OS/2 Warp Connect Fixpak #11 ALL files needed to perform a successful update are included here. 1. You will need EIGHT blank formatted diskettes.... 2. Unzip the fixpack into a temporary directory. Files in the directory should be: ----------------------------------------------- LOADDSKF.EXE ----------------------------------------------- CSFBOOT.1DK CSFBOOT.2DK ----------------------------------------------- XR_W011.1DK XR_W011.2DK XR_W011.3DK XR_W011.4DK XR_W011.5DK XR_W011.6DK ----------------------------------------------- 3. Insert a blank formatted 3.5" 1.44mb disk in drive and type loaddskf csfboot.1dk a: (assuming that a: is your 3.5" drive) answer Y at the prompt. label this disk WARP CONNECT KICKER DISK #1 -- repeat the process for CSFBOOT.2DK on a seperate floppy -- label this disk WARP CONNECT KICKER DISK #2 4. Insert a blank formatted 3.5" 1.44mb disk in drive and type loaddskf xr_w011.1dk a: (assuming that a: is your 3.5" drive) answer Y at the prompt. -- repeat the process for the other five xr_ files on seperate floppies -- label these disks WARP CONNCECT FIXPACK #11 disk 1 thru 6 5. Insert WARP CONNECT KICKER DISK #1 into machine and REBOOT the machine. 6. You are on your way, just follow the instructions and let the fixpack do it all for you... by the way: I noticed that for some reason the pretty little graph bar they use to tell you progress gets screwed up because text names are being displayed... I just ignored the video and let it run.. It worked fine.