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You may install to a different directory if desired and the FILESTAR.INI file may then be copied to that directory to preserve existing settings. You will be prompted to close all FileStar/2 windows if necessary and there may be install errors that stop the installation if there are sharing violations. You can prevent such an interruption by closing all FileStar/2 related windows and dialogs before starting installation. *********************** PLEASE NOTE! **************************** Make sure that all of the files in the FileStar/2 target directory have the RO attribute set OFF. Some of the previous CSDs set the BPMCC.DLL file to read only (R). ***************************************************************** To install the CSD, perform the following steps (if you are reading this from InstallStar, jump to paragraph 3): 1. Copy the self-extracting CSD installation file F2100027.EXE to a temporary directory or the directory in which you intend to install the program and run it to extract the files. 2. You may start the install program, SHSINST.EXE, with or without the compressed file, F2100027.CSD, as a parameter. This file contains all other installable files and installation definitions. (a) If you start the installation program with a command of 'SHSINST X:\FILESTAR\F2100027.CSD' you will bypass the Source Directory dialog. Note that the full path to the CSD file is required. (b) If you start with 'SHSINST' the Source Directory dialog will appear. Press the browse button and find and double click the F2100027.CSD file. This will complete the source path in the dialog. NOTE: Some users are failing to add the CSD filename to the source path. There may be more than one CSD located in the source directory and the user is responsible for selecting the CSD file to install. 3. Press the 'License' button (required to enable the Install button) and read the License. When finished with reading the licence, you may read the README.TXT file by pressing the 'Readme' button. 4. Press the 'Install' button to start the installation. A Target Directory dialog will appear. The Target Directory dialog entry field should be displaying the current FileStar directory if it is found in the config.sys path statement. Otherwise it will be displaying the current directory. If the target directory is not set to the FileStar directory, manually change the drive/directory to the FileStar directory or use the Browse button to find and select the target directory. Press Ok to accept the target directory as entered and the extraction of files will begin. 5. When queried about updating the Desktop, select 'Update'. To insure that the InstallStar program files (SHSINST.EXE, SHSINST.HLP and SHSINST.INF) are saved for future use, these files are copied to the FileStar sub-directory INSTALL during installation. You may delete these files from the installation directory (either the temporary or FileStar directory) after installation is complete. It is also recommended that you keep a copy of the CSD file in the INSTALL sub-directory. If you receive a BASE LEVEL INVALID error during installation, you must reinstall from the original source file(s) and then apply the CSD. The reason for this is that required data from the original install is missing in the OS2.INI file. _________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION CLEANUP Some previous installations by GTINST created a BMP sub-directory and some did not. To create a consistent structure, this installation creates the directory if it does not exist and places the *.bmp files that SHS believes are appropriate for distribution in that directory. If your installation has bitmap (BMP) files in the main FileStar directory, please either delete these files or move them to the BMP directory. The install program will NOT delete these files from the FileStar directory since some may be used in the toolbar, in which case the user will have to modify the toolbar to reflect the directory change. If the CSD is installed from the FileStar/2 directory, the install program file (SHSINST.EXE) may be deleted from that directory after installation - but first check and make sure that the file is in the INSTALL directory since it may be needed in the future. You should also save a copy of the CSD file in the INSTALL directory. _________________________________________________________________ FILESTAR RECENT CHANGE HISTORY ******** NOTICE TO ALL USERS ********* When upgrading with a CSD, the existing version FILESTAR.INI file should be compatible with the upgraded version. However, INI keys may have been added to or removed from the upgraded version. This may, in some cases, affect the saved data and/or normal program operation. The following is recommended; - Before upgrading, make a backup copy of FILESTAR.INI and store it in a directory other than the FileStar directory. You should always keep a backup copy of the file anyway if you have made extensive changes