OS/2 Warp 4 Installation Notes

Version 1.02

February 11, 1997

Copyright © 1997 by Frank McKenney
All rights reserved.

This document may be freely redistributed as long as it remains intact, including the Copyright notice, and no financial gain is realized from it.

Table of Contents

Statement of Purpose

This document is an attempt to consolidate information related to installing Warp 4 from a variety of sources, as well as offer additional hints and point out some specific problems you may encounter.

My purpose in creating this document was to get users operational under Warp 4 as soon, and as easily, as possible. Consequently, I'm not too concerned with making sure I have the description and location of the absolutely latest driver for an "IBM ZGA Display Adapter". I'm perfectly willing to leave that task to others (but see the section on Obtaining Device Drivers). However, I will provide information on driver-related problems that might prevent an installation or cause serious performance problems under Warp.

Where links to other sites and resources appear I have used the address (URL) itself as the link text rather than hiding it behind a shorthand text description. This was deliberately done to ensure that a hard copy of this document would be almost as useful as the live 'web version.

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The material included has been compiled from verbal comments, private e-mail, messages posted in public locations (e.g. the Usenet newsgroups), the occasional manual, and my own interpretations of all of the above. I do not have access to all (or even most) of the equipment and software mentioned, so I am unable to personally verify all of this document's details.

I have tried to avoid the excessive use of jargon wherever possible. Unfortunately, describing an OS/2 installation is a technical topic, and requires the use of a certain number of technical terms.

I also have been known to make the occasional typographic errer (;-).

In all cases, you should use your own best judgement as to which of the following material applies to your situation.

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Planning Your Installation

Installation planning is a kind of insurance policy. It's the investment of a small amount of time and thought before starting with the aim of reducing your chances of spending much more time and effort later on - time that you could be spending exploring and using Warp 4.

Read First, Install Later:

Prepare your system:

These steps can't guarantee a clean installation, but they will significantly improve your chances. And if you have followed them, it will make it much easier for you, and those assisting you, to narrow in on the real culprit if you do encounter difficulties.

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Obtaining Device Drivers

The OS/2 Device Driver Pak CD, new with Warp 4, offers a handy reference for selecting a driver to use with a particular adapter. For example, if you have a Packard-Bell 144ASMP sound/modem adapter, you would discover that the DDPak CD recommends using the Sound Galaxy Wave 32+ driver supplied with Warp 4.

OS/2 Warp 4 shipped in September of 1996. Since then, new OS/2 device drivers have been written and old drivers have been updated. If you're looking for a driver or just want to see if a newer version is available, start by using a 'web browser to open the file \INDEX.HTM on the Warp 4 Device Driver CD. This set of browsable files contains pointers to files on the CD as well as links to IBM drivers or to manufacturer's 'web sites.

An online version of this information can be found at http://service.software.ibm.com/os2ddpak/.

Another repository is maintained by IBM EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa). Their home page is at http://www.europe.ibm.com/getdoc/psmemea/, or you can go directly to the drivers at http://www.europe.ibm.com/getdoc/psmemea/progserv/device/.

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In the Event of Difficulties...

Many users install OS/2 without experiencing any problems. Still, it's always reassuring to know where you can turn if you do run into difficulties. In addition to the sources listed above, you may find help through any of the following:

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Common Installation Problems (not Warp 4 specific)

When you are installing a new piece of software, especially one with as many components as Warp 4, it's easy to assume that any problem you see is due to the new software. I'm including the following items more as a reminder than anything else.

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Following reboot, display is black or loses sync (image distortion)

Installation assumes that the display adapter and monitor, when reset, will go to VGA mode: 640x480, 60 Hz vertical refresh. If this is not the case, any of a number of display-related problems will occur. For example, if an ATI 8514-series adapter resets to 8514 mode instead of VGA mode, VGA text (installation and boot messages) will not appear.

Workaround: Use the manufacturer's setup utility program to configure the display adapter so that the default mode is 640x480 at 60 Hz. If you are using a configurable display, make sure it can autoswitch to this mode.

