CONFIG.SYS Sorting trick v1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've discovered a little trick about OS/2 that improves boot up time. It's a matter of sorting your CONFIG.SYS into a form that more closely matches the way OS/2 loads various drivers on boot-up. Applying this trick has shaved off almost a minute of boot-up time on many systems. Your results may vary. This has only been tested on OS/2 2.1 GA, but I'd imagine it would work on OS/2 2.0 and below. I've found this order to work the best: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFS's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASEDEV's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET statements , sorted alphabetically, to "look nice" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any OS/2-specific commands [PROTECTONLY, etc] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS/2 devices, sorted alphabetically, where applicable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOS specific commands [DOS=HIGH,UMB, etc] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOS devices, sorted alphabetically, where applicable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This trick will affect HPFS boot-up drives the most [like mine], since HPFS stores filenames in the directory alphabetically, if you are loading each of your device drivers in alphabetical order, less "disk-thrashing" is involved. Certain device drivers must be loaded before others, so keep this fact in mind when you are re-arranging your CONFIG.SYS. Keep a boot-disk handy, just in case you foul up somewhere. I've always kept my SET commands sorted alphabetically, just so they were a bit more organized, whether it improves boot-up time or not, I'm not sure. [I would doubt it would make much of a difference] If you really want to be a speed demon, store all your BASEDEV's in your root directory, since that's where OS/2 looks first for BASEDEV's. But, since I like to keep my root directory 'tidy', I've chosen to store all mine in the C:\OS2 directory. I'd like to hear from others about their experiences using this trick. There may be better sorting configurations, and I'd like to hear about them. It seems people with 4 megs to 6 megs of memory are helped the most. If you're ambitious, time the speed difference between your original and sorted CONFIG.SYS and send me the results, I'll include you in this document. I'll be timing my system soon, to include in this document. Even if it's just a little comment of, "I've tried what you've described and it has decreased my boot-up time." , would be great. Where to contact the author: ---------------------------- By far, the easiest way to contact me is through Internet: I also run a BBS back at home [I'm currently away at college, with the BBS running on semi-auto-pilot], Black Horizon, 1-616-866-3717, 16.8k Dual, 24 hrs. Concentrating on OS/2 support, 210 Megs of files. Proud member of: Team OS/2! FidoNet : 1:228/74 ITC Net : 85:871/207 HellNet : 6950:1/1 PowerNet : 616:1/1 NetherNet: 17:1/3 U.S. mail: Aaron Tiensivu 522 West Holmes Hall (Michigan State University) East Lansing, Michigan 48825-1115 Here is an example CONFIG.SYS, sorted: IFS=C:\OS2\DRIVERS\IFS\HPFS.IFS /CACHE:2048 /CRECL:128 /AUTOCHECK:C IFS=C:\OS2\DRIVERS\IFS\CDFS.IFS /Q BASEDEV=OS2DASD.DMD /Q BASEDEV=PRINT01.SYS BASEDEV=IBM1FLPY.ADD BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD /A:0 /U:0 /SMS BASEDEV=SBCD2.ADD /P:220 BASEDEV=OS2CDROM.DMD /Q PROTSHELL=C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE SET AUTOSTART=PROGRAMS,TASKLIST,FOLDERS,CONNECTIONS SET BOOKSHELF=C:\OS2\BOOK; SET COMSPEC=C:\OS2\CMD.EXE SET DPATH=C:\OS2;C:\OS2\SYSTEM;C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2;C:\OS2\INSTALL;C:\;C:\OS2\BITMAP;C:\OS2\MDOS;C:\OS2\APPS; SET EPMPATH=C:\OS2\APPS; SET GLOSSARY=C:\OS2\HELP\GLOSS; SET HELP=C:\OS2\HELP;C:\OS2\HELP\TUTORIAL; SET IPF_KEYS=SBCS SET KEYS=ON SET OS2_SHELL=C:\OS2\CMD.EXE SET PATH=C:\OS2;C:\OS2\SYSTEM;C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2;C:\OS2\INSTALL;C:\;C:\OS2\MDOS;C:\OS2\APPS; SET PROMPT=$i[$p] SET RUNWORKPLACE=C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE SET SYSTEM_INI=C:\OS2\OS2SYS.INI SET USER_INI=C:\OS2\OS2.INI SET VIDEO_DEVICES=VIO_SVGA SET VIO_SVGA=DEVICE(BVHVGA,BVHSVGA) LIBPATH=.;C:\OS2\DLL;C:\OS2\MDOS;C:\;C:\OS2\APPS\DLL; PRIORITY_DISK_IO=NO THREADS=256 IOPL=YES MAXWAIT=15 MEMMAN=SWAP,PROTECT SWAPPATH=C:\OS2\SWAP 1024 1024 PRINTMONBUFSIZE=1,0,0 PROTECTONLY=NO RMSIZE=640 CODEPAGE=437,850 COUNTRY=001,C:\OS2\SYSTEM\COUNTRY.SYS DEVINFO=KBD,US,C:\OS2\KEYBOARD.DCP DEVINFO=SCR,VGA,C:\OS2\VIOTBL.DCP DEVICE=C:\OS2\TESTCFG.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\DOS.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\PMDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\SIO.SYS (1:38400) (2:38400) BREAK=OFF BUFFERS=10 DOS=HIGH,UMB FCBS=16,8 FILES=40 DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VCDROM.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VDPMI.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VDPX.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VEMM.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VSIO.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VSVGA.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VWIN.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VXMS.SYS /UMB SHELL=C:\OS2\MDOS\COMMAND.COM