Product: CallPath Server for OS/2 Lucent G3 Version: 2.02 Package Name: g3o1950.exe Size: 725385 (708Kb) Level: 1950 How to install: download the self extracting file, g3o1950.exe, or g3eo1950.exe, to a temporary directory. Run it from any command line and follow the prompts. Select the appropriate directory, depending on whether you have downloaded the ethernet or the non-ethernet version of the software If you answered "Yes" to the backup query and wish to undo the service update, issue the following commands: : cd \ -Qdr where is the drive the product is installed on, and is the full path of the backup self-extracting file. Fixes: APAR IC29443 Defect 9148 Using trunk access codes to manually dial extensions on another G3 with a common set of extensions as the originating switch can sometimes create dead calls. The reason for this behavior is that the dialed numbers reported during these scenarios are the ones at the remote switch without the trunk access code which would make the remote party number unique. The G3 switch dependent code has been updated to mark any connection ID's associated with off-switch numbers to avoid some of this ambiguity and send disconnects for the remote party after all local numbers drop out of the call. It is highly recommended to avoid the direct use of trunk access codes to make calls to another G3 and create a dialing plan to perform this function so that applications work properly. APAR IC27991 Defect 9023 A STLMAKE call request will fail to return a response and log an ERR_ASN1_ENCODE_ERROR (5065) and eventually exhaust all of the CallPath Server Request tags. For this error to occur, a manual call must already be in progress from an extension to an unanswered destination that generates a NETWORK_REACHED event and the STLMAKE request issued is from the same extension to a different destination. The switch dependent code was changed to correctly return the response and prevent CallPath Server request tag leak. APAR IC27966 Defect 8920 The Alerting/Connected events for an ACD agent are are discarded after a TAKE CONTROL ACK response is received from the G3. This condition will happen when the call routes between two monitored VDN's where the first VDN queues the call to a hunt group/ACD skill and contains a route-to step to a second VDN that sends the call to an agent of another hunt group/ACD skill. The switch dependent code was changed to correctly send the alerting and connected events for the agent. APAR IC28242 Defect 8919 A parked event will be reported when a trunk to trunk event should have been sent. This occurs when the calling and called numbers of the transfer event are reported by the switch as both being ##### (unknown external). The switch dependent code was changed to correctly send a transferred event in this case. APAR IC28243 Defect 8668 The SWITCH.EXE fails to start due to error ERR_CREATE_CSM on a Windows NT/2000 system. The cause of this condition is usually due to a catastrophic error in the TCP/IP subsystem communicating with the G3 or the G3 failing itself. The failure can leave the CSM.EXE process running without its parent SWITCH.EXE. Code was added to attempt to shut down the orphaned CSM.EXE and restart. If the failure continues, the only recovery will be to reboot the Windows system. APAR IC27215 Defect 8644 The SWITCH.EXE traps or invalid transferred event occurs where the common party in the two calls is an external number. The cause of this is due to a new calling party reported in the switch CONNECTED event. In some circumstances, this calling party is a hunt group. The switch dependent code has been changed to ignore all monitored hunt groups in this situation and never generate an inferred transfer event with an external number as the common party. APAR IC27214 Defect 8477,8551 External ISDN calling parties using an ISDN numbering plan were previously reported with an unknown numbering plan. The switch dependent code has been updated to now fill in this field when applicable instead of defaulting to the unknown numbering plan. APAR IC27210 Defect 8510 In some circumstances, an alerting event will not report the number of the external party, but will appear in the subsequent connected event. The switch dependent code was updated to now fill in the connected number when reported by the switch in this situation. APAR IC26711 Internal 8363 Calls into the Lucent G3 switch through ISDN trunks will only recognize ISDN International Number Types as the ANI (Automatic Numbering Identification) party type. The Lucent switch dependent code was updated to recognize National, Network Specific, Subscriber, and additional reserved ISDN number types as the ANI party type instead of using the unknown