WordStar-DOS to HTML-3.2 converter (version 0.64 Beta) WS2HTML reads WordStar-for-DOS documents, converting their major elements to HTML counterparts. Reading WS-DOS Doc and Non-Doc formats, it tries to produce HTML that is standard and efficient. Conversion is neither slavish nor comprehensive. Where WS-DOS handles discrete pages with headers, numbering and so forth, HTML deals in text passages commonly spanning the equivalent of many pages. Compromises are inevitable; some are pragmatic, such as allowing font changes where the Standard forbids them. Notes (foot-, end- and comment) are now handled, as are a wider range of embedded (symmetrical sequence) document commands. And special "non-WS" commands allow for extensions of basic WS-DOS, giving control of such features as tables, colours, intelligent quotes (in several conventions), hyperlinks and images. Author: Andrew Stephenson