READ.ME for the latest TELNET code: Description: ------------ This package provides replacement files for TELNET.EXE, TELNETPM.EXE, TELNETDC.EXE, TELNETD.EXE, LOGINUNX.EXE, TNLOGIN.EXE, TNLS16.DLL TNLS32.DLL, ANSI.DLL and VT100.DLL. To date, these are the only files in the TELNET component that have had apar fixes made to them in OS/2 WARP V3.5 TCP/IP. Installation instructions: -------------------------- You must have the following installed on your system: The SMP Feature for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4. You should put the TELFILES.EXE file in a temporary subdirectory and enter: TELFILES TELFILES.EXE file contents: -------------------------- READ.ME TELNET.EXE 259072 04-15-97 TELNETPM.EXE 293888 04-14-97 TELNETDC.EXE 33902 03-31-97 TELNETD.EXE 24488 04-15-97 LOGINUNX.EXE 12251 04-15-97 TNLOGIN.EXE 8343 04-15-97 TNLS16.DLL 47104 03-13-97 TNLS32.DLL 90112 03-13-97 ANSI.DLL 70893 07-21-97 VT100.DLL 71437 07-21-97 You should back up the current versions of these files on your system. Then replace the *.EXE files in the TCPIP\BIN directory, and the *.DLL files in the MPTN\DLL directory. Apars included in this group of fixes with a brief description: (executables and/or dlls fixed) -------------------------------------------------- IC16347 - In many cases, Telnet client is losing track of the cursor position, whether it be where the cursor is drawn or where it actually gets placed. In some cases, text is still entered at the proper location but the cursor is somewhere else. In others, the cursor and entry location are moved to a different location, overtyping existing text. Both entry points function correctly, but their appearence is off and causes problems. (telnet.exe, telnetpm.exe) IC16345 - Stack space problem needs to be corrected. (tnls16.dll) IC17029 - Server applications (telnetD, RshD, and RexecD) that do not properly handle socket ownership will hang their corresponding clients because of unsuccessful calls to soclose(). This symptom is now occurring because of enhancements to soclose() processing in the latest version of the TCP/IP toolkit. With rshd and rexecd, this problem will only occur when started under inetd. For Telnetd, the problem will occur regardless of how it is started. IC17979 - Start a telnet daemon (i.e. telnetd) on the server. Have a client telnet into the server. Have the client run another utility/application. Second application will trap because of inadequate stack space. IC18103 - Start a telnet daemon (i.e. telnetd) on the server. Have a client telnet into the server. Have the client press up arrow key for repeat/retrieve function. Retrieve function improperly tabs over on same line.