party type. APAR IC26712 Internal 7199 Lucent G3 Switches operating with Definity Release G3V8 or higher now support a new ASAI Value Query request to determine the exact version of the Definity Release installed and administered. Two new informational messages were added ERR_ASAI_STARTING (5126) and ERR_DEFINITY_RELEASE_QUERIED (5127) which log the active ASAI protocol in use and the definity software details. Switches running at pre-G3V8 levels will receive a negative response to this query at startup due to the unrecognized request. APAR IC26704 Internal 8344 When the VDN Service Observing Feature is activated on the G3 to monitor calls, the Call_Connected event would show the observed VDN connecting instead of the supervisor's extension. This problem was corrected in the Lucent switch dependent code. To aid applications with handling the event stream created by using this feature, the Call_Connected event will be reported AFTER the Call_Routed (direct route) processing. It is expected that the observed VDN be monitored, otherwise, no Call_Connected event for the supervisor will be reported. However, if the call finally connects to a device, the observer will appear within the existing_party_list. APAR IC26713 Internal 8313 When an STLXTND (Extend) request is made, the holding_party_ID_2 field will contain the connection id of the calling party of the new call. This change was made to aid applications in handling extensions with three or more active line appearances. APAR IC26693 Internals 6841,8240 The G3 SWITCH.EXE may trap or log numerous call state errors when operating with a G3 switch with more than one active ASAI link monitoring calls. The errors are due to calls flowing between monitored resources such as VDN's and unmonitored resources that are monitored by other CTI applications. The G3 limits call controlling (TAKE CONTROL request) to only one ASAI link. A negative response to a TAKE CONTROL with a cause code of 3_63 'service or option not available' is usually indicative a competing ASAI link configuration. Several code changes were required to handle call state transitions as a call left the monitored resources and returned at later point. APAR IC25801 Defect 8177 The G3 SWITCH.EXE will trap/coredump on a redirect event when using the station service observing feature from an unmonitored station. The problem occurs because the disconnect event from the observer does not flow until last and is never sent because it is not domain controlled and therefore leaves dead calls in the call state model. The system has been fixed to implicitly monitor all internal connecting parties in order to receive a full event stream and ensure such calls are properly cleaned up. Internal 8000 Internal 8000 When the calling party generates a RECONNECT event, the calling party appears in the existing party list as well as the connecting party structure in a two party call. A minor logic error was found in the connect event processing module and has been corrected. APAR IC24604 Internal 7982 Issuing an STLQACD request for types QUERY_PILOT_QUEUED_CALLS or QUERY_PILOT_AGENTS_SUMMARY will always return zero counts. The problem was introduced by recent changes in the G3 raw message decoder and has been fixed. APAR IC24433 Internal 7923 Starting the G3 Ethernet SWITCH.EXE generates a switch up, switch down, switch up status. The first switch up status was incorrect and the system has been changed to remove it. Internal 7913 Internal 7913 When a call was redirected from the principle station of a bridge group, the redirect events for the bridged parties were discarded. The problem was found in the duplicate event filter used when reading data from the switch link and has been corrected. Internal 7910 Internal 7910 When a VDN is configured to queue a call to only one skill and later redirects the call after a timeout, an incorrect queue cleanup routed event was reported. The route reason has been changed to use a forward route in this sequence to more accurately reflect the architecture. APAR IC24432 Internal 7903 The G3 SWITCH.EXE would go down after receiving a 6003 ERR_REQUEST_COMMBFR error when a 16 party bridge group is called. The cause was found to be a protocol violation in the connected party id field from the 16th alerting event and had a value of 0. Additional defensive code was added to catch this switch fault and handle it using a value of 0x80 instead. Internal 7881 Internal 7881 An invalid directory number negative response is now generated for STLXTND cid_a DN_A and STLRED cid_a DN_A requests where cid_a represents the same party as DN_A. This change was made to be consistent with what happens when an STLMAKE DN_A DN_A request is issued. The STLRED request