While OS/2's object oriented folder/icon approach to file management is great for many operations, when it comes to pure navigating speed and simplicity there's a better way: The DiskJockey. Guaranteed to save you time, it helps you easily navigate through the maze of drives and directories on your system. There are many file managers available today, but none are quite like the DiskJockey. Designed for ease of use, its snappy interface puts your files just a click away. A fantastic way to wade through all the cool stuff you download from the internet. There are the usual file functions: Copy, Move, Delete, and Rename. But that's just the basics! Are you a multimedia junkie? Drag sound and video files to the "Jukebox" and they are automatically cued for play. Or, use the DJ's fast, built in viewing facilities for: Graphics, Sound, and Video files Plus, you will not find an easier way to compress* files: Compress (zip) your files to conserve disk space and bandwidth. Zip and Unzip the same way you copy or move files. Double click to view the contents of a zip file without unzipping. Run executables from inside a zip archive without unzipping. Extracts single files from zip archives. Easily add files to an existing zip archive. With the DJ's "Zip Container" just drag, drop and it's Zipped. No more wading through long technical documentation to figure out something that can take just a few seconds with the DJ. *uses Info-Zip's archiving utilities Includes powerful file search and catalog feature. This allows you to quickly find files based on filespec, date or text within a file. Then perform selected file operations or catalog the results for later use. Cataloging makes for quick searching, especially on systems with very large drives and/or starved resources. The Drive Clean-Up tool searches drives and directories for duplicate files; helps you free up wasted drive space. Other great features: Quick diskette format Make directories Sort file and directory lists Full online context-sensitive help User customizeable fonts and colors Configurable viewers and editors Preserves HPFS longnames on FAT drives All file operations run in separate threads. This means that when you start a copy, move, delete, zip, unzip, view, listen, etc. there's no waiting for an operation to complete before going on to your next task. The DiskJockey will make you more productive!