1.Using the FTP-to-AFTP Gateway from a web browser: Files On-Demand - 4/97
The FTP-to-AFTP Gateway included in NetWare for SAA 2.20 supports
web browser based point-and-click access to files on AFTP servers.
We call this Files On-Demand. The FTP-to-AFTP Gateway uses
NetWare for SAA 2.20 to connect to any AFTP server in your network.
You can then use the FTP support in your web browser to access files
through the FTP-to-AFTP Gateway. This document explains how to install
more detailed instructions in the form of html documents. Also included
is a Java applet that you can use to access AFTP servers. Once
you install these files, you can point your browser to the file
ftpaftp.htm to begin accessing AFTP and FTP Servers. For additional
information on the FTP-to-AFTP Gateway, consult the
NetWare for SAA 2.20 Operations and Diagnosis Guide.
2.Files On-Demand installation instructions
The Files On-Demand web component consists of HTML files, GIF files,
a Java applet, and updates for Netware for SAA if you are not running
the 4/97 refresh. The HTML files provide additional information on
how to access the FTP-to-AFTP Gateway from a web browser. These files
must be installed in a directory accessible from your web browser.
a. You need a Windows 95 or OS/2 workstation. Execute the self-extracting
zip file aftpjavw.exe (Windows 95) or aftpjavo.exe (OS/2) in a directory
on your web server or in a directory accessible from your web browser.
This will install all the files you need. The zip files are found
in the sys:\system\nwsaa\apis\ftpaftp directory.
Java programs require long filename support and are case sensitive.
This means that for OS/2 you must be using a HPFS drive. Make sure
the applet files have the following names:
b. The system names file, AFTPNAME.LST, is an optional text file consisting of
records containing destination names, either CPI-C symbolic names or
LU names. It can be modified with an editor. The file is read by the
Java applet which then displays the list of names on the Files On-Demand
screen. It can be used to make it easier for your users to connect
to common AFTP Servers. The file must exist in the same directory
as the Java applet files.
c. The default FTP server that is displayed on the Files On-Demand applet
screen is initially the hostname of the web server you are using.
To default to a different FTP server, you can pass the ftpserv
parameter to the applet in ftpaftp.htm and tailor the VALUE field
to the hostname of your choosing. Example:
d. Point your browser to ftpaftp.htm to get started.
e. If you are not running the 4/97 refresh of Netware for SAA 2.20, the files
below should be copied to the Netware for SAA 2.20 Server and replace the
existing files. Please save the old versions first. The directories where
the files should be installed are as follows:
AFTPAPI.NLM - sys:\system\nwsaa
FTPSERV.NLM - sys:\system
FTPSERV.MSG - sys:\system\nls\4
3. Setting up the Server
To access files on AFTP servers, the NetWare for SAA 2.20 server must have
the following components installed and/or configured:
a.The FTP server, FTPSERV.NLM, must be running. You should edit
the AUTOEXEC.NCF file and uncomment the line that starts the
UNISTART.NCF file. Make sure that the UNISTART.NCF file is executed
after the TCPIP.NLM is loaded. Additional information on the FTP Server
and FTP-to-AFTP gateway can be found in the NetWare for SAA 2.20
Operations and Diagnosis Guide. The FTP Server actually gets loaded
when a client connects in for the first time.
b.The FTP-to-AFTPAPI gateway, AFTPAPI.NLM, must be running.
The Gateway converts the FTP commands to AFTP commands and sends them
over an APPC session to the destination system. AFTPAPI.NLM should be
loaded before the FTP Server.
c.Configure NetWare for SAA 2.20 for an APPC (independent LU) session
between the Server and the destination SNA system. Information on
how to setup NetWare for SAA 2.20 LUs can be found in the NetWare
for SAA 2.20 documentation.
d.Set up a CPI-C side information record for the server using NetWare
Administrator. The NDS object that corresponds to the
NetWare for SAA 2.20 server is named server_NWSAA, where server is
name of your NetWare server. Although, this step is optional,
it allows a destination system to be referred to using a symbolic
name instead of an LU name.
e.Finally, an AFTP Server (also referred to as the AFTPD daemon)
must exist on the destination system.
f.Each connection through the FTP-AFTP Gateway to an SNA system will
use (and then return) one NetWare for SAA 2.20 license.
In summary, to use the FTP-to-AFTP gateway, your server should be
- Novell NetWare
- NetWare for SAA 2.20 which includes:
- The FTP-to-AFTP Gateway, AFTPAPI.NLM
4. Notes
- The version of FTPSERV.NLM and AFTPAPI.NLM must be dated 2/97 or greater.
- The Java applet was tested extensively with Netscape Navigator. Other
browsers will work if they support the creation of an FTP URL in a
Java applet. If not, you can still enter an FTP URL on the browser
command-line or imbed it in a HTML document to access FTP servers
and FTP-to-AFTP gateways.
- The format of the FTP URL that is used to connect to the FTP-to-AFTP
gateway from a web browser is:
There must be a plus sign separating the SNA destination and userid fields.
If the userid and password are omitted, anonymous is used by default.
- To connect to the FTP-to-AFTP gateway from an FTP client you can login
to the NetWare FTP server and then issue the user command as follows:
user @SNAdest/userid
- The Files On-Demand applet can also be used to communicate with any
FTP Server without going through the FTP-to-AFTP Gateway. You simply
omit the AFTP Server when filling out the Files On-Demand form.
No setup is necessary on the FTP Server.