will only be NAK'ed when redirecting an alerting party. When the STLRED is used to reply to a REQUEST_INSTRUCTION, redirecting back to the originating VDN is allowed, however, a new ROUTED event is generated on the positive response. The new ROUTED event contains the same party information in both the route-from and routed-to fields, but the connection id's are different to show replacement of the existing one with the one created by the STLRED request. APAR IC24180 Internal 7868 The G3 SWITCH.EXE will trap/core dump when a call alerts the principle station of a bridged group and redirects to an unmonitored VDN and then to a monitored VDN which forward routes to a second monitored VDN. The Lucent G3 event sequence that must occur is ALERT (principle), ALERTs (bridges), REDIRECT (principle), CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN (1st VDN), REDIRECT (from 1st VDN), CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN (2nd VDN). The trap has been fixed during the processing of the 2nd CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN and the bridged parties left in the call after the call redirects from the principle station are now disconnected. APAR IC23915 Internal 7578 Revertive (predictive) calls that reach a fax/modem are now handled as if they reached an answering machine. Calls that reach a fax/modem will clear with the disconnect reason STL_DISCONNECT_DEST_DETECT versus STL_DISCONNECT_NOT_SPECIFIED as they had done previously. APAR IC23913 Internal 7530,7573 Recent changes in some of the G3V6. switch software rearranged some of the data fields in the agent login and logout events. The messages were correct according to the ASAI protocol documentation, but the G3 SWITCH.EXE would return the agent ID with a corrupted last character or sometimes return the physical extension as the agent ID. The ASAI decoder component of the SWITCH.EXE has been updated to handle the new messaging formats. APAR IC23413 Internal 7279 The OS/2 G3 SWITCH.EXE using an ISDN connection to the switch traps when a VDN service observe is active and the link periodically becomes congested. The cause was not handling the routed event for an inbound call that reused a dead call created by the congestion. The problem was isolated to the processing of the CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN (Routed) event and has been corrected. Internal 7278 Internal 7278,T4376 Revertive (predictive) STLMAKE requests originating directly from an ACD (hunt group) without using an VDN will create dead calls. This only happens when the ACD is configured with queueing. Internal 7263 Internal 7263 Removed disconnect negative response logging when the target party hangs up before the request reaches the switch. The messages needlessly fill up the error logs and are not needed anymore. APAR IC23412 Internal 7207 The G3 SWITCH.EXE would go into the overload state after 5000 or more STLQPS requests for features or indicators. The problem was caused by a request tag leak and has been fixed. APAR IC23411 Internal 7196 An STLMAKE or STLXTND request using an ISDN trunk to a party that fast-connects (i.e. does not produce an alerting event before connecting) produced wrong connection id's in the connect event. Changes were made to handle this new flow. APAR IC22699 Internal 6860 The G3 SWITCH.EXE would go down after receiving a 6003 ERR_REQUEST_COMMBFR error. The cause of the problem was a communication buffer resource leak in the code that does queue cleanup and has been fixed. APAR IC22698 Internals 6842,6822,6806,6764,6754 The Lucent G3V6 switch software now allows local stations to defined without hardware with coverage paths off-switch. Calling such stations now alert/connect/conference/transfer with ##### instead of their actual extension. This impacted several event transition routines which required changes to handle the new information in the switch messages. Symptoms where unexpected CSM errors with ALT, CC, ROU, QUE tags or newly introduced connection ids in conference or transfer events. Problem is related to APAR IC22240. APAR IC22697 Internal 6780 The Lucent G3V6 switch software introduced three new cause codes for the CONNECT event. This only applies to switches running with Definity Release G3V6x.03.01.234.x or higher. The new values are 3/7 (service observing), 3/8 (listen only), and 3/9 (listen/talk). Service observe and listen only causes set the Callpath connect reason to STL_ADD_PARTY_RCV_ONLY and the listen/talk cause to STL_ADD_PARTY_SEND_AND_RCV. APAR IC22696 Internal 6779 If a switch request tag was used as a temporary monitor for an alerting station and then reused to monitor a pilot number, unexpected CSM errors might occur. Problem was due