to the configuration. - After updating with the CSD, if abnormal operation of the program is noted, delete the FILESTAR.INI file using the command line AFTER CLOSING FILESTAR - or you may use FileStar to delete the file IF YOU CLOSE FileStar using the 'Close w/o Save' option found in the System pulldown menu (push the upper left icon in the FileStar window). Then restart FileStar to create a default FILESTAR.INI file. If the anomaly previously noted is not corrected, you may restore the old INI file by copying it back into the FileStar directory. If FileStar is used to copy the file, be sure and 'Close w/o Save' again to prevent overwriting the file with current data. ********************* V2.10.03 - 27 Jan 2000 ******************** The items fixed in Version 2.10.03 are: 1. When started without a FILESTAR.INI file, the program would abort. It was possible to start using two paths as Optional Parameters in the desktop program object. Once the FILESTAR.INI file was created, Optional Parameters were not required. The fault was in use of the last used directories stored in the INI file. 2. Changed the background painting of the Data Panel to prohibit use of the dialog background color. In v2.10.02 only, the panel background was painted with the dialog background. This destroyed the look and shadowing of the data windows in the panel if certain colors were used as the dialog background. 3. Corrected an anomoly in the use of a parameter string in toolbar Execute functions if a '/A' was embedded in the string without a space after, i.e /ATTACH. The '/A' is used to auto close VIO windows. ********************* V2.10.02 - 16 Jan 2000 ******************** The items fixed in Version 2.10.02 are: 1. Checking and then unchecking the 'All Fixed Disks' check box in the Find dialog would cause a SYS3175 Access Violation. 2. The year 2000 was shown with a single '0' if Leading Zero was not checked in the Country dialog (Numbers setting). The Date window of FS/2 replicates the Country settings which is also showing a single digit in the System Clock settings. This fix forces it to use two digits in all cases. 3. Fixed some anomalies in the internal Print functions which were causing some combinations of the selected font and font size to stop printing after one page. Some other text formatting problems were also fixed. 4. Added code to save the last used print setup so that the Print Options dialog is restored as last used, even between FileStar/2 sessions. ********************* V2.10.01 - 02 Nov 99 ********************** The items fixed in Version 2.10.01 are: 1. Fixed - inability to restore on startup the last used directory if the drive for the directory was the last local hard drive in the drive list and the next drive was a CD drive. 2. Fixed - internal windows restored to wrong size if started in minimized mode. 3. Fixed - message window displayed a blank operation message after encountering a file copy error when copying a directory. 4. Fixed - when keyboard Enter was used to start a command in the Execute dialog, two instances of the command were executed. ********************* V2.10.00 - 27 Sep 99 ********************** The items fixed in Version 2.10.00 are: 1. Fixed a small memory leak caused by failure to release file icon memory when files were deleted in icon views. 2. Made some changes in directory delete to fix a SYS3175 that some users have experienced. This was especially true when deleting FAT32 directories on a Win98 client. 3. Fixed a startup problem with a 'not ready' removeable drive path stored as the last used path. System would error out with an OS2 exception and the only recourse was to start with a new INI file or edit the old one. 4. Modified the directory copy function so that it handles all files copied instead of relying on the OS/2 API to copy a directory. Previously, if an error was encountered, the OS/2 API caused the function to terminate with no available user options to handle the error. Now any error encountered will pop up the Copy Error dialog allowing the user options on how to handle the error. This change also is applicable for directory moves across drives since in such an operation the directory is copied and then deleted. 5. Incorporated an internal workaround for copying/moving files and directories on an NT server. The OS/2 API DosCopy does not work correctly and an internal fuction is now used instead of the API inertface. This change is transparent to the user. 6. Changed the opening screen display and made other changes commensurate with the change in ownership, including advancing the minor version level. 7. Updated the HLP file to the V2.1 level. ********************* V2.03.00 - 02 Feb 99 ********************** The items changed/fixed in Version 2.03.00 are: 1. Fixed Unzip v5.40 incompatibility when using ZipView. 2. Fixed a SYS3175 error if program was closed during startup while reading a second level or greater directory. This generally required a directory that took considerable time to read. A similar SYS3175 occurred if the program was closed at other times while reading such a directory. 