Note: Some adapters will not completely reset for a "warm" boot (Ctl-Alt-Del), and a few apparently do not reset when the System Reset Button is pressed. If your reconfiguration does not appear to be taking effect, power off the machine, wait 60 seconds, then power it back on again to ensure a complete adapter reset.

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App hangs system, then system hangs on every subsequent re-boot.

When the WPS starts up, it will attempt to restart those processes which were active when it shut down (or crashed, or hung, etc.). If one of those processes was one which caused the initial problem, restarting it may cause the problem to recur.

To suppress this behavior, edit CONFIG.SYS and add the following line (note: "Folders" is plural):

Set RestartObjects=StartupFoldersOnly,ReBootOnly

Note: This will also prevent a DOS or MSWin31 app from running unnoticed in the background and keeping control of your sound adapter.

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OS/2 program or WPS Program Object fails to start

This can be due to several things, but most frequently occurs when OS/2 cannot locate a DLL required by the program. Attempting to start the program from an OS/2 command prompt will generally give an error message with the name of the missing DLL.

Likely causes: The directory containg the DLL has been erased, the directory name is not in the current LIBPATH setting, the directory name is misspelled, or LIBPATH does not have an entry for "current directory" as its first entry (LIBPATH=.;...).

Note: Always save a copy of your current OS/2 CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files before installing a new piece of software. If you experience problems following the installation, you can compare the resulting and previous versions of these files to see what changes have taken place.

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COMx port not recognized

By default, Warp 4 will check the hardware for COM1 at I/O address 0x3F8 and IRQ4 and for COM2 at 0x2F8 and IRQ3. If you have a COM3 or COM4 port or if the COM1 or COM2 settings at boot time do not match Warp's assumptions, you will need to modify CONFIG.SYS to override these assumptions.

Things to check for:

Specifying the default COM1 and/or COM2 settings to the COM.SYS driver has made a difference in a few cases.

For more information on how to specify nonstandard values for COMx ports, read the COM.SYS driver section of the online Command Reference manual.

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Install or Selective Install hangs, LAN adapter at 0x300

Warp installation checks for possible CD-ROM and LAN devices at various I/O addresses. Unfortunately, if a LAN adapter is present, this "adapter sniffing" may cause a hardware lockup. This is particularly true of NE2000-compatible Ethernet adapters located at I/O address 0x300, an address also used by ESS and SoundBlaster sound adapters and Philips, Mitsumi, and Sony CD-ROM adapters.


Note: for Warp 4 these values are in hexadecimal.

For more details on Warp's autodetection, see the Warp 4 Command Reference section "Autodetection of Resources".

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FDISK will not set a partition or logical drive to "Installable"

FDISK will not set a partition Installable if any portion of it lies beyond cylinder 1023 as reported by the BIOS.

The simplest way to see where the BIOS limit occurs is to type the following command at an OS/2 command prompt:


Where BIOS limits exist, FDISK /QUERY will list them under the affected drives as in the following examples:

Untranslated 700 MB IDE drive: **BIOS: 504MB
Untranslated 1.2 Gb SCSI drive: **BIOS:1024MB


Warning: Changes to a drive's sector translation (geometry) will render existing data on the drive unusable. For example, many Adaptec SCSI adapters have an option called "translate drives over 1 Gb". If this option is accidentally enabled, or a SCSI drive is switched to an adapter which has this option enabled, the drive's partition table may appear to be completely scrambled until the option is disabled.

If you change the geometry of an existing drive, make sure you have a verified backup of its contents prior to making the change.


Related: IBM Service Tip OSINPART: Unable to set a partition Installable in FDISK during installation

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Device driver added to install Diskette 1 is not present after reboot

Fix: Add the COPYFROMFLOPPY statement to the installation CONFIG.SYS file. For details on how to do this, see UAR p.74-75 and the README files on the DDPak CD.

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Known Warp 4 Problems

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Hang during WPS startup - blue screen, clock pointer

Warp 4 boots cleanly to the point where PM starts up and a blue background is displayed. The system then waits indefinitely. The "clock" pointer remains visible, and responds to mouse movement. If MMPM/2 is installed, the System Startup sound may or may not be heard. This particular problem has been referred to as the Blue Screen of Death.