to some internal flags not being cleared and has been corrected. APAR IC22241 Internal 6721 When call tracking is enabled and the last monitored party for a call disconnects, the DISCONNECT event for the remaining non-monitored or external parties will not flow. This is due to the switch returning a negative response to a take control request. The problem can be recognized by looking at the real-time trace. The trace would show the negative response(NAK) without a corresponding DISCONNECT event. APAR IC22240 Internal 6720 The problem scenario occurs when an external party(X1) calls and connects to a monitored party(A). Party(A) then manually conferences another external party(X2) over a non-ISDN trunk. The connection id for party(X2) generated by the NETWORK REACHED event was incorrectly replaced with a new one in the subsequent CONFERENCED event. This problem has been fixed so party(X2)'s original connection id is used and updated with the DNIS from the switch if present. APAR IC22160 Internal 6683 The ALERTING event was discarded during the event sequence REDIRECT, CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN, ALERTING. The condition can be identified by an the error ERR_UNEXPECTED_CSM_STATE with an ALT: in the message. This typically happens when a VDN contains a route-to step to another VDN and generates the REDIRECT, CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN and the target VDN contains a converse vector step and generates an ALERTING event. The problem was corrected by clearing a conditional when processing the CALL OFFERED TO DOMAIN event after it was set when processing the REDIRECT event. APAR IC22159 Internal 6683 When external T1 calling party connects to another external T1 party after a transfer, a PICKED event was sent vs. a CONNECT event. This caused the unpark (pick) call test to be true because the calling and called parties were the same. The test was fixed to disallow this for external parties which are represented by #####'s on T1 trunks and now flows a CONNECT event. APAR IX83160 Internal 6675 When the Definity LAN Gateway closes the Ethernet link to the Callpath server due to a network error or internal switch problem, a core dump would sometimes be generated by the RequestControl process. The core dump was occuring because another process would forcefully remove the request queue from the RequestControl process causing a memory access violation. The problem was found in the cleanup code that runs during shutdown and has been corrected. APAR IC22158 Internal 6675 When CPSS2 would start the G3 switch dependent code, it would immediately exit. The problem was the SWITCH.EXE process would unconditionally try to connect to the Definity LAN Gateway and exit if the link failed to start. The startup sequence was changed to open the link only upon request. This allows the user to configure the host links to SS/2 without the link to the G3 being active or even correctly configured and allows the link to stopped and restarted by request. APAR IC22157 Internal 6675 The switch dependent code would generate an ERR_CREATE_CSM error (unable to start call state model) which could only be cleared by a system reboot. The problem was found in the cleanup code after a link failure and has been corrected. APAR IC21786 Internal 6621 Fixed processing of the CUT-THROUGH/TRUNK SEIZED event to do queue cleanup using ROUTED messages before sending up a NETWORK REACHED message. This change will handle VDN with vectors that queue calls to one or more splits and contain route-to steps that route the call to another switch for load balancing. APAR IC21793 Internal 6617 Added error code ERR_INVALID_CRV_LENGTH to catch situations where the Callpath Server configuration is verified to be correct, but the link will not start. This can happen when the ASAI station on the PBX is not configured correctly. The text of the new error code contains a description of the correct ASAI station settings which customers can quickly check and fix on their own before involving IBM or Lucent support. APAR IC21785 Internal 6608 Changed the transfer request processing (STLTRAN) to disallow transfers from a call with only one party in it. This can happen when A calls B, B answers, B extends (STLXTND) to C which is busy, STLALTR B-A B-C to reverse the held and connect states of the calls at B, and then transfer (STLTRAN) the second call to the first one. This flow exposed a Lucent switch bug where no response was sent back from the transfer request and potentially causing a hang at a client application. APAR IX81036 Internal 6594 Fixed the STLQPS using the STL_PARTY_FEATURE_STATUS for AGENT_ACTIVITY to correctly send back the agent state information. The problem was