3. Fixed a problem using a file filter where files contained multiple periods or multiple characters the same as the first filter character. Also fixed the 'Set Both' function to set all selected filter options in both windows (the selected Attribues and Sort options were not being set in both windows in prior versions). Fixed other minor problems with some filter strings not working as expected. 4. Shortened the date in the data panel 'Date' window to 2 digits so it would fit using the default System Porpotional 10 font. It is still Y2K compliant. 5. Fixed a SYS3175 that occured when using the ZipView functions after any Zipview operation that required rezipping the file (Delete, Add, Edit). 6. Fixed the truncation of the directory 'Created' file date in the directory 'Query' dialog. 7. Fixed a 10 second 'lockup' caused by manually changing the path in the directory Query dialog and then hitting 'Enter' to start the query. 8. Added menu items in the Drives menu to support removeable media and FP6. These only appear when a removeable media drive letter in selected. 9. Redesigned the file 'Attributes' settings in the Filter dialog to make the settings more intuitive to use. The 'N' in the radio button selection list is for including/excluding files with NO attributes. After upgrading, make sure this option is set to (+) to includes those files with no attributes. 10. Added directory sorting when 'File List' or 'Print List' is used in conjunction with multiple directory listings (Read Branch or Add Dirs) where more than a single directory is shown in a combined listing is a single file window. The LED under the 'Time' window indicates a directory sort of the file window. This moding can be used to save a file list of all files on a drive by a 'Read Branch' on the root directory, then 'Select All' and 'Save List'. Remember, only selected files are written to the 'FILELIST.SAV' file when saving a list! NOTE! This can be a time comsuming operation if the selected list contains thousands of files, especially if CRCs are saved with the list. 11. Improved the 'Auto scroll' moding when drag selecting files in the file windows to include variable rate scrolling and a smoother scroll. The cursor MUST remain within the window to scroll. Scroll rate increases as the bottom/top or left/right edges of the window are approached. 12. Eliminated an anomaly that occasionally occurred where the number of directories would be incremented one at a time if a directory read was interrupted by starting a new read. This condition also would occasionally show the same directory twice in the tree. Notes about date filters: +++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you are trying to use a 'Greater than or equal to' or 'Less than or equal to' date filter in the Filter dialog filter string, use '>=' and '<=' and ignore the online documentation to use '=>' or '=<'. The latter will result in an 'Equal to' filter. If you use a '*' to show all files at the beginning of a filter string, all concatenated filters after the '*' are ignored. As an example, if '*;-*.bat;>1-1-1998' is entered, all files will be listed and the filters '-*.bat' and '>1-1-1998' are ignored. Be sure and use a 4-digit date for date filters when using the Y2K compatible versions (v2.01 and subsequent). ********************* V2.02.02 - 06 Sep 98 ********************** The items fixed in Version 2.02.02 are: 1. Fixed another Zip v2.2 compatibility problem. Could not delete a file from an archive in ZipView. Also it would not zip with spaces in the target directory name or the FS/2 path. 2. Fixed some other incompatibilities with 'SmartWindows' concerning saving/restoring user configured colors. If problems are encountered using SmartWindows, do the following; - Open the setup notebook to Options page 1 and push the 'Default' colors/fonts pushbutton. - When asked to verify if you wish to delete colors/fonts from the FILESTAR.INI file, respond with 'Yes'. but hold down the CTRL key is you wish to retain the existing color setup when you push the 'Yes' button. This will remove the colors from only the title bars. - Close the notebook and FileStar. - Restart and open the setup notebook and on the options page 1, check the 'Save/Restore colors and fonts' option. This last action should restore all the user set colors. ********************* V2.02.01 - 02 Sep 98 ********************** The items fixed in Version 2.02.01 are: 1. Fixed a WPS hang which occurred if MB3 was used to activate FS/2 (clicking a directory) and the application that was active was running the highest level of priority. 2. Fixed a toolbar warning of two invalid toolbar items when started from a clean install (no existing FILESTAR.INI file). 3. Fixed an minor incompatibility with 'SmartWindows', a desktop enhancer. Once a multi-directory mode had been used, the default title bar was restored in the file window in lieu of any titlebar enhancements provided by SmartWindows. 