Note: a similar symptom will occur if you accidentally remove the FOLDERS keyword from the AUTOSTART setting in CONFIG.SYS.

While this problem does not occur on most Warp 4 systems, it is extremely noticeable when it does appear. Because of this, and because it is extremely frustrating to deal with, it is perhaps the most frequently reported problem with Warp 4. Based on the reports I've seen it looks like a case of improper serialization of some resource. An example would be (say) the WPS and WarpCenter (which runs as part of the WPS) each executing code between DosError() Disable/Enable calls with no interlock. Both would assume that their last setting would be the one in effect, and both might be correct.. most of the time.

Whatever the true cause, this problem appears to be highly timing-dependent. This means that apparently minor changes to seemingly unrelated areas of the system can trigger this problem... or cause it to vanish. Users have reported fixing or reducing occurrences of this problem through a variety of means, all of which alter the timing of portions of system startup rather than (IMHO) actually addressing the root cause.

Possible workarounds: If you should encounter this problem, try one or more of the following until a definitive fix (or workaround) is available:

More serious efforts might include:

Note that none of the above are guaranteed to make the problem disappear permanently.

The good news is that this problem is reported as fixed in Warp 4 FixPack 1 (XR_M001).

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Warp4 over Warp3 with FixPack 22 or later may experience problems

Warp 4 was neing developed at the same time as later Warp 3 FixPacks were being coded. If Warp 4 is installed over a copy of Warp 3 with one of the later FixPacks installed, the timestamps on some Warp 4 files will be older than the timestamps on the same files in Warp 3, and may not get replaced properly.

Workaround: Use the Advanced install option and specify that even "newer" files should be overwritten. Alternatively, use SERVICE.EXE from a current set of CSF Boot Diskettes to back out changes so that your Warp 3 system is at a FixPack level prior to FixPack 22.

Related: IBM Service Tip OSINUP22: FixPack 22 and installation of OS/2 Warp 4.0

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WarpSans font missing after display driver installed

The new WarpSans font is contained in \OS2\DLL\DSPRES.DLL. If the installation of a display driver overwrites DSPRES.DLL, the WarpSans font will no longer be available.

Workaround: During display driver installation, make sure DSPRES.DLL does not get overwritten. In any case, you can restore DSPRES.DLL from the VGA bundle on your OS/2 boot partition using the following command:


Related: Section 6. of the Warp 4 DDPak CD README files.

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Add Programs stops searching for programs, halts install

During installation, the Adding Programs to Desktop progress indicator appears and local drives are scanned for possible program files. At some point the progress indicator stops moving and system response becomes extremely sluggish.When this problem is present, Add Programs (MIGRATE.EXE) will always halt on the same directory, generally one containing e-mail messages.

Background: The Warp 4 installation code runs under CODEPAGE=850, then sets it back to the correct value for the OS/2 version being installed (CODEPAGE=437,850 for US systems). Installing under a different CODEPAGE, combined with the existence of files whose names contain certain odd characters (such as those created by Ultimail/2 v2.10.003 and later versions), triggers a bug in the OS/2 directory search support (DosFindNext) which causes it to repeatedly return the same file name. When MIGRATE.EXE scans a directory containing one of these file names, it goes into a CPU-intensive loop, effectively halting the installation process.

Workaround: Edit the CONFIG.SYS file on a copy of Warp 4 installation Diskette 1 using TEDIT or another ASCII text editor. Change the line reading CODEPAGE=850 to CODEPAGE=437,850 or another value suitable for your system, and restart your installation.

Note: A previous copy of Warp does not actually need to be present on the system for this problem to occur. All that is needed is a "strange" (but legal) filename on a drive which MIGRATE.EXE scans and a change of CODEPAGE which causes the file name to be processed differently. This problem can also be triggered by any other program (part of a CID install, for example) which scans directories and runs while CODEPAGE has been changed.

