NETLOGON NET START NETLOGON /UPDATE:YES b. FOR LAN Server 2.0 or 3.0: Note: In the following commands, Use the computer name of the additional server. Use the same password for both commands. 1) On the domain controller, issue the following commands: LOGON USERID /P:PASSWORD NET USER LOGOFF 2) On the additional server, issue the following commands: LOGON USERID /P:PASSWORD NET STOP NETLOGON NET ACCOUNTS /ROLE:STANDALONE NET USER NET ACCOUNTS /ROLE:MEMBER NET START NETLOGON 3) The domain controller and the additional server should be synchronized. c. If you receive errors while doing Step 3b above, try the following one at a time, then retry Step 3b. 1) Verify that the userid has administrative privilege. a) At the OS/2 command prompt, type the following: NET USER userid b) If you get error NET2761, the userid does not have admin privilege. Do one of the following (i or ii): i. Retry Step 3b using a different administrator ID. ii. Recreate the default administrator ID of USERID with the password of PASSWORD. Be sure USERID has admin privilege. Retry Step 3b using this password. 2) Try Step 3b with only the requester started: a) Stop the requester. (This will stop the requester and the server.) b) Restart the requester only. c) Retry Step 3b. 3) Verify that the additional server is listed on the domain controller by doing the following: a) On the domain controller, access the LAN Requester Full Screen Interface. b) Select Definitions. c) Select Machine Parameters. If the additional server is not listed, select ADD and complete the window with the required information. d) Exit the LAN Requester Full Screen Interface. e) Retry Step 3b. 4) If the additional server is listed on the domain controller, select UPM (User Profile Management) off the Desktop to verify the additional server is identified in Manage Users and in Manage Groups. a) To verify the additional server is identified in Manage Users, do the following: i. From the User Profile Management - User Profile, select Manage from the action bar. ii. Select Manage Users. iii. The User Profile Management - User Management window lists all users defined in the current domain. If the additional server is not listed, select --New-- from this list and add the additional server. b) To verify the additional server is identified in Manage Groups, do the following: i. From the User Profile Management - User Profile, select Manage from the action bar. ii. Select Manage Groups. iii. Highlight the group Servers. iv. From the action bar, select Actions. v. Select View group from the Actions pull-down. The additional server's computer name should be listed. vi. If it is not listed, from the Actions pull-down select Update Group and complete the required information for the additional server. c) Retry Step 3b. REFERENCES 1. For LAN Server Version 1.3: a. IBM OS/2 LAN Server Version 1.3 Network Administrator's's Guide b. on IBM OS/2 Extended Edition 1.30, Disk 7. c. Readme.doc on IBM OS/2 Extended Edition 1.30.1, LAN Server Disk 1. 2. For LAN Server Version 2.0 or 3.0: a. IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 (or 3.0) LAN Network Administrator Reference Volume 3: Network Administrator Tasks. b. IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 (or 3.0) LAN Network Administrator Reference Volume 3: Network Administrator Tasks. c. Readme.doc on IBM OS/2 LAN Requester, Disk 1. Date last updated: 12/01/93 XA25007 - CJMXN 12/31/99