4. Fixed some inconsistencies in the copyright notices. 5. This time the OS2START.CMD and DOSSTART.BAT files are included. ********************* V2.02.00 - 20 Aug 98 ********************** The items changed/fixed in Version 2.02.00 are: 1. Fixed Zip v2.2 compatibility. 2. Fixed an infrequent 3175 termination at end of Dir Delete. 3. Fixed OS2/DOS windows to auto-close on Exit as per previous versions. 4. Fixed a 3175 when dragging a file from WPS folder to FS/2. 5. Added 3 new user configurable commands to toolbar (Change dir, Add dir, Read branch). 6. Fixed 3175 when a directory path > 256 was read on disk scan (Find also failed). 7. Added menu items to allow some user formatting of file lists. 8. Fixed double read of directory when reading branch started with ENTER key. 9. Fixed update of target path error in zip add dlg. 10. Modified Dir Query dlg to be able to query w/o reading subdirs. 11. Fixed long read time of disk tree build if a first level dir has many subdirs. 12. Fixed CRC check on zero length file. 13. Fixed logic when deleting directory w/o confirm (deleted files only). 14. Disabled being able to rename multiple files in Multi Views. 15. Increased max file handles. 16. Fixed notebook Fonts dialog to show current font when switching change areas. 17. Fixed notebook Colors dialog so that sample window works w/o having to select it. 18. Fixed Zip toolbar button to zip selected file/directory (depends on active window). 19. Fixed scaling of swap button in the titlebar at resolutions greaterthan 1024x768. 20. Fixed display of byte data on partitions greater than 2.1G and where ever else that data might exceed 2.1G. The displays in this case will be in Kb even if the type display selected in the Setup notebook is Bytes. 21. Added OS2START.CMD and DOSSTART.BAT files. These files are optional but must be in the FS/2 directory to be useful. Use these files to tailor the windows started using the OS2 and DOS toolbar buttons. 22. Added support for writeable CD. 23. Added hot key toggle, Ctrl+Alt+3, to allow users with a 3-button mouse to use it to double click when appropriate (drive, directory and file selections and list boxes) and single click on most other controls. It works in all dialogs also except for those that are modal. Users may still use 3-party applications like Xit to assign other uses for mouse button 3 when ever the focus is not in FS/2. ********************* V2.01.00 - 14 Jan 98 ********************** The items changed/changed or fixed in Version 2.01.00 are: This version has a new help file (FILESTAR.HLP). ***************************************************************** * Operating System Anomalies * ***************************************************************** 1. Warp 3 users without at least FixPak 10 applied will sometimes experience video corruption after a drag operation, especially while dragging the toolbar items. There is no cure other than applying FixPak 10 or later. After it occurs, it is persistent until the application is shutdown and restarted. 2. Warp 3 users with FixPak 17 applied will have the shading at the top of static text windows overwritten by the window. This will be most apparent in the windows in the Data Panel at the bottom of the FileStar/2 display. FixPak 22 corrects this problem. 3. Warp 4 users with FixPax 3 applied will need to replace the OS2KRNL file with the one from FixPak 4 or apply FixPak 4. ***************************************************************** * New * ***************************************************************** (1) Added bubble help to all the main window controls. The help is toggled on/off with Ctrl-H or a new menu item, 'Bubble Help', found under Setup in the Action Bar or Window Title Bar menus. The delay and display times for the main window bubble help are 3 times the Toolbar bubble help delay and display times. Either bubble help (main window or Toolbar) may be turned off without affecting the other. However, the Toolbar must be displayed for the main window bubble help to be displayed. The purpose of the main window bubble help is to help new users quickly learn the features related to various windows pushbuttons, controls and keystrokes, some of which are not all that obvious. The main window bubble help will be auto activated each time the version changes. (2) Added a Show Duplicate files function. The new Show Duplicate files function is a submenu item of 'Compare' on the Files menu. It is greyed unless you are in a Multiple Directory mode, indicated by a RED title bar. To enter a MD mode, you either Ctrl double click on a directory different from that already in the window to ADD that directory to the files in the window or Ctrl+Shift double click to READ a whole directory branch into the window. Either of these actions has the potential to read more that one file of the same name into the window. The directory for the cursored file is shown in the title bar and also in the tree. If you Ctrl+Shift double click on the root directory, the whole partition is read into the window. This potentially can be thousands of files. The new Show Duplicate function gets slower and slower as a function of the number of files (and duplicate files) in the window. The best technique is to use some file filters i.e.