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SYS0690, SYS0696 messages at boot time

If CACHE.EXE is RUN from CONFIG.SYS, timing-related problems may cause one or both of the following messages at boot time:

SYS0690: Lazy writes are disabled.
SYS0696: Read ahead is disabled.

Workaround: Reduce or eliminate the timing consideration. You can do this by

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IDE CD-ROM drive on sound adapter not recognized.

In Warp 4 code was added to check for non-Plug&Play IDE adapters at the following I/O address and IRQ combinations:


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MediaVision PAS 16 mixers work under Warp3 but not Warp4

Due to changes made to the MVPRODD.SYS driver for VoiceType, the OS/2 mixers for the Media Vision ProAudio Studio 16 adapters will not work under Warp 4.

Workaround: If you are not currently using VoiceType, you can reinstall the Warp 3 version of the PAS 16 driver. The mixers will work with the older driver, but it will not support VoiceType.

Related: APAR JR09865

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IPE / Trap 000e using Dial Other Internet Providers at 115KB

May exist with either the Warp 4 COM.SYS driver or the shareware SIO driver.

This is not a frequently-occurring problem. I have only seen two reports of it to date, and it may be hardware specific. My COM2 port has been running at 115 KB for three weeks with no problems.

Possible workaround: Drop the serial port speed back to 57KB or slower to see if this clears the problem..

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Drive geometry for 3rd and 4th EIDE drives not correctly mapped

According to OS/2 APAR JR09401, the IBM1S506.ADD driver has problems obtaining correct drive geometry from the BIOS for EIDE drives other than the first two. As a result, systems with large IDE drives connected to the Secondary EIDE channel may function properly, particularly if formatted with HPFS partitions, but may be mapped incorrectly.

Workaround: The correct geometry can be supplied to the driver through the /GEO parameter. For details, see the Warp 4 Command Reference entry for IBM1S506.ADD. A fix is in progress, but drives which have been created and written to with the wrong geometry may experience problems once the fix is applied.

If you wish to display the geometry currently seen by the driver, simply add a /V parameter to the IBM1S506 driver statement in CONFIG.SYS.

Related: OS/2 APARs JR09391, JR09401, PJ23302

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USER_INI, SYSTEM_INI from Warp 3 CONFIG.SYS are ignored

The CONFIG.SYS keywords USER_INI and SYSTEM_INI allow relocation of the system INI files. Warp 4 installation does not check these settings, and if this feature is being used install will be unable to locate the current INI files. If out-of-date versions of these INI files exist in the \OS2 directory, installation will incorrectly assume that they are current.

Workaround: Move OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI back into the \OS2 directory before beginning the Warp 4 install process.

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ATI Mach64 not properly detected.

Some versions of the ATI Mach64 chipset may not be properly detected during installation.

Workaround: Install Warp 4 in VGA mode, then use the ATI Mach 64 v2.x driver from the Warp 4 Device Driver CD. Also, an ATI v3.0 driver is available from the OS/2 DDPak Online site. Be sure to pay close attention to the README instructions.

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Utility Diskette 1 created by System Setup object will not boot

The Create Utility Diskettes object in the System Setup folder fails to make the first diskette bootable if it is both formatted and blank.

Workaround: When creating Warp 4 Utility Diskettes, use unformatted diskettes or make sure there is at least one file on the first diskette.

Note: The Utility Diskette set for Warp 4 consists of four diskettes. This is an increase from the three diskettes created for Warp 3.

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CHKDSK SYS0552 at bootup: non-serious "minor file system error"

IBM APAR JR09427. Every time CHKDSK is run, the following error is reported:

CHKDSK found and corrected a minor file system error.

According to the APAR description, this is a non-serious error caused by a minor inconsistency between Warp 4's CHKDSK and FORMAT utilities. It can be corrected by applying Warp 4 fix JR09427, which can be obtained from ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/fixes/v4warp/english-us/jr09427.

This fix will also be included in Warp 4 FixPack 1 (XR_M001).

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Warp 4 installed over Warp 3 results in SYS2070 in WPPRINT

After upgrading an OS/2 Warp Connect system to OS/2 Warp 4, the following error occurs on startup:

SYS2070: A program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue.
The system could not demand load the application's segment.

