Have you ever been reading something on your computer, seen a web site you want to visit, and then went through a series of steps to copy it and then load it into your browser? Does your mouse cursor always seems to get in your way when you are reading something? Do you wish the LaunchPad was easier to get to? If so, ONG Utilities I is for you! ONG Utilities I is Shareware and will only cost $14.95 to register. The unregistered version is fully functional, except it is limited to an hour per session. ONG Utilities I Features * Ability to load any HTTP, FTP, GOPHER, NEWS, and TELNET address copied into the clipboard into your browser of choice. * Ability to make your mouse cursor disappear after a user set time and re-appear as soon as it is moved. * Ability to bring the LaunchPad to the foreground by moving and holding the mouse cursor in one of four corners of the desktop set by the user. FREE!: All users who register during the beta testing phase will automatically be registered into a drawing to win a free copy of FaxWorks Pro for OS/2 w/PCL 1.3. MANY WAYS TO ORDER: * Online Secure Order Form via BMT Micro * BMT Micro's Online Secure Order Form * BMT Micro's Online Non-Secure Order Form * BMT Micro's Offline Order Form * Download BMT Micro's PGP Key * Call BMT Micro at 1-800-414-4268 * Simply e-mail BMT Micro. Contacting ONG SoftWare Copyright (c) ONG SoftWare 1996-2000. All rights reserved. http://www.ongsw.com/ongutil/ongutilsi.html