*.EXE;*.DOC;*. TXT;*. BAK;<1-1-95 which would limit the files read into the window to these extensions and only those dated before 1-1-95, so that the number of files being scrutinized is limited. Realistically, it's up to you after the window shows only duplicate files to decide what to do with them so you probably wouldn't want a whole bunch to deal with anyway. You may 'Select All' and then 'File List->Save File List' to save the list of duplicate files, either to the printer or disk. When using any of the five possible Show Duplicate menu choices, keep in mind that you are working only with the displayed files. If a more restrictive criteria is used, such as the same 'Name/Size' vice 'Name', using a less restrictive criteria with the same displayed file list will have no effect. Conversely, if you select 'Name' you may then select such as 'Name/Size/Date' and further define the duplicates listed in the window. The CRC option will result in only true duplicate files being left in the window after the function completes regardless of file name. Use the new CRC file compare option (Shift+?) to determine the exact binary comparison of any two files in the duplicates window. (3) Added Drives menu item 'Tree View' and code to put mini and normal icons in the directory tree(s). The real directory icons are used, not some generic folder icon, as some programs use. Loading the real icons is more time consuming and can increase the normal drive read time as much as five times. Loading a generic folder icon provides no added value to the user. If you can get along without icons in the tree, do so for better performance. (4) Added a file Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to do a binary compare of files. There is now a Files menu option (another submenu of Compare) to initiate the comparison. Use Shift+? to start a file binary compare, Alt+Shift+? for a file compare program and Ctrl+Shift+? for a directory compare. Results are displayed in the Message window. Works like the File Compare option with regard to selected files, i.e. - If files are selected in both the active and inactive windows; - Compares CRC of the two cursored files and displays the comparison result. - A file is selected in active window but not the inactive window; - If a file of same name exists in inactive window, compares CRC of the two like named files and displays the comparison result. - If no file of same name exists in the inactive window, displays the 32-bit CRC for the active window selected file. - To compare two files in the same window, there must not any selected or of the same name in the other window. (5) Added submenu options to the Files->Attributes item to delete longname and subject EAs for selected files. (6) New directory delete submenu options now support deleting 'files only' from either the selected directory only or the selected directory and all its subdirectories. The Delete Directory dialog has three new radio buttons to support these options when using the dialog. (7) The files delete function has a 'Fast Delete' option toggle in the Settings notebook. When toggled on, less data panel updating is performed during a multi-file delete operation resulting faster delete performance. (8) The 'Rename' button may be used to set the case of all selected files. To set lower case, select the files, press 'Rename', then press it a second time with the Ctrl key depressed. To set upper case, repeat the procedure but hold down the Shift key instead of the Ctrl key. ***************************************************************** * Modified * ***************************************************************** (1) Added a 'Del All R/O' pushbutton to the Delete Error dialog. Using this button in response to a file delete error will result in deleting the remainder of the selected file list regardless of the read only attributes. (2) The Delete, Create and Compare directory dialogs will now save their position. (3) The Compare directory dialog will no longer stay on top of FS/2 when focus is shifted to the main window. If you can't see it (it's not in the task list), press F4. Remember that F4 always shifts input focus to any FS/2 dialog if FS/2 has the desktop focus. (4) Binary file compare is now enabled for use in the Compare directory dialog. All other options will grey out and a true binary compare of the directories, with 'Same' and 'Different' comparions, is possible. Speed is only slightly slower than when using the other options. (5) There are two new buttons, 'Bin' and Txt' on the Copy/Move error dialog that, when pushed with a file overwrite query present, will do either a binary or text comparison on the