This error occurs if you choose to migrate the contents of your Warp 3 CONFIG.SYS. The most likely cause is the presence of multiple (and incompatible) versions of the SOM (System Object Model) DLL directories in the resulting Warp 4 LIBPATH.

Workaround: Save a copy of the Warp 3 CONFIG.SYS file before starting the installation. Reinstall OS/2 Warp 4, using Advanced Installation but do not migrate the Warp 3 CONFIG.SYS. After installation has completed, edit the resulting Warp 4 CONFIG.SYS file to add in the relevant portions of the Warp 3 CONFIG.SYS file.

Related: IBM Service Tip OSINSYS2: SYS2070 WPPRINT.DLL after upgrading from OS/2 Warp 3.

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TrueType fonts may display improperly, cause TRAP in SINGLEQ$

TrueType fonts which do not completely match the TrueType specifications may not be properly recognized, may display improperly, or may cause a TRAP in TRUETYPE.DLL or device SINGLEQ$.

Workaround: Rename all existing TrueType fonts (*.TTF files) and reboot. If the problem disappears, rename them back in groups until the offending font(s) have been isolated.

Related: OS/2 APARs JR09349, JR09476.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make changes to my Installation diskettes?

Make copies of the originals using DISKCOPY, or use CDINST to create new ones.

If you don't have a working OS/2 system at the time and you're installing to a FAT partition, boot from a DOS bootable diskette and use DOS commands to add or remove files, or use the DOS EDIT program to make changes to text files.

If you are installing to an HPFS partition, you'll need to boot from the install partition or use the installation diskettes as described below.

I'm stuck in the middle of installing and I can't find a DOS bootable diskette. How can I make changes to my installation diskettes?

If you're far enough into the installation process, you can boot to a full-screen OS/2 command prompt. Reboot the Warp 4 partition, and when the OS/2 "boot blob" appears in the upper left-hand corner, press Alt-F1. When the RECOVERY CHOICES screen appears, press F2.

If you need to edit a text file, you can use the TEDIT editor provided with Warp 4.

My Warp 4 install partition won't boot. Is there any other way to get a command prompt?

Boot from the OS/2 Warp 4 installation diskettes as if you were about to reinstall. When you get to the Welcome! screen (or the OS/2 Warp Setup and Installation screen if the Warp 4 CD is not in the drive), you will see the text F3=Command Prompt at the bottom of the screen. Press F3 and a full-screen command prompt will appear.

Once you have finished making your changes, if you type EXIT and press the Enter key, the Welcome or Setup screen will reappear.

I see the OS/2 logo screen, then my installation halts. This is not very informative. What can I do to learn more about the problem?

Reboot. When the OS/2 "boot blob" appears, press Alt-F2. When the OS/2 logo screen sppears, it will display the device driver (BASDEV) names as they are loaded and initialized. The name of the last driver loaded and started before the hang occurs should offere a clue to the cause of the hang.

I've used the Alt-F2 technique, and it looks like Warp 4 is hanging on a driver for hardware I don't have! What can I do?

When you re-boot, press Alt-F1 at the OS/2 "boot blob". When the RECOVERY CHOICES menu appears, press F6 to disable hardware detection.

I already tried that, and installation still hangs. What else can I try?

This kind of a hang can be the result of one device being misrecognized as another, or of a device responding to the installation "hardware snooping" by locking up the system. This will generally occur on Diskette 1. Selectively disabling this "snooping" for one or more specific adapters may get you past the problem.

First, make a copy of your Warp 4 Diskette 1. On the copy, edit the file SNOOP.LST to remove the entry corresponding to the driver or drivers you are having problems with. Then, on the same diskette, edit the CONFIG.SYS file and remove the entry for the driver file or files involved.

I have an ISA adapter that uses IRQ 11, DMA 3, and I/O ports 0x300-303 and 0x230-237. The driver for it was written for OS/2 v2.1, and is not Resource Manager-aware. What can I do to make sure any hardware conflicts are detected?