unique to AIX and was traced down to a byte-swapping issue during the message encoding process. The symptoms were zeros returned in the party status messag fields vs. the correct values. This error also occurred for STL_FORWARD and STL_PARTY_INDICATOR_STATUS queries. APAR IX81781 Internal 6573 Changed processing of the CONNECT event to identify service observe connects by setting the connect reason to STL_ADD_PARTY_RCV_ONLY. This update completes the 5829 change listed below. The 4912 change was removed because the flow it was designed to fix was a VDN service observe connect. Limitations: The event stream from the switch for service observe connects is identical to some call picked flows. Full support where the connect reason is 100% reliable will require a new cause code from the Lucent switch which is not yet available. APAR IC21746 Internal 6557 Fixed processing of the ALERTING, CONNECTED, CALL OFFERED (ROUTED), QUEUED (ROUTED), TRUNK SEIZED (NETWORK_REACHED), REJECTED, and ROUTE (REQUEST INSTRUCTION) events when the calling party goes on hold. These flows were uncovered when the STLALTR request was issued after an STLXTND to VDN's which reversed the held and active calls at the vertex station. Symptoms were lost events listed above and associated ERR_UNEXPECTED_CSM_STATE errors logged. Internal 5985 Added error codes 6428 to 6433 to detect specific TCP/IP connect failures. The new codes look for the conditions EADDRNOTAVAIL, EISCONN, ENETDOWN, ENETUNREACH, and ECONNREFUSED as defined in most TCP/IP communications books. Each new error codes gives tips for how to work around the problem. Internal T4400 Fixed internal data structure which was corrupting the calling party info after issuing an STLRED request. Behavior was that the calling party changed to the redirected party. Problem did not occur with the OS/2 or Windows NT servers. APAR IC20572 Internal 5997 Fixed processing of CONNECT event generated when a station service observe is initiated against the connected party in an existing two party call where the other party is on hold. This was processed like a RECONNECT and would corrupt the party id field in this call. This is now fixed and the service observer is added to the call via the CONNECT event with the reason STL_ADD_PARTY_RCV_ONLY making a three party call. APAR IC20177 The G3 switch will trap at startup if the Callpath Server has not been updated to at least level 1375. Updating the Callpath Server fixes this problem by providing the updated DLL's expected by the G3 code. Internal 5829 This Lucent feature creates a CONNECT event with the connected party as the observer station just prior to the CALL OFFERED event. This corrupted the call state model for this call and subsequent events were discarded. This is now handled by flowing up this unique connect event using a new reason code of STL_ADD_PARTY_RCV_ONLY. Subsequent events are now handling the new call state of TWO_CC_CC and flow as before with the observer party included if applicable. Limitations: If the VDN is a point of entry for external calls and the observer station is monitored, the VDN MUST be monitored also otherwise a call PICKED event will flow. Affected Lucent/CallPath Events: ALERTING, CONNECTED, CALL OFFERED (ROUTED), QUEUED (ROUTED), TRUNK SEIZED (NETWORK_REACHED), REDIRECTED (ROUTED), REJECTED, ROUTE (REQUEST INSTRUCTION). Full support will be offered in a later release. Internal 5766 Internals 5839,5840 also. Miscellaneous fixes to ensure cleaner shutdown on AIX. Symptom is that the switch dependent code would not start the first time, but the second time it would. The first start actually works, but finds a resource left around from the previous invocation, cleans it up, then immediately exits. Second start always works because it finds no leftover resources. Internal 5789 Fixed processing of agent LOGIN/LOGOUT events for agents belonging to more than one monitored split. The system has been changed to flow a LOGIN (or LOGOUT) event for each split instead of just the primary skill. The limitation of FEATURE_INVOKED messages for agent state change still applies in that only one will flow per request because this event is generated within the CallPath system and does not come from the G3 switch. Internal 5759 Fixed the utilization of the WORKGROUP field when using STLINVK with ADVANCED_AGENT_ACTIVITY for LOGIN/LOGOUT and AGENT_NOT_READY requests. The reason codes will only be included in the request if the WORKGROUP field is present whereas they were previously always present. APAR IC19815 Internal 5728 Fixed STLQPS on parties with length > 6 (external to switch) so it would not leak request tags and always send back a response. Unknown parties are now NAK'ed with