two files in question. (6) When copying/moving a single file, the file name is added to the path in the 'to' field to make it easier to edit the name. If the source drive is a FAT partition and a long file name exists for the file, it is presented in lieu of the real file name if the target drive is a HPFS partition. (7) The Zip/Unzip windows now appear, if hidden, after a 4 second delay when there is a prompt that the user should see. This is to make sure that you see any messages that may occur, such as password prompts. (8) Improved the functionality and speed of the directory 'Query' function. Once the dialog is displayed, you may single click on any other directory to start the query over on the newly selected directory. You may do this even while querying a directory, which will abort the current query and start the new one. There is also a new 'Stop' pushbutton on the dialog that may be used to abort a query. When a query is terminated, the pushbutton becomes a 'Close' pushbutton. (9) When swipe selecting files, the window will autoscroll when the mouse pointer is within one record from the top or bottom on the file list in Details view. It will autoscroll in Text and Icon Name views when the mouse pointer nears the left/right edges of the window provided that the mouse pointer is moving. There is a new option in the Settings notebook to toggle this function on/ off. (10) If you hold down the Alt key when selecting a file and the file exists in both windows, it is selected in both windows. If you are in Details view, the other window will also sync scroll to align with the files if these is adequate scroll range available. (11) You may use the Ctrl+Shift+$ keys to see the paths to various files that FS/2 uses. The data will be in the Message history dialog. (12) Improved the 'Drive Not Ready' handling for both local and remote drives. If a local drive is not ready and the user clicks on it, a 'Drive not ready' message appears in the message window. There is no auto recovery to the previous used drive, as it was before, except when switching windows and the drive is not ready for the window being switch to. NETWORK USERS NOTE: For remote drives, they are removed from the drives list when the drives are remapped if not ready. Remapping occurs with switching windows and upon other events if the Auto-remap feature is turned on in the notebook. A new 'Auto sense net drive status' may also be enabled in the notebook which will automatically remove disconnected drives. This updates the drive map or remote drive status, if changed, every three seconds. Do not use this feature if your network uses CDROM juke boxes. The polling of these devices will render them unusable. (13) A Multi-Directory view is now capable of containing any combination of single directories (no subdirectories) and/or any number of directories that have subdirectories. It is also possible to read more that one directory at a time. Multi-Directory views are very handy to collect files matching a filter in the same window and can consist of files from any directory on the drives and, if using Multi-Trees, across multiple drives. A Multi-Directory view is required to use the new Show Duplicates function. (14) The Directory Filter dialog has two spin buttons for setting the 'Find Buffer Size' for Directories and Files. These replace the previous 'Fast Find' check box and function. The default buffer size (and also maximum) for directories is 128 and for files is 200. It is not expected that any other setting would be required for a local drive and these settings should be left at maximum values for best performance. However, for some remote network drives, these values may be too high. If directories or files are missing in the tree or file window, adjust these values downward until all files/directories are being read. For good measure, set the final value used a little below this value. (15) The File window 'Ring' pushbutton has been modified to include the 'Twin' window style. It functions exactly as the keys F11/F12 and now toggles forward (LMB) or reverse (RMB) through all five window styles. It is slightly more awkward to use, in the default styles, when toggling through the Twin style since the button moves but this change was made for consistency of operation. The use of F11/F12 is recommended if toggling through the entire ring of styles. Users are reminded that a toolbar option may be set up to toggle between any two styles. Look for the 'two blue window ring' bitmap in the Builtin toolbar items. (16) Changed the delete directory support to include renaming of the delete directory to any legal directory name. This renaming is accomplished in CONFIG.SYS. (17) The Message window now left justifies long messages that won't fit in the 'normal' window and the window automatically extends the full width of the FS/2 window if necessary. (18) More of the error messages that FS/2 can display are extracted from the OS/2 message files. (19) Modified the Message