READ.ME for Apar IC19239 (TCP/IP v4.1) Description: ------------ This package provides a replacement PMFAXW.EXE to solve the problem in APAR IC19239 (see the abstract below). IC19239 files: -------------- IC19239.EXE - A self extracting .exe. Enter IC19239 (directory name) to expand. It expands into the following files. PMFAXW EXE 50804 10-27-97 Installation instructions: -------------------------- Save a copy of the present PMFAXW.EXE currently in the tcpip/bin subdirectory. Then copy the file to the tcpip/bin subdirectory from this apar. Then SHUTDOWN and REBOOT the system to make this exe active. Abstract for IC19239 -------------------------------------- When pmfaxw is invoked, the FaxDataFilter window is not displayed.