Since the Warp Resource Manager only knows what is reported to it by drivers, you need to add a driver statement which specifies your IRQ usage in a way that Resource Manager can see it.

BASEDEV=RESERVE.SYS /P:300,4 /P:230,8 /IRQ:11 /DMA:3

Note: for Warp 4 these values are in hexadecimal. For details, see the Warp 4 Command Reference entry for RESERVE.SYS.

How do I see what resources Resource Manager has already allocated?

Use the RMVIEW command. For details, see the Warp 4 Command Reference entry for RMVIEW or type


I added /V parameters to some of the BASEDEV drivers, but the messages go by too fast for me to read them. How can I slow down the display?

IBM does not offer any way to slow down this output, print it, or capture it for later examination. However, you can install Sam Detweiler's PAUSE.SYS driver to pause these messages long enough for them to be read. There is a copy of this driver in a self-extracting archive file on the Warp 4 DDPak CD as \DRIVERS\PAUSESYS.EXE. It may also be obtained from ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/os2ddpak/pausesys.exe.

Note that using the Alt-F2 boot feature with PAUSE.SYS installed will make BASEDEV /V messages disappear before they can be seen.

Please feel free to suggest improvements in this area to IBM PSP.

How do I turn off the automatic adapter checking and other prerequisite checking when installing networking features?

Obtain a copy of IBM Service Tip OSINMRQA: OS/2 Warp 4.0 Install Frequently Asked Questions. This covers use of the CONNECT_DASD, CONNECT_PREREQ, and CONNECT_SNIFF environment variables during installation.

The same information is included in the FAX document Frequently Asked Questions for OS/2 Warp 4.0 available from 800-237-5511.

When I try to boot from the Warp 4 installation diskettes, all I see is two messages:
OS/2 !! SYS01475
OS/2 !! SYS02027
They look like some kind of error codes, but I have no idea what they mean. Are my diskettes bad?

When I see these messages, it usually means that I'm installing something at 2 AM (;-). It is possible that you have a bad diskette, but it's much more likely that you've accidentally tried booting with Diskette 1 or Diskette 2 in the A: drive instead of the diskette labelled Installation Diskette (often referred to as "Diskette 0"). Once Warp 4 is up and running, you can use the HELP command (e.g. HELP SYS02027) to get the text associated with these error codes:

SYS1475: The file OS2BOOT cannot be found.
SYS2027: Insert a system diskette and restart the system.

In other words, this is a non-bootable OS/2 diskette.

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Hardware-specific Information

Several 'web sites offer assistance and tips for installing Warp 4 on specific platforms.

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IBM ThinkPad models 760E/EL/ELD or 365XD with active matrix display

Check the "One button Install Kit" at http://www.austin.ibm.com/pspinfo/obi/. Also see http://www.pc.ibm.com/support/tps/tpos2.html.

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IBM ThinkPad 701

Check Timothy Sipples' TP701 Tips at http://www.secant.com/sipples/tpad701.htm.

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IBM Aptiva

See the 'web pages at http://www.pc.ibm.com/aptiva/help/index.html and


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IBM Multimedia Modem, other MWave adapters

See Jeff Bryer's MWave 'web pages at http://watson.mbb.sfu.ca/mwave.html and http://watson.mbb.sfu.ca/software/software.html.

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I have had Warp 4 installed for five months now, and I am extremely pleased with it. I have experienced some of the problems I've described, but the vast majority of the problem descriptions and workarounds have been provided through the efforts of others via user postings in Usenet newsgroups, appends on TalkLink OS2BBS, and individual e-mail messages.

I would like to extend my thanks to all who have directly or indirectly contributed to this document through problem descriptions, corrections, and providing copies of this document for others.

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Changes, additions, and comments should be directed to rrs0059 at ibm.net or mailed to:

Frank McKenney
McKenney Associates
3464 Northview Place
Richmond, Virginia 23225
(804) 320-4887

Warp 4 Installation Notes, Version 1.02, February 11, 1997
Copyright © 1997 by Frank McKenney, all rights reserved