window so that operation messages and the progress bar are shown only when the window for the operation is active to prevent conflicts when both windows are in use. ***************************************************************** * Fixes * ***************************************************************** (1) Fixed a bug in long file name handling of directories in zip/unzip operations. (2) Fixed a video refresh problem on some machines when using certain functions. Symptoms were menus or dialogs stayed on screen when they should have been cleared. (3) Fixed an inability to associate a CMD file to a file extension and run it. (4) Fixed the 'link' drag of file shadows to WPS folders. Use Ctrl+Shift+Drag to drag a shadow. (5) Fixed a problem with the Directory Compare dialog where the directory fields were not updated after using the Chg Dirs button to change drive and directory. (6) Fixed a Zip/Unzip window title length problem that was causing both Zip applications to close prematurely when zipping/ unzipping to deep level directories. (7) Fixed C: drive not being selected when 'Select All Fixed Disks' were selected on the Find dialog if no B: drive was installed. (8) Fixed inablility to double click execute DOS programs that required DPMI memory ENABLED. (9) Eliminated more hard coded colors in some of the dialogs that caused readability problems with different color schemes. (10) Fixed a problem that corrupted the directory tree when a deeply nested directory name was changed. (11) Fixed a bug on FAT partitions that left an existing long directory name when a directory was renamed. This could lead to the WPS showing indentical directory names under certain circumstances. (12) Fixed a ZipView problem that seemed to occur on a heavily tasked system or a very large zip file. The zip file contents were either missing, the file count was incorrect or some files were not completely displayed. (13) Fixed some inaccuracies in the Drives Query results pertaining to cluster size on HPFS drives. (14) Fixed an annoyance that repositioned a file at the top of the list after a drag copy or move. (15) Fixed a problem starting a Windows application with a double click when using OS/2 for Windows. (16) Fixed a problem on peer-peer networks where, in some instances, not all the files were found in a directory scan. (17) Modified the date functions to correctly handle the year 2000 transition. A four digit year is displayed in most instances. An exception is the Date window which is controlled by the Country setting. _________________________________________________________________ INFOZIP UTILITIES InfoZIP has graciously allowed the inclusion of ZIP.EXE and UNZIP.EXE with the FileStar/2 product. These programs are provided at no cost to the user as a service. It is very likely that you already have these fine native OS/2 archiving utilities. InfoZIP products are widely available on the internet. For a list of InfoZIP sources, read the WHERE file. You will also find a link to the latest versions on www.filestar.com. The ZIP.DOC and UNZIP.DOC files are included to provide documentation for the InfoZIP products. FileStar/2 makes extensive use of the Zip and Unzip programs. It is recommended that you add the path to these programs to the config.sys path statement so that one copy of the files are available to all programs that use them. Please read the following license and copyright notice: ******************* Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. For the purposes of this copyright and license, "Info-ZIP" is defined as the following set of individuals: Mark Adler, John Bush, Karl Davis, Harald Denker, Jean-Michel Dubois, Jean-loup Gailly, Hunter Goatley, Ian Gorman, Chris Herborth, Dirk Haase, Greg Hartwig, Robert Heath, Jonathan Hudson, Paul Kienitz, David Kirschbaum, Johnny Lee, Onno van der Linden, Igor Mandrichenko, Steve P. Miller, Sergio Monesi, Keith Owens, George Petrov, Greg Roelofs, Kai Uwe Rommel, Steve Salisbury, Dave Smith, Christian Spieler, Antoine Verheijen, Paul von Behren, Rich Wales, Mike White This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall Info-ZIP or its contributors be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list of conditions. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Altered versions--including, but not limited to, ports to new operating systems, existing ports with new graphical interfaces, and dynamic, shared, or static library versions--must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source. Such altered versions also must not be misrepresented as being Info-ZIP releases--including, but not limited to, labeling of the altered versions with the names "Info-ZIP" (or any variation thereof, including, but not limited to, different capitalizations), "Pocket UnZip," "WiZ" or "MacZip" without the explicit permission of Info-ZIP. Such altered versions are further prohibited from misrepresentative use of the Zip-Bugs or Info-ZIP e-mail addresses or of the Info-ZIP URL(s).