Warp CAN be an excellent client in a Microsoft Network. These steps will allow an OS/2 Warp Workstation connect to a Microsoft Network, Windows NT, OR Windows for Workgroups, OR anyone running an old OS/2 1.3 MS Lan Manager Network. It does not provide a server for OS/2 theredore only allows OS/2 to act as a client NOT a SERVER. These instructions will work with both ethernet and token ring nets. This method will also allow users of Windows for Workgroups to access their MS Mail servers on the above nets, (just map a drive to your Post Office). This is for the information of anyone out there who has an MS network and would like to run Warp as a client. IBM DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS CONFIGURATION AND DOES NOT PROVIDE THE INFO AS TO HOW TO MAKE THIS WORK. MICROSOFT WILL PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION HOWEVER THEY DO NOT SUPPORT IT EITHER. Before you begin you will need: A copy of OS/2 Warp A copy of Win3x A copy of the MS Client for OS/2, ver2.2a or newer(4 disk set, available from ftp.microsoft.com) A hot cup of coffee A little patience A backup copy of ALL changed files. This configuration is NOT supported by either IBM or Microsoft, however it CAN be made to work quite nicely. Following are the steps to take. 1. Install Warp, Preferably over over Win31 or Win311(Smaller and less overhead than WFW311). 2. After Setup is complete, open an OS/2 Window and go to your OS/2 boot directory, typically C:\, and type ATTRIB OS2VER -H -R -S. Press return. 3. Now edit the OS2VER file with your preferred text editor, I like E OS2VER personally. 4. Arrow down to the first blank line. Now type 20=NETWKSTA.SYS. DO NOT JUST CHANGE 20=NETWKSTA.200 BOTH LINES ARE NEEDED! 5. Save your changes and exit your editor. 6. Next return to your OS/2 Window and go to your OS/2 boot directory, typically C:\, and type ATTRIB OS2VER +H +R +S. Press return. 7. Now run setup from your LanManager OS/2 Workstation version 2.2a or later disks. Select your NETWORK card, establish your settings and finish setup. 8. Now BEFORE you restart the computer, you need to insert disk 2 of4 of the lanman setup disks, switch to the wksta20 subdirectory and type EXPAND NETWKSTA.SY$ C:\LANMAN\NETPROG\NETWKSTA.SYS and press enter(where C:\LANMAN is the directory that you installed LanManager into). 9. Remove the disk from the Drive and you can now restart. 10. When the system reboots you should be able to attach to an NT server(or a Windows for Workgroups server). If you get an error during the LanMan setup that says Unable to determine Disk FAT or HPFS, remark out your sound card entries(device=c:\mmos2\etc...) and restart the system. Then after the install remove the remarks, that should do the trick. If you have any problems with these steps feel free to E-Mail KangaDru@ping.ping.com KangaDru@aol.com I will try to answer any questions you might have. This information was gotten after SEVERAL hours of IBM 'FREE' SUPPORT (on my nickel) and eventually realizing that IBM Didn't have a clue about support for Networks other than LAN Server, so I tracked this info down on my own, it was in pieces so here is the whole. Good Luck!!