Herwig Bauernfeind http://msplins06.bon.at/~admin139/files/gnupg-1.4.9-os2-bin.zip http://msplins06.bon.at/~admin139/files/gnupg-1.4.9-os2-bin.wpi Here is the next testbuild of GnuPG 1.4.9 for eCS (OS/2). Notes: - it requires libc064.dll and gcc442.dll (sorry, forgot that yesterday). - it has been tested successfully both as an update and a new installation with Thunderbird 3.1.12 and Enigmail 1.1.2 - a WPI package is provided (again) - for a new installation it might be required to create a directory named %HOME%\.gnupg - otherwise the first import of existing keys fails. - the rndos2.dll is the old one provided by Tobias Huerlimann, as I do not build that (yet). It is VAC based. Yuck, do I need to say more? - inspecting an encrypted message I saw the comment line of an encrypted message says "--no-gpg-agent" (which is right, we do not build the gpg-agent), however Tobias Huerlimanns GnuPG placed the key-ID there. I do not know why (yet). Plan: - update source to latest GnuPG 1.4.11 - the work for an update has been documented on netlabs already - working on making configure usable (not completed yet) - also provide rpm/yum package Feedback is appreciated! Happy EMail-encrypting and kind regards, Herwig