GAMMATECH UTILITIES 3.0 ENHANCEMENT GENERAL Release 3.0 of the GammaTech Utilities has over 200 enhancements. Many of these enhancements add functionality, others involve product performance. HPFS version 2.3 and 2.4 support has been added. This includes 2 gigabyte volume support and the IBM LAN Server 4.0 HPFS386 enhancements. The log files of all utilities now displays the utility name and version number. **************************************************************************** * * * NEW UTILITIES * * * **************************************************************************** DiskMap Utility This new utility has been added to provide a graphical display of the layout of FAT or HPFS volumes. The DiskMap displays disk sectors color coded to indicate free space, bad sectors, system sectors and file allocation. SEdit The Sector Editor has been separated from the GTDisk utility and is now freestanding utility. The SEdit utility allows the user to view formatted displays of hex data for file structures, including the boot sector, HPFS Super and Spare Blocks, FAT file allocation tables and the partition table. In addition, multiple sectors may now be written or read from external files. Files Utility A replacement for the previous Attribute, Delete, and Find utilities, the Files Utility integrates the functions, simplifying file maintenance and providing significantly improved functionality. Files may be deleted, moved, copied or located, and their attributes or timestamps altered. Extensive file selection criteria enable the user to easily perform operations on multiple files. HexDump Utility The HexDump Utility permits user to convert binary files to ASCII, readable text which can then be viewed or edited by any text editor and converted back into binary format. WipeFree Utility The command line replacement for the function within the former Delete utility, the WipeFree Utility allows wiping of all freespace. The option to perform secure wiping in conformance with US Department of Defense specifications is included. An new option enables the user to erase freespace on volumes which have been fast formatted. **************************************************************************** * * * NEW FEATURES * * * **************************************************************************** - Support has been added for HPFS versions 2.3 and 2.4 and the IBM LAN Server 4.0 HPFS386, including support for HPFS volumes greater than 2 GB. - The product structure now allows for electronic distribution of corrective service maintenance via CompuServe and BBSs. **************************************************************************** * * * ENHANCEMENTS * * * **************************************************************************** Analyze Utility The file or system area occupying a bad sector may now be identified. Bad sectors may be automatically marked as bad during analysis,and all sectors marked as bad on the volume displayed. FatOpt Utility A graphic display of the optimization process is now displayed. Trigger parameters permit optimization to proceed if fragmentation exceeds a certain level. The user may now select to defragment the FAT Extended Attribute EA_DATA._SF file. GtDisk Utility The BadSectr utility has been merged into GtDisk to provide simplified recovery operations when it is not possible to boot OS/2. Sectors may now be unmarked to remove the bad sector designation. The Backup Boot Sector function now allows for more comprehensive backup and restore for HPFS volumes by selectively restoring the boot block, super block, and spare blocks in addition to the logical boot record. The HPFS Recovery function has been extensively reworked to provide easier use and additional recovery options, including those instances where the directory structure has been destroyed. The option now exists to recover individual files as well as directories. The Partition Fixup utility has been enhanced to improve recovery even when the new partition does not exactly align with the previous partition. HpfsOpt Utility Optimization algorithms have been rewritten to significantly enhance performance and effectiveness. The user may now perform automatic optimization at specified intervals. Reboot Utility Additional options have been added to shut down Presentation Manager applications and request their settings be saved prior to reboot. Sentry Utility Automatic detection of off-line repartitioning of drives has been added. An option to automatically backup the CONFIG.SYS has been added. The SENTRY.INI has been eliminated and Sentry now uses the standard OS/2.INI files to save information. UnDelete Utility The OS/2 Undelete feature is now supported; customers may now mix and match the two capabilities. Logic has been added to enhance recovery of erased files. SofTouch Systems, Inc. 1300 S. Meridian Ave., Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 Ph. (405) 947-8085 Fax (405) 632-6537 Copyright 1994 SofTouch Systems Inc., GammaTech. is a registered trademark of GammaTech Inc. IBM is aregistered trademark of the IBM Corp. All the names listed herein are proprietary trademarks of their respective corporations