INVALID_DIRECTORY_NUMBER and the cause code qualifier is now filled in with the external party number. Internal 5716 Fixed the ISDN link recovery to not shutdown the G3 switch dependent code when a RESTART was sent over the ISDN link or communications timed out due to errors. This change also limits retries to two to three minutes before assuming the cable/connection is broken/unplugged. Internal 5711 Added support for II digits and Flexible Billing when receiving ROUTE REQUEST's from the switch. APAR IC19781 Internal 5710 Added support for Program Data when receiving on CALL ORIGINATED events and ROUTE REQUEST's from the switch. Internal 5680 Added enhancement to adjust the time when temporary station DOMAIN CONTROLS are released. Set the environment variable MONITORLOOP_TIME=n where 30 <= n <= 600 for the maximum number of seconds the server waits before performing the releases. Usage is helpful for sites where three or more CallPath Servers with local connections to a common G3 switch and the stations are shared among the servers. Internal 5622 Increased length of hostname for the G3 switch from 8 to 32. APAR IC19461 Internal 5461 Trunk value in both switch trace and application trace always had the same value. Fixed to correctly decode the trunk and member values. APAR IX70296 Internal 5375 Fixed CallPath Server for AIX with local G3 connection to always recover shared memory, queues, and semaphores after abnormal shutdowns. APAR IC19191 Internal 5257 Fixed handling of calls generating REQUEST INSTRUCTION events and then redirected using STLRED to other VDN's including the VDN generating the REQUEST INSTRUCTION. These changes also include handling of queuing calls to multiple splits with a queue_to vector steps and then redirecting the call after a wait step. APAR IC19302 Internal 5215 Fixed many errors for predictive dialing applications. These include correct handling of calls where the external party hangs up before the agent answers and disallowing duplicate MAKECALL requests from the same VDN or hunt group pilot number to the same external party. APAR IC18891 Internal 5214 Fixed negative response to STLRETR when original calling party disconnects in the middle of a consult. This resulted in a lost request tag which could only be recovered by restarting the server. Internal 5030 Fixed Call Routed event in "cover, no answer" scenario to use the reason STL_RNA_FORWARD_ADD_ROUTE and keep the original alerting station in the call. This allows the original alerting station to correctly connect in the call either manually or via the STLANSR request because the connection id for the extension is no longer deleted by the routed event. Internal 5029 Added extensive diagnostics into Ethernet communications code for troubleshooting purposes. Added new error codes 6402 to 6426. Set the environment variable ASAI_HBT_TRACE=n where 1 <= n <= 2 and n = 1 is used to trace layer-2 heartbeats and n = 2 for layer-3 heartbeats. APAR IC18564 Internal 4956 Fixed trap where more than 16 parties are added to a call using bridged phones. Only occurs when an extension A has the maximum number of bridged appearances (15), and has a coverage path with "cover, no answer" to another extension B that has additional bridged appearances and a call to A does not answer. Changed flow by adding a new Call Routed event with new reason STL_RNA_FORWARD_ADD_ROUTE to the coverage extension B followed by an Alerting event for B and then Alerting events for B's bridged appearances. Only up to 20 parties can be in a call. The error code ERR_TOO_MANY_PARTIES will be logged alerting parties 21 or higher. APAR IC17991 Internals 4977,5066,5118,5143 Fixed old call cleanup that were stored internally in CSM, but the switch has deleted. Old calls were left around when the external party hung up before a TAKE CONTROL request could be issued to track it or no DISCONNECT/CALL ENDED events were received as a result of a CLEAR CALL request. Problem occurs for outbound predictive makecalls using the options STLSMCP STL_CONNECT_PARTY_TWO_FIRST in conjunction with STLSROP STL_DISCONNECT_REMAINING to clear over dialed calls. APAR IX70296 Internal 5051 Fixed AIX Ethernet TCP/IP cleanup code when SWITCH.EXE is coming down. Resources were not released causing restarts to fail. Csaclean was not finding these resources either and was fixed to find and release them. Files in service: readme.txt bri.dll stt.dll switch.exe prodinfo.msg syslevel.dat csm.exe csmpd.exe Ethernet file: readme.txt Ethernet file: Ethernet file: bri.dll Ethernet file: stt.dll Ethernet file: switch.exe Ethernet file: prodinfo.msg Ethernet file: syslevel.dat Ethernet file: csm.exe Ethernet file: csmpd.exe Ethernet file: swchgg3e.dll Ethernet file: